Lis Power Profile picture
Director of Media Intelligence @mmfa. Philly born. #FlyEaglesFly F&M alum. Former TFA Miami. Views are mine alone.
eDo Profile picture Christy Johnson Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 19, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Fox acknowledges a story they ran wild with miiiiight have been a hoax

"We are now looking into new reports that a veterans advocate misled lawmakers, and media outlets, about a story that some homeless men may have been hired to pose as veterans"

OOPS For those who haven't been following along

The NY Post released a front page story screaming "VETS KICKED OUT FOR MIGRANTS"

Fox ran wild with it

(Both companies are Murdoch owned) ImageImageImageImage
Feb 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Real 'gee, why won't they cover the shit we're making up' vibes Fox discussing a NYT article on Durham: "They kind of acknowledge the heart of it deep in the story."

The NYT story: RWM's narrative is off track, mostly wrong, old, misleading, and sometimes outright misinformation

So now Fox is misleading its viewers on what the NYT is saying
Jul 27, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The House Select committee begins its investigation into the insurrection today -- Fox's 3 hour morning show has covered it for about 45 seconds, with half of their coverage just regurgitating McCarthy's talking points: 9:00 programming

CNN: Special Coverage of the House Select Committee hearing on the insurrection

MSNBC: Special Coverage of the House Select Committee hearing on the insurrection

Fox News: America's Crime Crisis**

**As long as that crime isn't insurrection
Mar 22, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
CNN anchor Poppy Harlow says that the Biden admin knew the consequences to reversing Title 42, and that they should have been prepared for the surge of migrants at the border

One major problem: The Biden administration hasn't reversed Title 42, they're still heavily using it On MSNBC's Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch says that "we can't live with ~open borders~ like this"

One major problem: We don't currently have open borders or anything resembling open borders. Open borders are a GOP talking point that's never remotely been a thing in the US
Feb 25, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
I'd honestly like to know what Fox News' definition of "cancel culture" is

In this example, it's Elle and Marie Claire magazines not responding to this person's publisher? In this example, the daughter of Sean and Rachel-Campos Duffy says she's sick of being cancelled, so she started a conservative student journal to uncancel herself
Feb 16, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1. Millions of Americans aren't saying this
2. It isn't true
3. This show fucking sucks

"Millions of Americans in the cold and dark say the lack of power is because of green energy policies and the vilification of oil, gas, and coal -- the stuff that ~really~ keeps you warm" Fualkner is having another segment about Texas' made-up 'green energy crisis' which I'm not posting because it's all bullshit

It conveniently neglects to mention that wind power is generating ~more~ than forecast, and that gas and coal plants are down and pipelines are frozen
Feb 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
In a Newsmax segment about "social media censorship" against the MyPillow Guy, Pillow Guy continued to spread false conspiracies about voting machines, leading the anchor to interrupt him, read a disclaimer, try to get the producers to get him off the air, and storm off the set What I truly love about this is that the segment was to complain about him being canceled/censored on Twitter for spreading election fraud claims .... and then the anchor essentially (and rightfully) attempts to do the same thing to him on Newsmax.

Just beautiful.
Jan 12, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Brian Kilmeade again says Dems shouldn't pursue impeachment because Republicans are threatening mass violence

"We see what's happening around this country, how 50 state houses are being threatened on Inauguration Day, this is the last thing you want to do" We will respond violently if Democrats use their constitutional powers, is not the great argument Kilmeade seems to think it is.

It's a confession more than anything else.
Apr 22, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Anderson Cooper: You're talking about encouraging hundreds of thousands of people to come to Las Vegas ... smoking, drinking, touching slot machines, breathing circulated air, doesn't that sound like a virus petri dish?!

Las Vegas Mayor: It sounds like you're being an alarmist! Cooper: Chinese researchers have shown how this virus spreads

Mayor: You are tough. This isn't China, this is Las Vegas, Nevada.

Cooper: Wow, OK, that's really ignorant. That's an ignorant, ignorant statement. That's a restaurant, yes in China, but they are human beings too.
Apr 21, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Fox News heavily promoted the use of this drug — nearly 300 times in a two week period…

You can find a comprehensive guide of how Fox News hyped this drug and brought it to Trump’s attention here:… Just 5 days ago, Dr. Oz was on Fox News soliciting Fox viewers to join an unsupervised, at home hydroxycloroquine study, "Be part of the solution," Oz said.…
Jan 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Asked *repeatedly* whether Lev Parnas was lying about Trump knowing "exactly" what was going on, Kellyanne Conway doesn't give a straight answer

Hemmer: Are you saying flat out, 100%, what he alleges is not true? Yes or no?

Conway: He's not under oath ... objection, hearsay! I can't get over how damning this interview is

Conway was AGAIN asked explicitly "yes or no, Trump knew exactly what was going on, we're asking is that statement true or false?' and she AGAIN deflected

Conway: "Trump knew what was going on how? What is Parnas actually saying?"
Jun 17, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Fox News polls that completely obliterate Fox News arguments is my favorite genre of polls Fox News was very sad when they found out that Americans are all for taxing the rich more
May 30, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
A tale of two chyrons

Fox -- Trump: Russia would rather have Clinton as president than Trump

MSNBC -- Trump claims "Russia would rather have Hillary Clinton as president"
(Putin said he wanted Trump) Fox -- President Trump: Russia did not help me get elected

CNN -- Trump says Russia didn't help get him elected after tweeting "I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected."
May 17, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
I honestly can't tell who the bigger sycophant is in this Fox News interview with Barr.

Hemmer giving Barr the easiest imaginable interview and not challenging him on anything ... or Barr's sycophancy towards Trump.

Very obvious why Barr went to the safe space of Fox News Some examples of just how ridiculously soft this interview was:

Hemmer: Dems are criticizing you, they say you lied under oath. What say you?

Barr: It's laughable [conspiracy mongering]

H: Dems say you're spinning for the WH. Were you?

B: No [attacks Dems]

[interview cuts]
May 8, 2019 31 tweets 4 min read
I’ve never seen any Star Wars movies and I’ve decided to change that. Where do I start?

I’ve heard there are two schools of thought on this, I’d just like to know which is the right one. Based off majority rule I started with IV.

I’m 15 minutes in and wildly confused. Is that a dinosaur?
May 1, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Fox News' Chris Wallace: Some opinion people who appear on this network who might be pushing a political agenda don't think the Mueller letter is a big deal. But we have to deal in facts -- the fact is this letter was a clear indication that Mueller was very upset w/ Barr. For the record, Fox's so-called 'news-side' programming has been terrible on the Mueller letter

Anchor Hemmer said the story was "he said, he said"

Starr on 'news side' show: "A lot is being made out of it, but it looks to me as if at the end of the day there is very little."
Apr 8, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
As it's being reported that Trump wants to reinstate family separation, Fox News is going all in to suggest families separated at the border aren't actually families

"You talk about family separation, this is separating a child from an adult who *may or may not* be their parent" Fox & Friends pushed a "grab any kid" line this morning

Kilmeade: "Now parents are grabbing any kid, sometimes they're not parents"

Earhardt: "The president said, 'These people, they know how to game the system. They grab a child ...'"
Mar 28, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Fox News polls that completely obliterate Fox News arguments is my favorite genre of polls Poor Bill Hemmer is just utterly confused by this

Hemmer: 'New Fox polling showing voters are bothered by the rich not paying enough more than they care about their own tax rate. Did you get that? Let's bring in someone who can make sense of this'
Mar 6, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
It's been a while since I transcribed just Silk from Diamond & Silk's show on Fox Nation. Here's a thread on what Silk had to say about the North Korea summit, Cohen, Chirlane McCray, and Dems seeking Trump's tax returns.

It's a lot of uh huhs and very few full sentences Silk on Trump walking away from NK summit:

Uh huh. Well. Uh huh. Mhm. Hm. Uh huh. That's right. Uh huh. Uh huh. That's right. No deal. Mhm.

On Cohen:
Liar, liar, pants on fire. Uh huh. Uh huh. HUH. Uh huh. That's what he said. Come in Michael. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. LIAR.