Liz Carolan Profile picture
Working to counter digital threats to democracy as head of Digital Action. A founder of @transparentref; Alum @opendatacharter, @ODIHQ, @instituteforgov
Aug 2, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Answer me this: how are 60,000 babies born in Ireland every year and yet there is zero plan for small baby childcare?

Does our economy really need tens of thousands of people every year scrambling to cobble together something to be able to work & pay taxes? The average age for a woman to have her first baby is over 30, and yet the answer to child care seems to be

Ask your Ma
Jan 8, 2021 13 tweets 8 min read
The joy in my timeline at this is palpable. Filter bubble? Never..

308ps to get through - the test for me on digital stuff will be if we're building an institution capable of adapting as threats evolve, or simply institutionalising current policies by the dominant platforms The Bill does a job of defining both Online Platform and Online Political Advertisement - I'd be interested in what @JJaursch @wrklsshrd @PeterTanham make of these. Ads are defined as payments made to platforms, so paid influencer content is likely excluded ImageImage
Dec 15, 2018 7 tweets 5 min read
My Facebook memories today made my blood run cold. 10 years ago this week I was a 24 yr old backpacking around the Middle East, inc. Syria. I’d read “Sea of faith” and wanted to see the Dead Cities near Aleppo. My sunny memories of the Citadel, and how it look now. The Umayyard Mosque - an oasis of silence and calm in a bustling city. Then & now.