Chintan Nanavati Profile picture
Energy Healer with 5+ yrs' experience in GP's surgery. Also working on my first YA/Fantasy novel.
Jun 22, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
@andrew_lilico I haven't heard the tape either. Here's what I believe to be the rough sequence of events..

1. Boris and other half are enjoying an amicable Bible study session in living room.
2. They butt up against a bone of contention contained within an obscure, Levitican passage... @andrew_lilico 3. Their initial, gentle banter re. each other's rhetorical position on the matter escalates to a robust fever pitch.
4. They engage in the rough and tumble of rearranging furniture to better illustrate their opposing points of view.
5. Several wrestling and Muay Thai moves are..