Lily Evans Potter Profile picture
Former journalist. I’ve run out of patience with fools. Same name on 🦋. Florida escapee. Cleveland. Ohio. 🏳️‍🌈•🇸🇪•🇳🇴
Feb 13, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
For more than 200 years, folks that live in Washington DC have faced systemic inequality. They’ve been denied the full rights of citizenship that the residents of states enjoy, including voting representation in Congress. It’s time to fix this, with #DCStatehood 2) The District of Columbia is the only political and geographical entity within the US whose residents bear the responsibilities of citizenship, including taxation and Selective Service registration, without sharing in the full rights and privileges of citizenship. #DCStatehood
Jan 5, 2021 13 tweets 14 min read
@LynzforCongress @1SnoozyQ Also, his campaign got plenty of support from Liberty Rising. Take a look at some of the Twitter accounts associated with Liberty Rising. There were even more in 2018. ImageImage @LynzforCongress @1SnoozyQ Take a look at the hashtags and messages that go with LR supporters. ImageImageImageImage
Oct 10, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
THREAD—SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett is a prominent member of the 1,700-member People of Praise. Barrett’s strong ties to this faith group raise a plethora of concerns. Senators readying for nomination hearings need to know about the group’s principles.… 2) The People of Praise group has conservative stances on the role of women in society and other social issues. Barrett’s membership did not come to light until after she was questioned by senators considering her nomination to the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in 2017.
Oct 10, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
As of Oct. 2, there were 193 coronavirus vaccines in clinical and pre-clinical evaluation, according to data released by the World Health Organization. At least five of those vaccines contain shark squalene, according to Shark Allies.… Squalene, a compound that is harvested from the livers of sharks, is a common moisturizing ingredient in cosmetics. But it's also used in malaria and flu vaccines as an agent that boosts the immune system's response.
Oct 7, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Read this @DavidCornDC story.🚨

McMaster: Trump is aiding and abetting Putin’s efforts. This is a helluva accusation being leveled by a man who once was Trump’s most senior national security aide—the president is currently assisting a foreign adversary’s covert attack on the US. McMaster noted that Vladimir Putin was currently mounting a “sustained campaign of political subversion against us. He said that this operation was being “aided by a leader”—that is, Trump—”who doesn’t acknowledge” Moscow’s assault.
Oct 1, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
.@harrisonjaime also did an impressive interview on MSNBC. He’s a highly qualified candidate who’s ready to unseat Lindsay Graham. Here you go. Love this one!