How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App was happy to back the party, but I do have a number of criticisms of the BC NDP. Generally though, my critiques relate to how the NDP’s become too beholden to the MANGO class (media, academia, NGOs), ie people like Torrance, at the expense of the industrial working class. anything, it’s the other way round: the nuclear industry until recently has largely been scared of its own tail, more focussed on decommissioning and had grimly accepted what it thought was a society-wide consensus that nuclear was a dead end. of my favourite historical episodes is the Franklin Expedition and the (re)discovery of the location of the lost ships the Terror and the Erebus. It’s a story at the crossroads of exploration, science, colonialism, racism, and capitalism… mentions coal plants may need to be restarted. This is plainly grim for climate targets. unpick the problem, personal responsibility environmentalism would have to roll back 3/4 of a century of broadly social democratic advance. (Source: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme… )