Ukraine Memes for NATO Teens Profile picture
Be good to one another, y'all.
Potato Of Reason Profile picture +🇺🇦 JAFO 🇺🇸+ Profile picture Parade O’ Crap™ Profile picture Scott Profile picture 6 subscribed
Jun 24 9 tweets 2 min read
Ok I meant I was reducing my tweets not completely absent.

Absolutely get fucked if you're the "lol no American food". America is 15-20 different cuisines slammed into one nation. We adopt & adapt but a FUCK TON of food is unique to America. Such a boring cliche. Hamburgers as we know them today are an American thing. The frikadelle or Hamburg steak is a very different dish & widely unknown to the world. Pizza as we know it today is largely s result of late depression America to post WWII America morphing the generics "pizza" dish from
Jun 21 8 tweets 2 min read
I'm not gonna ever tell a Ukrainian or a Georgian or a Chechen that they shouldn't hate Russia/Russians. That isn't my place & I have no right to step into their trauma & police their feelings.

But to those of you, like me, not directly affected by the war, I'd strongly suggest you keep some awareness of just how far down the rabbit hole you're going with your hate. It is a slippery path from "I don't care if Russian soldiers die in Ukraine" to "I rejoice when Russian children die".

It is incredibly understandable to be glad when the forces actively
Jun 17 14 tweets 3 min read
Haven't done this in a while but like 1K of you followed me in the last few days after a few of my threads blew up. To save everyone some grief, let's get this out of the way early so you can unfollow/block whatever.

Howdy. I'm in my late 30s, live on a small farm with about 50 animals, and derive no significant part of my income from the farm, it's all a hobby. I am not a "farmer", those are my neighbors, whose mortgage doesn't get paid if their crop fails or livestock gets sick. But I enjoy the lifestyle, at least for now.

I'm a left leaning centrist
Jun 15 6 tweets 2 min read
When I was in Iraq we do a home search where weapons were discovered & it became clear the owner of the home knew about it. We had to have an NCO or senior LCpl in any room the search was occuring & document anything we had to destroy (mattresses etc) so the family could be compensated. And this was in a case where the homeowner was detained and we suspected the weapons were used to attack US/Iraqi forces. We still weren't allowed to just ran rampant, & our trust with the locals was tied to this idea & the knowledge that if we roughed up your home
Jun 3 5 tweets 1 min read
Retreating forces aren't protected. Unarmed forces aren't protected. Wounded but still capable of fighting aren't (generally) protected. Terrified & fleeing forces aren't protected.

The international conventions that govern warfare aren't based on what makes you feel pity. No, you can't intentionally target someone who is incapacitated, but their presence doesn't magically created a bubble of invulnerability around them & you would be stupid not to try & kill soldiers tending to wounded that aren't clearly marked medical personnel.

You also get
May 29 9 tweets 2 min read
You are often quick to say "bad man bad" then throw your arms up and say "BUT OH WELL, NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT" same in Syria as you do in Ukraine.

British (or US) bombs could have ENDED the Syrian war & saves hundreds of thousands of lives you utter dildorobot. It is the mark of a shameless coward to say "well I said they're bad" & then follow it up with "but man, what a shame there's NOTHING we can do" in the face of a LOT of things we can do.

The dynamic isn't even hard for you to comprehend. You rightly call for action against
May 24 9 tweets 2 min read
I think what pisses me off most about purity politics is that if the candidate I vote for agrees with even 4/10 of your beliefs & the opposing candidate believes in *zero*, in what world is "lol fuck em, they compromised" a solution?

I still don't vote 100% dem, there are occasionally local candidates whose platform is just better, but I began voting Dem as a lifelong Republican and over time gradually leaned more left in my voting.

And ultimately it always came down to compromise. Even John McCain, my most cherished statesman, was a compromise
May 22 6 tweets 2 min read
It wouldn't be fair of me to generalize the rest of the world in one go, so I'll try and use my words carefully.

The poorest places I've been are often full of AMAZING human beings who are deeply loving people.

The way their poorest are treated would still shatter your heart. It's not that wealthy societies are better or have larger hearts, it's that wealthy societies have the luxury of elevating the least advantaged among us.

Even in the US where we struggle on this metric, charity & safety nets for the least protected are a recognized good, albeit
May 12 46 tweets 37 min read
It's been too long. Gadsen Flag thread.


May 2 5 tweets 1 min read
If your version of "leftism" includes the theocracy of Iran just because it's anti-US you aren't a progressive, you're just an angry child.

If you support Iran you support a regime of bigotry that hangs people from cranes for being: gay, trans, overly Kurdish, an adulterer, a prostitute etc etc.

If you support Ba'athist Syrian you support a dynastic dictatorship with only two rulers (father & son) since the 1960s who fiercely opposed freedom of religion, speech, politics, sexuality, & ethnic/sectarian representation.

If you are a member of the LGBT
May 2 4 tweets 1 min read
Man, not sure why I bothered with a bachelor's and Masters focused on the Middle East and militancy or learning Arabic for 2 years full time, it's clear I don't know anything about the region but folks who read the wiki in the last few weeks are fortunately here to educate me. It is absolutely insane that the damn near middle of the road position I have taken which is strictly "do not kill civilians", has stirred up so much angst, racism, bigotry, and hate mongering.

Passing out blocks like the girthmaster is passing out dickings.

As a non-arab
May 2 8 tweets 2 min read
After WWII extensive & comprehensive studies on strategic bombing in Europe concluded that it didn't stop the enemy's ability to wage war, that mastery of the air was the real victory, & that it should never be repeated again.

I'll let you guess why a 1940s western analytic crowd was far less restrained in how they bombed Japan, but the success of strategic bombing in Japan was due to unhindered destruction of anywhere remotely associated with the military no matter what the cost in human lives, whereas the strat bombing of Germany (& even more so
May 1 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't know who needs to hear this but I criticize Israel more than Hamas because Hamas is literally a terrorist organization and Israel is a state with close ties to America.

So yeah I expect better behavior out of Israel than a terror group.

At the end of the day I side with the innocents impacted by this war & by a MASSSSSIVE margin those innocents are mostly Palestinian.

Demanding I give equal airtime to an incredibly lopsided equation is nonsense. Of course I want Israeli hostages freed. They're also innocent.

But I'm neither a newspaper nor
Apr 27 23 tweets 8 min read
There's nothing inherently more vulnerable with an Abrams than the existing tanks. If anything the Abrams is significantly less vulnerable. But no matter how many you send given a long enough time span they will all be destroyed or captured. That's the nature of combat. While
Image Men can be rotated and replaced, equipment remains in service continuously until it is destroyed or rendered inoperable. If we had provided 100 Abrams the number destroyed would likely be substantially higher. This doesn't illustrate an issue with any specific tank but rather
Apr 20 5 tweets 2 min read
A buddy who did a lot of EUCOM deployments said "If we show up and do a demo of our guns for the Polish army, expect that 5 years later when we return they'll have a new gun that looks suspiciously like it".

Frankly, NATO is an idea sharing platform. Our friends SHOULD take the ideas we have that work, just as we should take theirs. All good to respect intellectual property & avoid outright stealing tech, but it's fantastic that we learn from each other and improve our industries because of it.

A strong Poland is a a strong NATO, and we lean on people
Apr 12 21 tweets 4 min read
While it's not insane to use uparmored trucks to move infantry to the assault (ala motorized infantry), it isn't something you do unsupported. Because these trucks can't defend themselves & are highly vulnerable to... well everything. The piecemeal commitment of troops & equipment is a guaranteed way to ensure losses. Russia seems to be caught in this loop of "Send large force, and if large force gets mauled, that's bad," but their large forces are the only ones capable of making break throughs. So instead they commit to these micro assaults
Feb 10 5 tweets 1 min read
Don't Google why there are so many Armenian Christians in Syria or Assyrians in Iraq. Or why Halabja experienced so many deaths in 1988, or Hama in 1982, or Sudan in the 2000s.

Arabs don't need westerners to force them into atrocities. Like every other people on earth they have agency as well, and responsibility for their actions. Sykes-Picot, Gertrude Bell, and Balfour Declaration were all disastrous overreaches of western arrogance and colonialism. But atrocities and literal genocide existed in the middle east before all of that, not just Ottoman
Jan 26 9 tweets 2 min read
You are literally advocating for violence against the United States and it's citizenry. That's who you swore an oath to protect and uphold.

You don't get to invent a new oath or a separate country to swear to. You do it with your chest, because it's an act of treason.

But we all know you're a coward who doesn't actually want to give up his cellphone, internet, access to fresh food, die in a ditch or end up in jail for life.

You couldn't nut up to go to war when it was actually happening, and against enemies of the country you swore an oath to. You
Jan 23 11 tweets 3 min read
I've taken NO SHORTAGE of shit from my extremely dear Syrian and Lebanese friends for my support of Israel's right to exist. I've lost friends over it.

I accept that. I try to be INCREDIBLY consistent on my believe that civilians should NEVER be targeted.

But how fucking dare y'all come at me for saying "Israel shot not kill innocent Palestinians". I'm on record a million times saying "I understand why desperate Palestinians support Hamas who literally provides healthcare & schooling & hits back at the people killing them, but Hamas is evil."

I make
Jan 12 10 tweets 3 min read
Syrians did not even remotely have everything. This started after a 13 year old was detained, tortured, had his GENITALS CUT OFF, & was then killed& returned to his family.

For graffiti.

Hamza Ali al-Khateeb was brutally murdered for insulting a tyrant.…
A nation where the father son dynasty has ruled with an iron fist for almost 7 decades now. Zero difference from the monarchies next door, except Assad's rule is even more concrete

A nation where mosque attendance is monitored by the state& imams must be approved by
Jun 27, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
The US has been the first nation to provide lethal aid and was responsible (alongside Britain who was a quick second) for the shuttle diplomacy that turned almost every NATO capital into an overnight arms donor.

And has provided HALF of the war aid. I've said it many times, it is definitely not a competition so I don't raise numbers or who did what first for points. I raise it because "yeah but France promised a few dozen AFVs before America" is a brain dead point.

Prior to the provision of Western tanks, which IS significant not because the vehicles