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Illusion Warfare Correspondent
SkyePuppy Profile picture ❌BigMamaTEA❌ Profile picture Heavenly 🔶 Deva Profile picture Lee Rogers Profile picture Transcon Profile picture 40 subscribed
Jul 19 5 tweets 1 min read

Delay flights and public transportation so you EXPERIENCE disruption for REAL.

Switch off Card Payments for good and services so you EXPERIENCE the inconvenience for REAL. But the Cyber/IT infrastructure around the Cash Machine still works fine.

-Which is right next door to the Coffee Shop which isn’t accepting Card. Hmmm, interesting, lol.

They want you to LIVE ACTION ROLE PLAY the Cyber Attack by QUEUEING up at the cash point.
Jun 6 16 tweets 5 min read
Illusion Warfare Report #10

6am, the 6th day of the 6th month… the Allied invasion of Europe began.

But was it really like the opening scene from ‘Saving Private Ryan’? 🎬

Lets take a deeper look. Image After living through 9/11. The Scamdemic, Ukraine, Gaza, etc… we know they lie about death and death numbers.

-We are well within our rights to look back at any WORLD STAGE EVENT and ask questions…

Was it actual death or the illusion of death? Image
Apr 9 38 tweets 12 min read
Illusion Warfare Report #9:

The (alleged) ‘Large Hadron Collider’ is (allegedly) being fired up in conjunction with the Great North American Solar Eclipse 8/4/2024.

Let’s go to Geneva🇨🇭and look for the invisible (wink wink) GHOST PARTICLES. Image CERN has been on the hit list for a while.

With the current insanity and hysteria occurring amongst the Normies & Troofers, now is the ideal time to investigate.

(arrive on the 5th of April, 2024)
Mar 24 5 tweets 2 min read
Origins of THEATRE?

(Allegedly) Cavemen would paint the ‘Successful Hunt’ upon the cave wall.

Focus on it, visualise this happening.

I assume they’d THEATRICALLY perform the great hunt also…

Yes as entertainment but also as a ritual to manifest this into a physical reality. Image Ancient Greece.

The Greeks valued the power of the spoken word.

THEATRE, greatly used as method of communication and storytelling.
(And manifest a reality IMO)

"To Greeks the spoken word was a living thing and infinitely preferable to the dead symbols of a written language." Image
Nov 27, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
🎭Big Drama In Little Dublin🇮🇪

Let’s head over to the EMERALD isles to pull back the curtains and peek behind the SCENES🎬of ‘Civil Unrest’ in Ireland.

-Genuine event? Or engineered and manipulated WORLD STAGE OP(ERA) ? Image Context for any time travellers finding this thread in the future (or past)

23/11/23 (allegedly) an incident occurs triggering riots and protests on the streets of Dublin.

-The alt/main media floods the internet with TikTok videos implying “Ireland is at war”.
Nov 23, 2023 37 tweets 13 min read
Cracks in Reality.

Is the EVACUATION of GRINDAVIK🇮🇸truly necessary?

Or is this CRACK IN THE ROAD nothing but HOT AIR?

With an alleged Volcanic🌋Eruption looming I head over to the land of Fire and Ice to investigate the latest DISASTER FILM SET🎭🎬🎥 Image Some background context for anyone outside of Northern Europe

-The mainstream media/Icelandic Government executed a fear and terror propaganda campaign after CRACKS appeared in the small fishing town of Grindavik.

A State of Emergency was declared and 3,800 residents evacuated.
Oct 22, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read

The Journey into GAZA-CITY.
(A fictional thread) For my next trick, I myself will now create the ILLUSION OF WAR using my own footage, all filmed by me with my own equipment.

To reveal how easy it is.

Enjoy the 4D fully immersive….

Aug 8, 2023 22 tweets 8 min read
Bibby Stockholm Syndrome.

Power of the PROP🚢 & Film Set Location🎥.

I head to Portland, Dorset🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and show that the MIGRANT BARGE is simply a floating PROP THEATRICALLY docked at an inaccessible location (FILM-SET).

Used to manufacture social unrest. Image The Journey begins.

I drive down to the south coast.

This will be a very quick report, it’s so obviously an ILLUSION-Op it’s almost embarrassing to even go.
Jul 28, 2023 60 tweets 28 min read
Illusion Warfare Report 5:
🇬🇷Rhodes on Fire🔥.

Join me as I head to 🇬🇷RHODES a fews days after the ‘Largest Evacuation in Greek History’…

-Genuine catastrophe with a reasonable response?


-Engineered Live Action ILLUSION-OP to further push the phoney CLIMATE CRISIS agenda? Image “Thousands flee DISASTER FILM wildfires”🎥 🎭😉

Although there are many Greek territories with alleged Wild Fires…

RHODES had the most ridiculous and outrageous claims with a colossal blitzkrieg propaganda campaign behind it.

Events described as ‘Biblical’… I had to go.

Jul 2, 2023 35 tweets 20 min read
Behind The Magic in Marseille🇫🇷.

Let’s head over to Frances’s 2nd City and see what we can see…

Is what we are being show on the Tell-A-Vision an honest and accurate portrayal of what is actually happening? Image When I saw Hollywood-esk videos of Armoured Vehicles smashing though burning cars and rioters firing Ak-47s into the sky… it was a call to action, I had to go.

From my observations, Marseille had the most outrageous claims.
(Plus I’ve already done Paris a few months back).…

Mar 24, 2023 31 tweets 14 min read
Illusion Warfare Report 3:
🇫🇷Vive Le L.A.R.P🇫🇷

Are the streets of Paris really 🔥ablaze with Riots and Protest?

-Join me as I take a quick trip over to the French capital to ‘sneak a peak’ behind the curtains of another MANUFACTURED & ENGINEERED WORLD STAGE EVENT. Image I arrive 10am.

Feb 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
SCAMDEMIC Texas 2 Step.

Using an ILLUSIONARY VIRUS, and REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY, many SOCIAL ENGINEERING objectives were achieved… Successful fooling the masses into Texas Two-Stepping themselves deeper into the control grid under the delusion they are fighting for freedom. Image Jobs.

Most jobs are fake, pointless and meaningless.. created to keep the masses busy.

The discussion of eliminating all pointless work should of happened by now.

The lockdowns (and illusionary virus) made the masses beg for their fake jobs to return. Image
Feb 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Illusion Warfare?

The Illusion:
Fly a balloon around the USA with the media claiming it’s Chinese Spy Tech.

The Belief:
The masses see the Balloon therefor believe the Media.

The Manifest:
The easily fooled partake in an online crusade testifying the China Spy Tech is real. Remember, the purpose of the Illusion is to manifest a real Human Response.

The response leads to participation and consent of an illusion.

All they’ve done is put a balloon in visible sight, its the masses with there TikTok’ing that will freely spread and disseminate on cue.
Jan 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Operation Fortitude North (WW2)

-Physical Deception

Around 350 men would spend all day frantically driving trucks up and down Scotland unloading empty boxes next to dummy tanks and artillery guns creating the illusion a 100K force was preparing to invade Norway. Image Radio Deception.

-750 Radio operators would send out endless volleys of morse code and flood the wireless networks with false information and fictional communications between the 4 division of the imagery 100k none existent 4th Army. Image
Jan 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Body Doubles & Double Bluffs.

Q. Can you spot the ‘real’ Saddam Hussein?

A. No, There is no real Saddam Hussein. There are multiple reasons for these fictional world stage characters to have multiple actors playing the role.

Think how many military personnel working in the CIA wasted years analysing images of Saddam trying to work out where is the real one and who if the fake one.
Nov 11, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
The TikTok War.

13,000 of the most viewed TikTok videos showing ‘War in Ukraine’ were fake using the exact same audio overlay of Gunfire attached to either old footage, training footage, video game footage etc

-The MainStream Media quietly admits this. Image Red flags.

2/2/2022 (33rd Day of the year) a blitzkrieg of propaganda is pushed by the mainstream media.

David H. Petraeus (The go-to clown expert on ‘How to continuously lose a war’) is appearing on news outlets inserting the idea: the Ukraine war will be a ‘TikTok War’.…
May 18, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
Thank you so so much!! @Kelly_Nay_Kay just supported @LezLuTHOR on @buymeacoffee! 🎉

@LezLuTHOR is creating problems for the matrix. You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here —… I'm so thankful!!

Someone just supported @LezLuTHOR on @buymeacoffee! 🎉

@LezLuTHOR is creating problems for the matrix. You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here —…
May 16, 2022 20 tweets 8 min read
Illusion Warfare Report 2:
Raiders Of The Lost LARP.

Join me again as I put on my spiritual Flak Jacket and QUANTUM LEAP back towards the future in a race to save ODESSA🇺🇦 from a false flag attack.

REMEMBER! No harm/hoax can take place when a ‘REAL ONE’ walks within the dream. Image The journey begins (7th)

Why now? You can’t afford it! Nothing is going on…

-With so many 7’s being presented from the Gods, this was a clear sign i must go. Protection and safe passage would be open for a NIGHTMARE DETECTIVE to investigate the Hollywood movie set Ukraine.
Mar 20, 2022 21 tweets 9 min read
Illusion warfare.

- Inflatable tanks. Image Illusion Warfare

A fake Japanese anti-aircraft cannon that is constructed out of wood. Image
Mar 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Hard to answer in one tweet! The purpose of the illusion is to create a real human response... But! The city of London cabal will never have actual blood on there hands, but the poor fools that fell for the illusion and then goes and kills another human will!!

Make sense? When judgement comes the dark magicians soul will be fine.... All he did was show CGI, deep fakes etc and made it very clear it was an illusion! he was honest.

The poor fool who fell for the illusion and then went and committed murder will be punished by the universe.

Get it?
Mar 13, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
Illusion War : Ukraine

Behind the scenes of me being behind the scenes.

This is just footage that didn’t make the main thread (apologise if it’s repeated stuff)

None of this will be in order of date.

Never forget what the media claimed about Kyiv👇 Kyiv is a great place simple as that.