Lily Maynard Profile picture
Shamelessly gender critical. There's no such thing as a pink brain, a lesbian with a penis or a gender fairy. Transitioning kids is child abuse.
2 subscribers
Jan 8 7 tweets 2 min read
A man is being held in a men’s prison because he is a man.
This is justice🧵
#KeepPrisonsSingleSex Image 2/ In December last year @BBCNews reported that ex-cop ‘Zoe’ had been arrested on firearms offences & referred to him as a woman throughout the article.
So much for impartiality, Auntie Beeb…
Sep 28, 2024 26 tweets 12 min read
Thread: 25 of my best/favourite blog pieces 2017-19🧵✍️

Some of you may not know that in 2015/16, my eldest daughter 'identified as' a boy.
This is my story, 'A Mum's Voyage through Transtopia' with an afterword by my daughter… 2/ In 2016, I was lucky to find @Transgendertrd, @4th_WaveNow & @dad_gc. When my daughter desisted & 4thwave published my story, over 400 💔💔comments from parents with trans-IDd kids flooded the comments section. I gathered some in My Mother Heart Bleeds:…Image
Aug 22, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
In 2023 Human rights lawyer Baroness Helena Kennedy needed money for a rescue. Helicopters & supplies were needed to rescue female judges & lawyers & their famililes who were on Taliban 'kill' lists. Enter JKR...… Taliban members had been released from prison & were coming after women judges, "some of whom had jailed them for domestic violence and other crimes. It was clear they were high on the list of those at risk of being killed.”
Mar 12, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
So this is evidently an advert on the London underground, spotted at Kilburn tube station. @ASA_UK how is this ok? @heyestrid what are you thinking? Is elective double mastectomy a fashion choice now? ImageImage @TfL schoolkids use the tube. Is this really ok? Is cutting your breasts off now a fashion statement- used by a company that sells razors, no less?
Jan 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Trans-identification amoung teenage girls is nothing new. Way back in 2017 my article about my daughter received over 400 comments, mostly from horrified parents experiencing ROGD. I chronicle them below. Nobody was listening then.… It's hard to imagine what it's like when your child gets caught up in such mad, damaging woowoo and the world rubs its hands at a chance to show how modern & woke it is. I asked parents to contact me & wrote about ROGD in 2018…
Jan 22, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Thread: One 14 yrs girl, whose school is full of 'gender' flags, says there's been "rapidly increasing number of teenagers ‘coming out’ as ‘transgender’, entire friend groups suddenly emerging as ‘Non-Binary’ or ‘Gender-Queer’.”… 2/ David Bell "worries that “transgender” is a term far too easily used to describe confused adolescents – a simplistic label... offering a single comforting explanation for “multiple and complex problems”. “One shouldn’t talk about transgender children,” he says."
Jan 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“Suspected paedophile ring at Met Police, as serving officer is found dead on the day he was due to answer bail over a string of child sex image offences”… 2/ “Two former Scotland Yard officers have been charged as part of the same investigation, and are due to appear in court next month… (one) on charges of conspiracy to distribute or show indecent images of children”
Jan 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“They begin with the lie of there’s a naked man in the locker room,” said 66 year old navy veteran Wood, accusing a girl of misgendering him, & calling her supporters ‘Neanderthals’… Wood, who likes to shower in the ladies locker room, has previously sued a gym for some sort of ‘transphobia’(see article)
Nov 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Men who self-identify as women and vice-versa are able to withhold their real names & sex when applying for jobs in schools, nurseries and hospitals, a report by Keep Prisons Single Sex has found.… 2/ "special processes set up for people who are transgender mean that even if an employer suspects that someone has changed gender, they cannot check if that person has disclosed their previous identities to the DBS, because of privacy restrictions"
Oct 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Somebody please explain to me clearly and without disingenuity why dressing up as a parody of womanhood is a glorious laugh but dressing up as a parody of any other marginalised group is disgusting and bigoted 2/ Oh blind people aren’t they hilarious the way they can’t see! Oh dark skinned people aren’t they hilarious the way… Oh people in wheelchairs aren’t they hilarious the way… Et cetera et cetera. Obviously this would not be funny…