Llama in a Tux Profile picture
why have a baby when you can have a baguette buy me a coffee: https://t.co/RIV1cj3t7B
2 subscribers
Dec 26, 2022 38 tweets 15 min read
Throughout 2022 I have once again been keeping a note on my phone when one event, conversation or format absolutely DOMINATED my Twitter feed.

Not meme formats on ig. Not the corn kid on tiktok. Twitter.

Here's what took over twitter in 2022: January 2: picture of bezos by a pool
January 5: elmo vs rocko ()
January 5: wordle results
January 6: playing Hamilton at the anniversary of the insurrection ()
January 7: woman selling farts in a jar hospitalized
Dec 26, 2021 31 tweets 11 min read
Throughout 2021 I've been keeping a note on my phone when one event, conversation or format absolutely DOMINATED my Twitter feed.

Not meme formats on ig. Not news stories on reddit. Twitter.

Here's what took over twitter in 2021: January 2: Bean Dad ()
January 8: Twitter bans Tr*mp
January 18: Armie Hammer is a cannibal
January 20: Bernie and his mitts at the inauguration Image