Linkara Profile picture
Comic reviewer and over-thinker of Power Rangers (He/Him). (Backup @AT4WBackup )
Aug 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I just woke up and read the news about Patreon's coming changes, so I'm still forming thoughts, but both bits of news are BAD.

Very, very bad. The Apple one is bad enough, but the forced change over to subscription billing is REALLY bad - maybe not for all people, but for me...'s ESPECIALLY bad. The way Patreon currently works is you get charged on the first of the month for your patronage, so I get the money within a couple of days of that.

Subscription billing, which they are switching everyone over to, charges people a month after they...
Feb 16, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
If you hadn't heard - apparently the site itself now just redirects to their Youtube page and doesn't exist as its own site anymore (apparently this happened a couple weeks ago and nobody noticed until now). So you know what actually gets to me now that Channel Awesome, as a..., is gone? It's the final erasure of us as a group - of being MORE than just Doug's stuff.

Oh, sure, we stopped BEING together back in 2018. We did our own things, made our own big crossover project without them (check out A Voice From the Dark!), and went our own...
Nov 25, 2022 73 tweets 12 min read
Alrighty, begun writing the Dino Fury review, thread here full of jokes and reactions! NO SPOILERS, NO HINTINGS. I HAVEN'T WATCHED IT YET AND WANT TO BE SURPRISED (even though some stuff has been spoiled already). This series is already trying to be topical and modern with a Buzzfeed-esque news and video office for the pink ranger to work at, but then she pulls out an actual physical map in the forest.
Oct 21, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Welp. It finally happened.

After 14 years... I have finally gotten a copyright strike - not a contentID, mind you, full-on STRIKE - for a video about comics.

And yes, it's entirely possible for that to happen - images are copyrighted just like anything else... ...and it was always on the table that a video could get claimed. It's just UNLIKELY to happen because, well, nobody gives a crap about comics - especially old ones.

So now you're asking - who's the lucky one responsible that I pissed off? Marvel? DC? Some indy publisher...
Oct 19, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
PRODUCER OF SILENT HILL: ASCENSION - "Yes. I am totally genuine. I am not reading a teleprompter at all. This is a great new project. There is no ruh-set button. I'm pretty sure that's how you pronounce reset. Anyway, this is really cool. No, I'm not saying what this is." "But your choices affect the canon. There is no going back. The choices of the streaming audience. I sure do like the communal feeling of watching horror movies in a theater. No, I'm still not telling you what this actually is, but it's totally interactive."
May 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So it looks like some people are going back through my timeline to right after JewWario committed suicide to like and retweet the tweets I and others made expressing sorrow and sadness over it. If I had to guess why they're doing this, it's an attempt at a "GOTCHA!" they can... upon, because some really shitty people believe that I and others knew about him grooming young women.

We did not.

We didn't know until 2018, when CA accidentally let it slip in their poor attempts to respond to the Not So Awesome document.
May 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Something I find curious about the defense of transphobic comedy is the constant repetitions of "It's just a joke!" "They're a comedian!" "Expect people to laugh at a comedy show!" etc., etc. is that it seems to suggest that bad or shitty jokes don't exist; that all comedy... inherently equal and worthwhile. That there is no such thing as dated humor or unfunny jokes or, indeed, racist/homophobic/transphobic/etc. jokes.
Apr 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Loooot of people keep asking if the Mandela Catalogue was an influence on Winter of '83, which is... both confusing and yet not surprising? Mandela Catalogue is good stuff - not surprising people make the connection to that because of how popular it is... but at the same time... ...people do realize there are other Analog Horror series, right? Because in terms of direct influences, Local 58 and Gemini Home Entertainment have a MUCH bigger impact and I can even point to specific videos that were on my mind.
Apr 4, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
*Long, deep, frustrated sigh*

This is from the intro to Dark Nights: Metal that Scott Snyder wrote and I'm... I'm REALLY trying hard to stop myself. I've already started going off on a rant in the script about this and I need to stop myself. Because I'm just being way, WAY... Image ...more cynical than I should be in this. Because Metal does not deserve to have me being super-cynical and mad about it. It's not like the other three events I've covered. It is not bad.

And yet I keep wanting to be mad at it for some reason and this intro is not helping.
Apr 3, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
So why did I make Winter of '83 and what influenced it?

Well, the big obvious answer is: for April Fools Day I always try to emulate the style of another content producer, it's just in this case I chose a subgenre in general with Analog Horror.… As you probably could tell the last couple years from some tweet threads, I'm fascinated by Analog Horror - both as a subgenre of found footage (which I already am fond of) but also just as an extension of homegrown indy horror projects - so much fear that can be derived...
Mar 24, 2022 133 tweets 35 min read
""""""""Happy"""""""" Anniversary to this thread!

Of course he e-mailed me on this, the official two-year anniversary, to complain about someone else that he wants me to tell him to leave him alone.

Irony is not only dead, but brought back as a zombie and killed again. Image Message number 2 of 3 he has sent on this date, admitting that he wants to be a creepy stalking weirdo because I said I'd probably mention him at conventions if fans asked what sort of weirdo stories I could talk about. Image
Feb 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Who gives a fuck about graphics in a Pokémon game?

I still replay Red/Blue/Gold/Silver and there isn't even animation for the Pokémon when they appear on screen.

Give me worse graphics.

Give me a retro-style Pokémon game in that old style but with new mons and a new story. Legends Arceus, which is an AMAZING game that I love and am really enjoying, has a lot of white outline on my character whenever I go in a cave. It has pop-ins. It has stuttering Pokémon in the distance and shadows popping out of existence when the object casting them is off...
Feb 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
See, this is what I was asking about last year and everyone was just like "He's a voice actor!" and I'm like "He's 40 years older."

Honestly, I don't mind using this tech the way they did it here - for a brief cameo from a living actor that obviously has a raspier, older... ...voice currently and thus can't replicate how he used to sound. It'd be something entirely different if they were to try to COMPLETELY recreate him after he died (especially since he still got residuals for it). At that point, just recast with a voice actor.
Jan 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
So I'm going through the HOPR script for Time Force, making the modifications and whatnot for the redo of it, but ummm... maybe I'm just having a tough time remembering, but... is there ever an explanation where the Time Holes from End of Time... came from? Or what caused them? Because I'm skipping through the episodes and whatnot and all I'm seeing is "there's a big battle and time holes are opening up," but not an answer of "this is why time holes are happening."
Jan 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Ugh, just watched the movie "The Lodge" while editing.

I like slow burn, but the thing about slow burn is that you need a good payoff for the wait. This took way too damn long to get to the point, the performances and writing are shallow and way too restrained, and the... ...lack of music for most of it (while probably intended to evoke isolation and silent horror) just ends up making the slow burn take that much longer.

The payoff is frustrating and lame and a bit nonsensical, since I don't know what the endgame of the plan was. I thought...
Jan 13, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
"Aren't you upset over superheroes and the MCU ruining cinema?!"

...No? One, I fucking love the MCU. I love keeping track of this stuff. I'm a comic book fan, FFS - and I don't mean I just like all superheroes, I mean it's easy for me to keep track of all this stuff after... ...years and years of doing this. And the MCU is a lot more coherent than the actual comics they spawned from. Fuck, I think I prefer the MCU to a lot of stuff in the actual comics. At least it has a consistent vision for what it wants to be and more oversight and not...
Sep 20, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
E-mail weirdo hasn't e-mailed since September 2nd, but he did decide to post on the new episode to try to hurl insults. Forgot to grab a screenshot before I blocked them (I know it was them because of the "Cindersexual Jones" username). Maybe he figured "Well, he says he forgets about me whenever I don't e-mail him... so I'll be a dick in the comments and he won't know it's me!"
Aug 23, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Been thinking about the old Doctor Who episode Logopolis lately - it's weird in that it's a great story that, when you break it down, doesn't make any damn sense, but this soundtrack elevates it so the mood and atmosphere carry it across the finish line.

Like, the Master's evil plan involves the TARDIS dematerializing around HIS TARDIS by accident and the universe actually passed heat death a long time ago but a bunch of math nerds saved it by muttering equations, but when that gets interrupted entropy as a literal force...
Aug 23, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read

Yeah. If you're being a dick, I'm going to block you. You are not owed access to me. "BUT THE THING INSULTING YOUR PHYSICAL FEATURES WASN'T SO BAD/IT'S FLATTERING"

You don't get to tell me how I'm supposed to feel about something that's clearly supposed to get a rise out of me. And no it's not flattering if it's intended to make me look weird or bad about myself
Aug 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I finished the Tandy Computer Whiz Kids compilation video and uploaded it 5 hours ago. Still waiting for it to process.

...Mind you, the thing is 4 hours and 45 minutes long, so it's a BIT understandable why it takes a while to process, but still. The processing has completed, buuuuut now it's "Running Checks," which is normally for ContentID. I think in this case because the word "kids" is in the title it's being extra thorough.
Jun 17, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Something that people don't seem to get about my occasional critiques about Junji Ito stories - in particular Uzumaki and Hellstar Remina - is the concept of agency, when a character is more proactive than reactive.

They seem to think I mean that the protagonists, in this... Kirie and Remina, should have a happy ending to their stories and everything is resolved. The response is that Lovecraftian fiction often has the main character be unable to alter the outcome because they are a small speck in an uncaring universe, but that's not what...