Lexi 🐲- free Palestine / comms open (5/?) Profile picture
25 • (she/her) MXTX and other stories • ❌reposting please • love all dynamics (let ppl have fun during sexy times pls) // lexi-noodlearts on tumblr
Oct 2, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
modern wangxian AU where uni student WWX goes to Brazil for a semester aboard

he has fun, goes on many cool adventures with his new friends and pots /a lot/ of pictures on his IG

childhood friend LZ who definitelly doesn't have a crush on him is not jealous at all

🧍 who is he trying to fool ofc he's jealous

WY has always been a charming and friendly guy but now it seems like all his new friends are also charming and friendly😩

LZ suffers from 15 thousand km away
Nov 6, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Day 5, A/B/0 au
yes I'm late and tired and this is all I could do, sorry in advance

- Come on Love I know you can take it - Wei Ying coaxes. His words so soft they sound like velvet.

- No, I - a breathless gasp - I really can’t. Lan Zhan feels the sweat running down his forehead.

- Yes you can baby, we’ve practiced so hard for this. I know you can do it - One of his husband’s hands slides down his hip and reaches his inner thigh, pulling it open until it touches the bed in a way that leaves Lan Zhan
Nov 3, 2022 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Day 3 came and this is all I have
Theme: non human


- Lan Zhaaaaan please baby come out - Wei Ying tries. It seems like his friend is in a mood for some reason and has been “hiding” under the couch for almost an hour now. "Hiding" because the only thing not visible is his head. Body so fat he can’t squeeze into the narrow gap anymore.

Back when they met around 3 years ago Lan Zhan was very slim, but since moving in with Wei Ying and being subjected to his friend’s awesome cooking
Nov 2, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
For day 2 of the #topxianbottomjiweek the theme is Modern AU and the word is Lake:


Lan Zhan?- the question comes from above - are you awake?

He is. Barely.

Forcing his eyes open against the glare of the sun, Lan Zhan lets out a little sleepy sound as an answer. He’s greeted by the oblong shape of his boyfriend’s head, features impossible to distinguish in the shadows.

He raises his hands and moves Wei Ying’s head a little bit to the right, so he’s blocking the midday sun.

Now I can see you - he smiles a little - hi.
Nov 1, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Today is day 1 of the #topxianbottomjiweek and I have a little thread fic ready for you guys~

Theme: Canonverse
Word: Honesty

Wei Ying? - a quiet voice rings through the room.

They were spending the night at a small town’s inn, it was way past Lan Zhan's usual bedtime and tiredness was noticeable in his voice.

Partially submerged in the tub, there was no dressing screen separating him from his husband’s loving gaze. The flicking lights of the candles casting beautiful dancing shadows on his naked marred back.

From his place lounging in the bed
May 28, 2022 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
What if cr era lwj is hit by a curse that makes all his emotions visible in the form of plants or smth

He's wearing his regular bitch face but all around him flowers are blooming because wy laughed

Or when su she tries to talk to him rose vines start sprouting from the ground I think it would be neat if something made people see how he's definitely not a cold hearted jade statue man