TLDR: Good (as it stands)
🏘️Rents tied to property, not tenancy + landlords can only increase rent once a year(in rent control areas (RCA)
0⃣Rent can be capped at 0% in RCAs
🐶Rights for tenants with pets and decorating
💻LL's will have to provide info on previous rent charged.
Sep 25, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
It is more important than ever that students in uni halls or private student accommodation know their rights and know how to enforce them. Legislation in Scotland allows students to give 28 days' notice in writing to end their tenancy for 'reasons relating to coronavirus'
What is a reason relating to coronavirus? This is vague in the legislation, but it is clear that the rise of outbreaks in student halls suggests that they are not a safe place to be. Those who wish to leave should be allowed to do so under this legislation.
Sep 21, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Passionate about social justice? Organising experience under your belt? Living Rent is looking for an experienced organiser to lead our staff team and grow the organisation.
We believe in starting local, focussing on building up neighbourhood level branches of paying members that can then take on campaigns using a wide range of tactics including direct action.
Sep 1, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The Scottish government have just announced the creation of a £10m loan fund for tenants struggling due to cornavirus as well as the extension of the eviction prevention protections.
Though the introduction of the £10m hardship fund is a positive move, nothing is stopping landlords from simply raising rent once they know that this fund is available to tenants. The only way to properly support tenants during this pandemic is the introduction of rent controls.
Aug 15, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
News of the extension was welcome and hard fought. But tenants continue to receive eviction notices and are being forced out of their homes illegally.
Kevin Stewart's recent letter to private tenants also contradicts the legislation. Stewart’s letter states that ‘no landlord should evict a tenant because they have suffered financial hardship due to Coronavirus…’.
Aug 12, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The Scottish government have today announced plans to extend the eviction ban from September 2020 to at least April 2021.…
This is a huge win for Living Rent and tenants and would not have been possible without the organisation of tenants across Scotland to protect our interests.
Mar 17, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
How we're tackling the effects of the corona virus
1) Defending our members 2) Build strong community bases 3) Pressure the government
A thread 👇
We are continuing our member defence activities. If you are threatened with eviction, are seeing decreased services or need urgent repairs that aren’t being done, contact our MD coordinator at
Oct 8, 2016 • 51 tweets • 6 min read
Stuart Melvin from Acorn Bristol is giving our keynote address today, talking about their housing campaign
They've had success in resisting evictions, just by building solidarity in their local community and blocking the bailiffs