Lennert van den Boom-Stoop Profile picture
Industrial Design Engineer, ir./MSc, FS Alumni (Forze Hydrogen Racing Delft, DUT Racing) Motorsport Enthusiast. Eastern Europe and Central Asia enthusiast.
Dec 19, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
Nazi's were not left wing and not socialist a 🧵

The NSDAP was seated on the far right side of the Reichstag, next to the national conservatives (DNVP) and conservatives (BVP). Communists (KPD) were seated on the far left next to the socialists (SPD) and social democrats (DDP) In the 20s and early 30s there were more economically left leaning (still Völkisch nationalists) in the party like the Strasser fraction. But these were outed in the late 20s, and the last were liquidated in the Night of te Long Knives in 1934.

Nov 29, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
Nazis waren niet links en geen socialisten.

De NSDAP zat uiters rechts in het parlement, naast de nationaal conservatieven (DNVP) en conservatieven (BVP). De communisten (KPD) zaten uiters links naast de socialisten (SPD) en sociaal democraten (DDP).
Er waren in de jaren 20 begin 30 wel wat partijleden die economisch wat meer links waren, de Strasser fractie (maar nog steeds Völkisch nationalistisch). Deze zijn echter de partij uitgewerkt of geliquideerd tijdens de Nacht van de Lange messen in 1934.
