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American Novelist In Korea - Liana Brooks On All Social Media Not Currently Using This Platform
Nov 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1) Yes, there is very much a ethnic demographic at play.
2) Red states are red almost always because voting there is hard. It's gerrymandered. It has disability-unfriendly laws.

It's not just one thing. This is not a one-problem-one-solution issue. Voting is, and always has been, a multi-factor problem.
Getting people to the polls and getting them to vote are not unrelated issues and you can't talk about them like they are.
Nov 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The school has invited kids to come dressed as part of their culture, which is weird on a lot of levels.
I get where they're going, but our family is very culturally mixed (like lots of Americans) and I'm not sure what we're supposed to do with that. I was raised primarily by my mother and grandmother, which means I learned what my grandmother knew of Roma culture. But what she knew was as a childhood survivor of the Holocaust and adapted for survival in hostile countries.
Nov 9, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
Western Colorado is very rural and traditionally very Republican. To see any of those counties go to Democrats is a good sign. Younger voters are overwhelmingly rejecting the Republican talking points. I think, if you narrowed down variables, the single largest factor at play might be internet access. Access to information is key to change.
Nov 9, 2022 8 tweets 1 min read
Quick Generations Guide:
Greatest Generation: 1901–1924
The Silent : 1928–1945
Baby Boomers: 1946–1964
Generation X: 1965–1980.
Millennial : 1981–1996.
Generation Z: 1997–2008/2010
Alpha Gen: 2008/10 - 2018
COVID GEN: 2019+ Generations Age Range:

Greatest Generation: 121–98
The Silent : 97–77
Baby Boomers: 76–58
Generation X: 57–42
Millennial : 41–26
Generation Z: 25–12/14
Alpha Gen: 11/13 - 4
COVID GEN: under age 4
May 18, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
Anti-abortion laws are not pro-choice or pro-child. They don't protect lives. If you wanted laws to protect unborn children you'd make healthcare free for at least every pregnant person, and provide the family with money specifically for the baby for the first five years. If you were really pro-life you'd provide free birthing and parenting centers, free childcare, free postpartum care, and free clothes and diapers for infants. That would allow for healthy pregnancies and safe births.
May 17, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Twitter updated this morning and that's just a cruel thing to do to me on a Monday. I don't want more buttons to push. I want tweets in order, spellcheck, and no Nazis.
Not thise "spaces" nonsense. Why is this here? Why are we wasting space reminding me who I talk to? Image
May 15, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Woohoo! I passed the Korean 1 course on Memrise and now I'm on the second course!

Less woohoo... it reset my day count. :( It's okay because I practice Spanish on Duolingo every day too and that also has a counter.
Feb 15, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
If you decide to take a life partner pick someone who makes you happy to talk about mundane things like what your priorities are for house repair and your 5-year life plan. Five Year Plans aren't sexy, but you need someone you can talk about a future with and who will support your goals.
Feb 13, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
How man literary easter eggs can I fit into a piece of fluffy romcom fiction?

*stuffs in snippets of poems, TV shows, contemporary books, multiple Twilight references, and some vegetable puns for fun* In one chapter I manage to reference Peaky Blinders, Christina Rossetti, and The Marvelous Miss Maisel so... 😈
Feb 12, 2021 8 tweets 1 min read
Lunch and palm readings because I was looking up palmistry for a book. The kids saw and wanted palm readings. Personally I don't think the palm reading is the most accurate gauge. My preferred method is to ask people about a walk in the woods.
Jan 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Quote tweet this with the first time you saw yourself represented in media

[ERROR 404 - PAGE NOT FOUND] I have a lot of intersections and I don't think I've ever seen any of them overlap. I've never seen a character like me outside of my own work.
Jan 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Getting 50 reviews on Amazon is a really big deal and can really boost a book. I've you've ever picked up one of my books, could you take a minute to leave a review?

I would love that.

Thank you.

<3 Image The way Amazon works is any review over 50 makes the marketing bots pay attention. Authors need 50 reviews to get any marketing help from Amazon recommendations. Good reviews, bad reviews, it doesn't matter. Amazon just wants to see fifty of them.
Jan 22, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
You know, this is probably meant as a compliment, but it's an abdication of responsibility. It reinforces the message of Toxic Masculinity that men are incapable of being anything other than overgrown children.

I don't agree with it. Adult Menfolk... you are adults.

You are responsible for your own feelings, your own actions, your own growth, your own choices.

Grow the **** up and stop expecting everyone around you to pick up your mess.
Jun 20, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
I cannot stress this enough:


#LianaEdits "My books hard to describe," the MFA student said. "It's not like anything else out there. It's [one of the most common plot lines in space opera]."

Me... and the problem is?

MFA: I have no comp titles and don't know how to market it?

Me... do you read SF?

MFA: I read Asimov.
Mar 14, 2020 43 tweets 14 min read
Some of you have never lived through hurricane season and it shows. Let's have a little chat about surviving disasters, city curfews, and lock downs like this... I'm seeing a lot of worry and - hey! guess what? - I used to teach emergency preparedness at the county level!

Dec 11, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
There's a whole conversation about art, hope, and politics, but at the end of the day I think we need to create because it is proof we believe we can make the world a better place. And we need to believe that. It's not enough to call and vote.
We need to believe the world can be saved. That we can save our environment, that we can save democracy, that we can repair the damage done to the world by hatred and greed.
Jul 15, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
You know what I'd like to see?
Middle-grade and YA that doesn't denigrate and insult traditionally feminine endeavors and practices. Things like sewing, embroidery, cooking... those are essential survival skills and beautiful art.
Why are we teaching people they are worthless? Thinking back on the books I read, almost every teenage heroine was sick of sewing and embroidery, she wanted battle and violence.
This was universally praised as the right decision.
May 31, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
There is no way this can end poorly for me. I think Disney is a legit monopoly and threat in many ways, and so is the GOP. I am fine with them having a war of mutually assured destruction.

*tucks Netflix behind me and lets Disney battle GOP*

Have fun! Disney is dangerous because of the political influence they have and how they've managed to monopolize our entertainment and control copyright law. Even if the current incarnation of Disney is good it doesn't mean it is safe for anyone for them to retain that power.
Dec 21, 2018 14 tweets 6 min read
Okay, @CNBC, you have no one fact checking on your editorial staff so I'm going to do you a solid and edit for you.

Let's start with the income... $100,000 - That's an hourly income of $50/hr, 40 hours per week, for 50 weeks of the year. You can earn $50/hr, @cnbc, but you need ten years experience. A 25yo will not have that. So they'll get minimum wage.
We'll pretend this person is in Seattle where minimum wage is $15/hr.
They earn $30,000 per year.