L E F T, PhD ⚫️ Profile picture
PhD | Professor | Writer | Hip Hop Scholar | Of. The. People | Hoop-Court-Shit-Talker | Ginger Beer Connoisseur | Views Are My Own
Mar 23, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
“Who the biggest terrorist
Who change the bible
Who killed the most people
Who do the most evil
Who don't worry about survival
Who have the colonies
Who stole the most land
Who rule the world
Who say they good but only do evil
Who the biggest executioner
Who? Who? Who?” “Who overthrew Nkrumah, Bishop, Who poison Robeson, who try to put DuBois in Jail
Who frame Rap Jamil al Amin, Who frame the Rosenbergs, Garvey,
The Scottsboro Boys, The Hollywood Ten…”
Apr 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
2 days ago ESPN produced a segment called ‘Caitlin Clark: Queen of Clap Backs 👑’. The focus; her clapping, “You’re down 15 points. Shut up,” and of course the “you can’t see me” hand wave.

Her “trash talk” was embraced and celebrated. It wasn’t stigmatized and pathologized. Let’s be very clear, I’m here for talkin’ shit on the hoop court, in the immortal words of Chazz Michael Michaels, “It’s provocative. It gets the people going.” So this really isn’t about Clark. It’s about people who hypocritically have double standards highly predicted on race.
Feb 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the most carceral ass Safeway I’ve ever been in. Bars everywhere, multiple security guards, you have to scan your receipt for the gate to open in order to exit, and if you don’t buy anything an employee has to open the gate to let you out. Keep in mind, this is in an “expensive” neighborhood. I can only imagine how grimy it’s about to when they bring the Safeway Prison Program to “the hood.”
Jan 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The lost art of the tv show theme song. Think about it, in 1972 Donny Hathaway sang the theme song to ‘Maude.’ Donny Hathaway.

On another note, ‘Good Times’ (another show with a classic theme song) is a spin-off of ‘Maude.’ This show is where we meet James and Florida Evens. Like I said, the theme song to ‘Good Times’ was an absolute classic.
Oct 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
People think that white supremacism is exclusively couched in a person (Trump) or a group of people (Proud Boys). They think that November 3rd is the battle to end white supremacism. Those people don’t understand white supremacism and they don’t understand America. White supremacism is the blood of capitalism, militarism, and American imperialism. It is the air filling the lungs of that this Union upholds, fights for, and oppresses us under until we can’t breathe.
Sep 5, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
So I was driving down the street... Image While driving, I noticed a train of cars with giant American flags, misquoted MLK posters, and, “No on Prop 16,” all over the cars.

If approved by by voters , Prop. 16 would reinstate Af­fir­mative Action in California.

Plot twist...Everyone in the cars were Asian-American.
Aug 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
What’s the WORST movie you have ever seen? I’m reading y’all’s answers...I know I got y’all beat on this one😂.
Jul 26, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
What comes next? Image I was going through one of these test with my 4-year-old (we do these every night before bedtime). He figured it out after we had a little talk about it. I was legit impressed.
May 30, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
One thing that I appreciate about this speech by Killer Mike is, agree or disagree with his standpoint, he seems to have a grasp on his local history, and he had a plan, and for him, it starts with local voting politics.
I would love to hear some of those who speak on Black folks and freedom in Atlanta speak on political prisoner Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (formerly known as H. Rap Brown).
May 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
When people think of New York, they think of busy subways, tall buildings, and “diverse” ethnics groups. That’s New York CITY. The thing is...New York is also a STATE. These folks live in the state of New York too.
This may look like the South to many of you, but these are women of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s march through Binghamton, N.Y., holding American flags. Image
Feb 26, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
This is Orlando Police Officer Dennis Turner. He arrested TWO 6-year-old Black children (one boy, one girl) while at school...ON THE SAME DAY.

Due to attention largely generated on social media, Turner, who was with the Orlando Police Department for 23 years has been fired. Dennis Turner, the cop that arrested the two Black 6-year-olds had to be called by an adult. Whom ever that adult was, they were working for Lucious and Emma Nixon Academy.

They called the police on children who look EXACTLY like the kids they advertise smiling and looking safe.