Christian A. Rivera Profile picture
Fan of nonsense and delight. I talk wrestling, design, video games, psychology and spirituality. Have created multimedia for 20+ years. Mental wellness coach.
Jul 6, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
I'm not credentialed but I have decades of experience exploring my own mental health.

The extremes of advice frustrate me.

No you can't just go for a run and fix it. And no, trauma bonding circle jerks don't do it either. If you fundamentally believe you're broken, that's what needs to change.

You can't repress, dissociate, blame, shame, or guilt your way into acceptance.

Jumping to pathologies reinforces the broken belief.

The closest to a magic bullet is accepting you as human, imperfect.
Dec 30, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
It seems young men keep looking for or resonating with mentors who are also angry at women.

I assume it's an entitlement to women's attention that doesn't handle rejection well.

It's a dangerous dependency on women for a sense of self-worth, if not earned then conquered. I relate to this anger and repression, mostly because I personally put women on a pedestal which did a number on my insecurity. To circumvent that I leaned into manipulation to conquer women, not authentically relate to them.
Jan 10, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I recently made a video and spoke about Ti validation, which essentially means confirming that the thought process we're having makes sense.

But what is "making sense?"

Let's go down a conspiracy rabbit hole, shall we?... When I think of "sense" I think of sensations. We all experience them such as sound, sight, touch, taste, balance, time, etc.

Extraverted Sensors (Se) tend to have more immediate access to sense. It's the most obvious example of something we all experience some degree of.
Jul 20, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
The 4-blue individual argues consistently for their place and what got them into society until they develop the skills to stand out on their own.

The shared moral code is what makes this person feel safe to join society. There are others like me that do things like this. Until then, they're at the whim of or moral objections by those who sign the checks...hence the fear and frustration of those with money.

As far as the 4-blue person is concerned, the person with the money is the barrier to opportunity and advancement.

They hold the power.
Jul 18, 2021 26 tweets 5 min read
I've been thinking so much about stories and myth.

We interpret so much of our reality through myth and our imaginations guide so much of our reality.

Spiral Dynamics can be used to illustrate this so well. 1-Biege is an open canvas ready to receive whatever story is to come.

Babies' minds are ready to receive language teachings, completely dependant on the immediate environment and no sense of what's coming. A blank page of new life.
Jul 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I suspect the Prime Directive in Star Trek is a Graves 8 idea.

At 7, you have the awareness and ability to influence civilizations and eco-systems.

Even though 7s don't operate on ego, it's still singular discernment.

8 creates collective discernment for larger societal moves. 8 is a collective of 7s all capable of systems moves and together can make decisions that influence the trajectory or a country or continent...socially, economically, and even spiritually.
Jul 12, 2021 26 tweets 5 min read
It's a bit hard to explain a non-attachment to a political or religious identity. That seems to be foreign as a paradigm.

I grew up atheist which was more DEtached from religion but was, in itself, a mode of moral tempering.

So, still tethered to religion relatively. I fought with a lot of people online about religion versus science, which at the time felt oppositional. In my personal life it was incredibly lonely.

I felt enveloped by religious belief, people trying to convert me and rampant moral inconsistencies.

So, my place was online.
Dec 25, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
I've thought a lot this year about supporting family and friends in their intense development difficulties.

A thing that comes with personal growth is that you begin to see what others need and perhaps start to feel like you want to fix them.

Truth is, you can't or shouldn't. In coaching, I support people who are at a certain point and actively trying to grow.

In many cases, the person you're trying to "save" is not looking to be saved.

They've identified with their suffering or see you as too close to them and see you as a threat unconsciously.
Sep 6, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
You can't explain away or emotionally manipulate worldview.

Worldview is worldview.

It's unwavering and unconscious.

If a worldview works for someone then why would anyone change? More doing, less talking and convincing.

Embody your values in your life through personal demonstration.

Embody meaning inner self-growth as opposed to external blame.

Even this is a presentation of my worldview. Can't escape it.

You're going to leave a lot of people behind.
Sep 3, 2020 23 tweets 4 min read
I focus on INTP growth because many are being left behind and assuming or behaving as if they're broken, worthless, "absent-minded professors" incapable closing browser tabs. I believe INTPs have the opportunity to influence what we see as genuinely good, beautiful and truthful.

This is especially so in a world that doesn't know how to honor truth in its search for opinions to express.
Jul 2, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
I've always struggled with the disparity of mentality work ethic versus mental health limits.

Meaning, I always feel I can push myself harder then I end up paying for it. The disparity creates internal tension and self-judgment of my own willpower.

I've had to make adjustments. The healthiest thing that I've been able to do for myself is separate out that self-judgment. To watch myself have a mental health episode but not judge myself for my experience. I approach my episodes with "Aw, OK. This is what we're experiencing." versus "Ugh not again."
Jun 30, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
I had an ADHD episode yesterday and am feeling particularly vulnerable about it. Just a depleted mess. I realized I'm overwhelmed by time-based struggles already as an INTP but throw in prioritizing, overwhelm and a need to focus singularly and its a storm of dopamine depletion. I can function quite well if I can freely bounce between projects or satisfy my whims. Once I have to push through prioritized specific projects it's like I'm put in a vice and drained of any good feeling. When I prioritize it opens up planning which is a hot mess too.
Jun 27, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
If I were to develop a design channel it would be more holistic than technical.

Philosophies around color, shape, layout, perception, scale, feeling, weight...

Design can be too technical. I never resonated with that aspect. I never cared about fonts, grids, perfects lines, etc. I just don't geek out about those little details. I love the overall holistic feeling, vibe and effectiveness of a design. I love that I can communicate an idea using art. I love that I can capture an essence in a logo.
Jun 21, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
I lost a lot of friends 4 years ago by being a snarky elitist asshole about politics. I fought with everyone and defended it with vigor. I realized that happened because I felt helpless to do anything meaningful. I had my own conflicts to resolve. I see many working through that. I've been taking time to analyze my own past behavior and understand what's happening in the world now that I feel less dependant to an ideology for a sense of purpose and community. Spiral Dynamics, the Drama Triangle and Empowerment Dynamic have been helpful in that.
Jun 9, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
I'm learning, for myself, that I can still stand for something that's important without making it about allegiance or having to follow a social ruleset like a religious belief. I can encourage empowerment, mental health support, and emotional regulation on my terms. And do so without belittling, being hateful, dramatic, reckless, damaging to my health, or destroy Interpersonal relationships.