Learn En-Jp With Idols Profile picture
Translating Deremas texts in English and sometimes telling about Japanese culture. This account is not related with Bandai Namco. 日本語で様々な話題をツイート:@KIBlack1096
Oct 5, 2019 14 tweets 7 min read
Noa:Stars......are never change. The change of the nature of the stars, it never be happened. After the shooting of a movie......
There’s a woman is looking upon the stars......
Producer:Who are you?
Sep 30, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Frederica:Yatta! Nao-chan maid is pretty cute!
Nao:W-w-why is my costume pink and frilly that much!?

Because we love to see you’re being shy. Frederica:If you don’t like it, there’s a little devil costume like we’re wearing now, you see?
Chitose:You wanna be a sexy devil instead of a maid, don’t you?
Nao:U...ugh...I would be a maid.

Yeah, Nao can’t show her b*BEEP*
Sep 30, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Natalia:Hey! Producer, how’s it going? E-he-he, glad to see you! I was waiting for you come to me and I was animado! Natalia:You’re really working hard, Producer! Even today, you had so much hard work for me, right? Me, Natalia know that!
Sep 13, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
I know I have to take a rest but I want tell y’all about this scene.

Noa:......Here you are.
Tokiko:Well, you retired from a cameraman duty, didn’t you?
Noa:Yes I did, but I’m here just to gaze the moon.
Tokiko:I see. Tokiko:That was good enough to satisfy them.
Noa:Awareness of your volunteerism?
Tokiko:How could I am? It’s just a noblesse oblige to cast the pearls to them occasionally. Even if I don’t like that.
Sep 11, 2019 6 tweets 5 min read
“Go for it! Cinderella Road(Case of Tokiko Zaizen)”

Noa:Once upon a time, there was an old man who is called “Bamboo Cutter”. One day, he found an unusual, wonderful thing:a shining bamboo. He cut that bamboo, and what he found is...... Tokiko:......So?
Producer:Our production is planning a full moon night event, and I want you to appear on the play on that......
Tokiko:We play the tale of Lady Kaguya, I’m on the role of her has grown up and Mai Fukuyama plays her childhood. You don’t have to tell me twice.
Sep 3, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Shizuku:Reina-sama is under arrested. Sanae:Yep, I arrested her. ‘Cause she had a trouble at the entrance.
Reina:I have no fault! I just brought my cheering stuff but they claimed that’s dangerous! I was just gonna make some booms to liven up the show!
Aug 2, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Riamu:”I became an idol and somehow they let me wear a swimwear and stand on the overseas stage very soon”...I don’t know what I’m talking about at all! Am I in the dreamland? I’m actually lying in the hospital, am I? Other idols ask me to play together as if it’s usual. Riamu:Off course I ran from their awesomeness! It’s no freaking way! My existence is equal from them? That’s never forgiven, obviously!
Jun 23, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Ellie:She called out to me
In a World we happened to be there
And......things happened? サイネリア「今北デスか!?もっとドラマティックに語れたのに〜!」
Cineria:Just three lines!? That could be more dramatic!
Jun 13, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Cameraman:Cut! Okay, it’s good. Next, we’ll take some close ups of your face from your right side on the isle. Please imagine a groom beside you and make a happy face.
Frederica:A groom beside me......well......let’s imagine about senior handsome girls in our office...... Cameraman:Well, It’s good, but...your eyes are shining too bright. It needs to be more gently. Like you trust your groom from the bottom of your heart!
Frederica:Trust my groom? Okay, Shiki-nyan, make a face of good-looking guy.
Shiki inside Frederica’s head:Gotcha.
May 23, 2019 12 tweets 5 min read
Just like Inuit have so many words mean “snow”, Japanese have so many words means “rain”.
Now it’s fine weather in Tokyo, but 梅雨(つゆ、ばいう) is coming soon.
It means “The rainy season on the plum harvest”.

Maybe you wonder why I’m telling you about 梅雨 on Deremas account. Off course, I have the reason why.
Last year, Mobamas held the rainy season event.
Sae, Mai, Kumiko, Ryo and Noa went Kyoto on rainy season.
Today, I’m gonna translate some scenes and lines from it.
May 19, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
”Just started to write my diary...though I’m not sure that my life has topics plenty enough to write......”
Fumika:Oh, the bookmark!

栞(しおり shiori):bookmark Shiori:Huh......?
Fumika:U-um...w,why!? Why are you here......?
Marina:’Cause this place is nearby the office. But I didn’t know you’re a friend of her, by the way.
Shiori:Um...we’re supposed to be......?