LILOU & JOHN Profile picture
Eclectic heterodox shadowband creating music for introspective dissent in Drone City.
Nov 5, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
I am reading @oskoreimotpol “Rising from the Ruins” for the second time. It feels like a completely new book this time, or have I finally grown up? It is an amazing journey through ecology, urbanization, crowds, technology etc but from a deep and “esoteric” point of view. The book reminds me of when I first read his articles on @Motpolnu and was astonished by the depth and open minded willingness to discuss every single aspect of life. It was the first articles I had ever read about humanity and society that really tried to understand them both.
Nov 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
This picture sums up so much of western culture since the start of the 19th century and it strikes me that we are maybe THE ONLY BAND EVER IN MUSIC HISTORY that have made music for all four of these ideological viewpoints, except perhaps the green one. Image Pasokification and Petrodollar Wars are Old School Marxist songs, with strong working class, anti-war sentiments.