How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Accept that you actually do have time to spend on initiatives. You make choices every day how to allocate your time. If process improvement becomes a priority, you will allocate time to it and not to something else. So, the "I don't have time" is really a false choice ... a good way (that is, to do those many simple, repetitive things that tech is good at and can be used to reduce work people should not be doing). in similar circumstances. You need a model. A party that can force its views on the majority. To do well in that party, you must show rigid adherence to the party's ideology. You need an organization that will help screen for adherence and a way to award the faithful. ... teaching. forward decades and the rules has become intertwined with issues such as money transfers between a firm and others (let you mind run free: retirement payments, estate payments, etc.). But the basic notion goes back to professionalism. (e.g. moving from oral history to paper was tech, from quill to pen, from written to typewritten). issue: who pays for Associate X. Since all firm revenues come from clients, the answer is obvious. This is a bit diff than other entities, who raise money from prod/svc sales and from other parties (e.g., banks, private investors). Ultimately, however, ... jurisdictions. Getting them all on one, simple system would be great-and in our current environment nearly impossible. So, we need some system to handle all the citation issues. chips are important, move the needle tasks. a string of pearls. The larger suburban cities lined up along each major trunk of the train routes. Today, the space between the pearls and between lines has been filled in (going way out). So the trains hit the historical pop centers, but not all the fill-in ones ... (up-delegating) adds more work to the most expensive individuals in the firms, takes time away from tasks they are more suited to perform, and adds to stress burdens. It is the anti-thesis of what a well-run biz should do (delegate down). You want to move work ... counter (again, among other things) you need metrics to show that the bias is faulty and how., etc.). We resist thinking holistically b/c of perceived gaps (knowledge, training, skills, tools). Instead, we focus on staying in our lane. shows that the job market will self-correct in a few years. Let's give it a decade. We then have XX individuals who were trained for one job over 6 months, but may not have the skills for other jobs. We also have a cohort who have not been exposed to ...