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Dec 27, 2024 17 tweets 19 min read
I crossed $1 Million in Gumroad sales.

Here is how I did it: Image Your audience is your source of customers.

Getting customers is the most important thing for any business. Where do you get your customers from?

A physical shop has billboards and walk-ins.

A digital shop has two options:

Organic traffic (eg. your own YouTube account, X account, etc.)
Inorganic traffic (eg. paid ads)

Paid ads cost a bunch of money and require you to be very good with copywriting and marketing, so most of you will need to go the organic traffic route.

This means you need to build an audience.

This can be on any platform of your choice – X, YouTube, Instagram, Rumble, or somewhere else.

What’s important is that people should get exposed to you, your brand, and your content.

Look at the biggest creators on Gumroad.

What do they all have in common?

A big audience somewhere.

In my case I have ~400k followers on X, a blog that gets hundreds of thousands of readers, and a fairly big email list.

Build your audience. It’s one of the biggest assets your business has. Any platform is fine – just get started.Image
Dec 23, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
How to Be More Attractive to Women

What I've learned from dating a ton of women.

There are 4 pillars of attraction: Image Attractiveness Pillar 1: Sex Appeal

Women (actually all people, not just women) form an initial opinion of you based on your first impression which they get from you:

Body (Muscular/skinny/fat)
Accent and way of speaking
Depth of voice
Eye contact
Aspects like tattoos, skin quality, and skin color
Eye color
How you dress
Feb 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
When I was 18 I got a mystery skin disease across my entire body.

My entire body broke up in hives and the skin peeled off. The local docs didn't know wtf it was

Turns out it was something called Pityriasys Rosea - no identified cause, no medicine. Comes and goes in 6 months My entire body looks like this for 6 months

I lifted weights for the first 3 months which made it a whole lot worse (not to mention that the sweat stung and hurt)

Spent half a year indoor applying actual estrogen creams on my entire body to control it

(Pic from google search) Image
Dec 19, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
If you watched FIFA, it's a sign you're low in intelligence and ambition.

Imagine watching someone else get rich while you sit around and get poorer

and then think that you are somehow "winning".

Football is a game. Advertising is the product. You are the consumer.

Consumer. Rich man with $100M in income per year kick ball though hoop

much wow

so entertaining


Get some real hobbies.

Staring at a TV and getting poorer isn't one.
Aug 13, 2022 34 tweets 7 min read
What I wish I knew when I was 20:

A thread.

For every 100 likes/retweet this tweet gets, I will drop a hard earned lesson that might save you years of regret.

🧵 1/ The easiest way to quit a porn addiction is to spend more time outside your house and around people.

When you live in a cage, you need an escape.

Research shows this.

Monkeys don't masturbate in the wild. But in captivity they do - a lot.
May 6, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
“I Have No Idea What to Do with My Life.” Read This.

*Thread* When people say “I don’t know what I want!!! What do I do?”

there are 2 separate subtexts.

Subtext #1: “I want something different, but I’m lying to myself to make me feel better.“

Subtext #2: “I want something different, but I don’t know what my options are.“
Mar 18, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
7 Life Mistakes Many Men Make

With costs them dearly

... And how *you* can avoid them


People let their health decline in their 20s.

They get fat and weak and their hormones are all over the place.

This compromises their well being forever - they will be weaker and dumber later in life and will die younger.

They'll never feel "great"
Feb 28, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
How to be a More Interesting Person

10 ways that took me many years to learn

*THREAD* 1. Create Contrast

Examples: If you are someone who is nerdy, people expect you to be physically weak. So get big and strong, that's interesting.

Plumbers who are well spoken.
Accountants who are masculine.
Engineers with good social skills.

You are different from "the usual".
Feb 21, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
20 Lessons For Men in Their 20s

*THREAD* 1. The group of people you are trying to hard to fit in with will become so irrelevant you won’t even accept a meeting with them if you work hard and surpass them all.
Jan 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Over 90% of rape cases are false.

We need laws to punish false accusers.

Anyone who thinks we don't need to protect innocent people from being punished for a crime they didn't commit is a fucking idiot or someone living in an ideological bubble and not the real world. In most places it's much higher than 90%, but it's a taboo to talk about it.

"The truth is that laws are being misused." - Police Inspectors…
Oct 26, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Everyone I know who got into serious relationships in their late teens ended up becoming nothing.

They finished their education and then got some job and became a cog.

Their girlfriends eat all their time/attention and made it impossible for them to even think of bigger things. What's interesting is that they think they are better of everyone because they have a girl, which is something that anyone can do.

I'd say redefining success to mean having a girl is one of the biggest psyops played on men.

Any moron can get girls. You gotta aim way higher.
Aug 2, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I use a gel pen that costs ₹10

It used to cost ₹10 a decade ago as well.

They can't increase prices without hurting demand by a lot.

So what do they do?

*They dilute the ink*

The pen used to last a while, now it lasts maybe a third as long before you have to buy a new one As inflation rises, take a look at the packets you're buying.

Price will go from ₹22 to ₹25 and the weight will go from 100 to 95 grams.

Not only did you see a 13% increase in price, you also saw a 5% decrease in quantity i.e. the actual price rise was about 20%.
Jun 26, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Some red pilled advice from a Hindu song called Bhaja Govindam:

Do not get infatuated seeing a lady’s bosom or navel. It is a modification of flesh, fat, etc. Reflect in your mind over and over again. So long as a man is fit and able to support his family, see the affection all those around him show.

But no one at home cares to even have a word with him when his body totters due to old age.
Jun 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Yoga is mostly a joke when compared to strength benefits, if you're doing yoga for fitness.

It might have its spiritual benefits but if you're doing it as a fitness routine, you're wasting your time.

Also, you don't want extreme flexibility and hypermobility. I fully anticipate low IQs going "how dare you say anything negative about yoga"

But if you think about it logically

Strength training is vastly superior to yoga is almost every way.

Yoga is a pipe dream sold to lazy people who don't want to exert themselves with heavy weights
Jun 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Business idea for those looking for work:

Freelance DMCA takedown business

Sending DMCA is very easy to learn and do.

You approach creators and get a monthly fee to do DMCA work for them.

You reduce their workload by keeping thieves and scum away, you get a monthly paycheck Basically, all creative content will at some point end up on Google for thieves and scum to illegally download.

Most creators have to spend some time weekly getting illegal links removed from google

The process is trivial (it's a simple form) but tedious
Jun 7, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Twitter censors Nigeria.

Nigeria censors Twitter. I mean, Twitter is just a private company right that can do whatever it wants, right?

And the right to free speech only extends to government platforms correct?

So it's not censorship if you ban a private company from operating on your territory.
Jun 7, 2021 24 tweets 4 min read
A few big problems with Bitcoin


The lack of privacy

Every time you make a payment, the person you're paying to knows how much money you have

If you make a big payment (like buying a house), it's likely that it would come from your main wallet i.e. the seller knows your net worth

Jun 5, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Unpopular opinion:

It's not a government's job to "provide employment". The government can give you basic education.

The rest depends on your capability, IQ, problem solving skills, attitude, general skills, etc. (ie YOU)

If you cleared high school and you can't start a business or can't find a job - this is your fault.

The world owes you nothing.
Apr 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The modern Indian diet is one of the worst diets you can eat.

It used to be healthy before they switched:

- Ghee with refined vegetable oil
- Local grain with wheat (green revolution)
- Traditional Jaggery with refined sugar People in India out there with almost no upper body strength (can't do a single pullup) and think they're superior to everyone else in terms of health.

It's very delusional.
Apr 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The higher your value as a man, the more options you have.

The higher your value as a woman, the fewer your options are.


Because men are happy with someone below them, but women are biologically only attracted to men better than them. For example, she wants a man at least as educated as her.

With more and more women opting for higher education, the numbers just don't work for them.

(And this is ignoring the leftist brainwashing and whoring) Image
Jan 9, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I started working when I was 18.

I'm in my mid 20s now.

In about 7 years, I created 3 businesses that make me more money than most 60 year old CXOs, completed CA, almost through with a self taught degree in Computer Science, and I'm fitter than 99% of men out there... ...the things I "sacrificed" are parties, outings, drinking, hookups, and other things like that.

This is not to virtue signal or brag, this is just to show you that there are options other than what most people are doing.