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Creative Producer + Writer on @deadstaticdrive. “Like Mae West with a head injury”. Author 'Game Changers' (Affirm Press). ✉️ leena@reuben.games ✉️
May 8, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Running out of Succession eps for my prediction about Connor’s mum also being Marianne’s Mum to come true. Maybe it’s a little too GoT for what they’re going for, but the drip feeding of info is ramping up and i feel like it’s going somewhere

Ewan’s gotta be in this one surely Other predictions I can’t make cohesive without literally taking the morning off:

- marcia will twist the knife further into kerry, kerry will take her anger out on greg
- gerri will break roman
- ewan gives his shares to greg
- greg has power over tom now, goes apeshit w/ it
May 6, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Jan 21, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
It’s rarely done well because most people making these choices don’t understand graffiti beyond a vandalism or grievance-airing lens. They use it to signify a breakdown of the social order instead of a way to reclaim space and make the walls “whisper, shout, and sing” (Dogancay) Doing so taps into a very American concern for property, an uncritical appreciation of the laws that protect your stuff from the hoards of boogeymen waiting in the wings to reclaim everything you own; a dog whistle to a distinct type of hyper-individualistic anxiety.