How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App did not grow up on a farm. I grew up in the greater metropolitan DC area (and a few years as a kid in Florida). I lived in apartments & town houses. I never lived on land, had animals (besides hamsters & fish). Now I have nearly 50 animals, most livestock. says "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500" and my friend goes "Sir that's the White House". Customer laughs and says "yep that's my house." My friend hangs up. officer in the United States military, an artillery officer no less. Russia's use of innovative artillery tactics in 2014/2015 in Ukraine was noteworthy enough it's *literally* part of the curriculum for new artillery officers in the Marine Corps & I'd be willing to as we know them today are an American thing. The frikadelle or Hamburg steak is a very different dish & widely unknown to the world. Pizza as we know it today is largely s result of late depression America to post WWII America morphing the generics "pizza" dish from And this was in a case where the homeowner was detained and we suspected the weapons were used to attack US/Iraqi forces. We still weren't allowed to just ran rampant, & our trust with the locals was tied to this idea & the knowledge that if we roughed up your home is the mark of a shameless coward to say "well I said they're bad" & then follow it up with "but man, what a shame there's NOTHING we can do" in the face of a LOT of things we can do.'s not that wealthy societies are better or have larger hearts, it's that wealthy societies have the luxury of elevating the least advantaged among us. etc etc. was far less restrained in how they bombed Japan, but the success of strategic bombing in Japan was due to unhindered destruction of anywhere remotely associated with the military no matter what the cost in human lives, whereas the strat bombing of Germany (& even more so can be rotated and replaced, equipment remains in service continuously until it is destroyed or rendered inoperable. If we had provided 100 Abrams the number destroyed would likely be substantially higher. This doesn't illustrate an issue with any specific tank but rather we have that work, just as we should take theirs. All good to respect intellectual property & avoid outright stealing tech, but it's fantastic that we learn from each other and improve our industries because of it. is a guaranteed way to ensure losses. Russia seems to be caught in this loop of "Send large force, and if large force gets mauled, that's bad," but their large forces are the only ones capable of making break throughs. So instead they commit to these micro assaults as well, and responsibility for their actions. Sykes-Picot, Gertrude Bell, and Balfour Declaration were all disastrous overreaches of western arrogance and colonialism. But atrocities and literal genocide existed in the middle east before all of that, not just Ottoman know you're a coward who doesn't actually want to give up his cellphone, internet, access to fresh food, die in a ditch or end up in jail for life.