Liew Chin Tong Profile picture
Anak Malaysia. Reformer. 🇲🇾 Deputy Minister of MITI | MP for Iskandar Puteri | DAP Deputy Sec-Gen | This account is managed by my staff.
Aug 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
After losing to Biden in Nov 2020, Trump refused to concede and he preached to the Trump echo chamber that his victory was stolen from him.

He riled up his supporters and eventually, on 6 Jan 2021, they attacked the Capitol.

Is Najib trying to follow suit? After both his request to postpone the hearing and to admit new evidence were rejected, Najib has now turned to Trump's playbook.

He is signaling to his hardcore supporters that the court is victimizing him and denying him justice in a conspiracy of the highest level.
Aug 10, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1. CEO LTAT Nazim Rahman kata hull LCS sudah dibina, boleh nampak dari jauh.

Aspek reka bentuk yang paling penting.

Apa gunanya ada rangka/badan kapal yang besar tanpa pendawaian, senjata dan peralatan?

Detailed design yang patut siap Nov 2016 hanya siap ~80% sekarang 2. Kapal sebesar LCS mempunyai sistem pendawaian & paip yang panjang sekurang2nya 300km.

Di mana paip dipasang, di mana pendawaian disambung, dan banyak lagi butiran yang perlu ditentukan dan dibina.

Selepas itu, baru kira siap.
Mar 29, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
When the founder first approached me to produce a piece about @limkitsiang to be turned into an artwork for the now - @TheatreImpian, I was intrigued by the idea. (1/4) It is a fitting tribute to Kit Siang, a man whose life has been so intertwined with the party he founded and the nation he dedicated his life to serving. (2/4)
Mar 21, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
[Mengimbas Kembali Peristiwa Langkah Sheraton]
Saya tertarik dgn satu pandangan revisionis Langkah Sheraton, kononnya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dijemput sertai rampasan kuasa bg membentuk kerajaan Melayu, tapi beliau menolak tawaran itu kerana syaratnya DAP perlu ditolak (1/14) Mungkin pandangan tersebut bertujuan untuk memberi ingatan kepada pimpinan DAP supaya bersyukur dan tidak mempersoalkan tindakan Datuk Seri Anwar berunding dengan Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi dan Datuk Seri Najib Razak dari Umno. (2/14)
Mar 21, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
[Revisiting Events of Sheraton Coup]

Yesterday, I was intrigued by a revisionist take on the Sheraton coup, which posited that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was approached to join the coup to form a Malay-only gov but rejected the offer as the condition was to exclude DAP. (1/13) Perhaps it was meant to remind some DAP leaders to be “grateful” and not to question Datuk Seri Anwar for negotiating with UMNO’s Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi and Datuk Seri Najib Razak. (2/13)
Mar 19, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read

[Berkenaan Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia di Singapura]

Pakatan Harapan memandang serius situasi yang dialami rakyat Malaysia yang terpaksa berbaris panjang dan lama di luar Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia di Singapura. (1/7) Dugaan yang dihadapi rakyat kita dalam mencari rezeki di luar tanah air sendiri kerana ekonomi negara tidak mampu menawarkan bayaran yang lebih tinggi sangat menyayat hati. (2/7)
Mar 19, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Seeing photos of the long lines formed outside the Malaysian High Commission in Singapore pains me.
It is saddening to see the suffering of fellow Malaysians who are just trying to make ends meet by working in Singapore. (1/6)… They are our fellow citizens who had to seek employment overseas because the Malaysian economy doesn't offer decent jobs with decent pay.
Our economy has failed Malaysians. (2/6)
Mar 19, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Establishment of DAP Johor legal team led by Pang Hok Liong, MP for Labis.

The harsh reality of the rakyat being unfairly slapped with compounds of RM10,000 effective 11.3.2021 “breaching” SOP has set in as many receive such compounds issued by enforcers in a state of shock. Image Many complain that the compounds were issued on unjustified and flimsy grounds.Even a 17 years old girl was not spared from being issued a RM10,000 compound, adding another name to the list of victims.
Mar 19, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Penubuhan pesukan peguam DAP Johor yang diketuai oleh Ahli Parlimen Labis, Pang Hok Liong.

Ramai rakyat biasa telah dikenakan kompaun secara tidak adil, malah ada yang diberi saman di atas sebab-sebab yang tidak munasabah. (1/6) Image DAP tidak setuju dengan kenaikan kompaun sebegini terutamanya semasa rakyat menderita akibat kemelesetan ekonomi dan penularan wabak Covid-19. (2/6)
Mar 3, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
THREAD | Why I’m still an optimist after a year of Sheraton coup

Before I delve deeper into this, we must first answer the question: was the 2018 win a fluke or an outcome of our electoral structure? (1/16) Of the 165 seats in the Peninsula, the grand opposition won 55 seats in 3 consecutive elections ('08,'13,'18). 10 more seats were won consecutively for 2 terms ('13,'18). If a general election is called today, these 65 seats would likely be secured by the grand opposition. (2/16)
Mar 3, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Saya berharap rakyat Malaysia dapat melihat bagaimana sikap kerajaan PN yang bekeras tidak mahu mengadakan persidangan Parlimen atas alasan yang begitu lemah, bertentangan dengan kehendak Istana (1/5)… Ia dengan jelas menunjukkan kerajaan Muhyiddin Yassin sebenarnya goyah dan tidak mempunyai cukup bilangan di Dewan Rakyat.(2/5)
Mar 2, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Littoral Combat Ship ataupun Kapal Tempur Litoral (LCS) ialah sejenis kapal perang yang mampu meronda seluruh zon maritim Malaysia, melawan kapal perang dan kapal selam musuh, dan mempertahankan ruang udara di zon maritim juga. (1/9) Keupayaan yang dibawa oleh kapal ini adalah sangat penting untuk membolehkan negara kita menghadapi cabaran pencerobohan ruang-ruang maritim negara. Ia merupakan salah satu daripada lima jenis kapal berbeza yang dikenal pasti oleh Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) .... (2/9)
Mar 2, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is a type of warship capable of patrolling Malaysia’s maritime zone, fighting other enemy surface ships and submarines, and providing defence against air attacks at sea. (1/8) As a modern surface combatant, it will provide Malaysia with much needed modern naval combat capabilities, especially in a time where aggressive intrusions are being carried out in our maritime spaces. (2/8)
Mar 2, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
THREAD| Muhyiddin berhadapan pertarungan sengit di Pagoh jika banyak pencabar tampil pada PRU15

PM TS @MuhyiddinYassin akan menempuh persaingan sengit di Pagoh apabila kawasan tersebut jika berdepan dengan pertarungan pelbagai penjuru pada pilihan raya umum akan datang. (1/9) @MuhyiddinYassin Daripada 65% pengundi Melayu di Pagoh, Muhyiddin tidak dapat sokongan separuh undi Melayu dan sokongan beliau selebihnya daripada 36% pengundi bukan Melayu di Pagoh. (2/9)
Mar 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1) Two meetings in, no clear strategy has been seen coming out of the NEC, nor was there one in Budget 2021. Is the new MyDigital plan part of this? Which other sectors and activities will contribute to the 500,000 new jobs to be created this year?… 2) Relying on the old recipes (FDI, low cost manufacturing) will no longer work, especially after the pandemic. Decent jobs with decent wages are the most important issue that the rakyat are concerned about now.
Mar 2, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
THREAD| PM @MuhyiddinYassin will find his Pagoh parliamentary seat competitive should it turn into a multi-cornered contest in the next GE. (1/8)… @MuhyiddinYassin Out of 65 percent voters who are Malays in Pagoh, Muhyiddin did not have half from this group while his remaining support came from non-Malay voters who make up 36 percent of the constituency’s electorate. (2/8)
Mar 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Hari ini menandakan ulangtahun ke-88 Tentera Darat Malaysia. Sudah 30 tahun sejak berakhirnya Perang Dingin. Suasana dunia dan cabaran terhadap Malaysia tidak lagi seperti dahulu. Image Mendepani cabaran yang dinamik masa kini, pendekatan kita sebagai satu negara yang berdaulat juga perlu diberi nafas baharu. Bagi memenuhi keperluan ini, peranan Angkatan Tentera dan khususnya Tentera Darat sangat penting.
Mar 1, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Krisis Covid-19 telah mengajar dunia untuk menilai kepimpinan dengan pendekatan baharu. Oleh sebab krisis berlaku serentak di seluruh dunia yang dihubungkan melalui internet, tiada siapa yang dapat menyembunyikan kelemahan mereka. (1/7)… Kes positif Covid-19 dan kadar kematian dibandingkan di seluruh dunia. Kecekapan negara memperoleh vaksin pun dibandingkan dengan negara jiran kita. (2/7)
Jan 26, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
1. The country’s recent surge in cases is a perfect storm caused by a government without legitimacy, a bureaucratic structure that hampers a whole-of-government approach, and a fetish for fiscal discipline at the wrong time. 2. Dr Adham Baba, the current health minister post-Sheraton coup, brought such disrepute to Muhyiddin’s administration with his Covid-19 “warm water” remedy that the PM’s media operatives replaced him with Health DG Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah to conduct daily press briefings.
Jan 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Seperti pakej PRIHATIN dan PENJANA sebelum ini, Pakej PERMAI adalah terlalu kecil untuk menampung kehilangan pendapatan yang berlaku.

Pendekatan kita sekarang meningkatkan risiko kita ‘terperangkap’ dalam kitaran lockdown sehingga majoriti populasi negara ini divaksin (1/n) ImageImageImageImage Kerajaan perlu mengambil keputusan yang tuntas untuk melaksanakan sebuah sistem saring dan jejak yang komprehensif dan berkesan, berbanding perintah sekatan secara am. (2/n)