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@logfitzideas @associatespod_ Health, fitness, marketing, internet activities. trained over 2000 people.
Victor DiPasquale Profile picture Jamie Profile picture TANE.XO🦋 Profile picture Brainbackbend Profile picture cezar astro Profile picture 8 subscribed
Jul 4 10 tweets 4 min read
I truly believe EVERYONE can be athletic 

I want to make it widespread to be a “Renaissance Athlete” - physically capable of doing any task, movement, challenge you throw at your body

& getting out of the sterile “fitness” routine and making training something you love again Image Think about when you were a teenager or young 20’s

You didn’t worry a ton about your workout regiment - you just naturally played sports a bunch and maybe lifted to help that pursuit

And you didn’t have to “get motivated” or “be disciplined” because you actually ENJOYED it
May 30 15 tweets 6 min read
What if you could not only get in the best shape of your life this summer (adding 10-15 lbs of muscle, losing 10-15 lbs of fat)…

but also unlock a level of athleticism, mobility, & vitality that you didn’t even know was possible?

Well, you CAN. here’s how (bookmark this)⬇️
In terms of adding muscle & losing fat, you need to find a sustainable, flexible, and enjoyable way to get into a caloric deficit or surplus

If over 15% bodyfat, focus on losing fat. If under focus on building muscle

I posted this going deep on diet:
May 27 10 tweets 6 min read
This is my EXACT diet that I’m going to use to go from 232 to 215 lbs in the next 3 months

If you want to lose 15+ lbs this summer without counting calories, having to skip social events, or eating bland boring food, then:

1) fasten ur tweet belt
2) bookmark this
3) READ ⬇️Image to lose fat, you need to burn more calories than you eat - simple

But where people fail with that is:

- not enough time to cook / busy
- still hungry after meals
- want to enjoy food they like
- want to have flexibility to have a social life
- don’t wanna track everything
Jun 16, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
All the big milestones I’ve hit didn’t come from me “wanting” something

They came from me NEEDING it.

If you had to have it, you’d already have it.

the person who HAS to eat, eats.

A quick story about risk, faith, and forcing life to bend to your will: When I was 19, in a weird health position, unfulfilled in college, and knowing there was more to life, I didn’t “want” to change my day to day

I NEEDED to, and I did.

Packed up everything and moved to Florida. Went and worked a month for free until knees over toes guy hired me
Mar 24, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
5 years ago I had an autoimmune illness, shattering my dreams of being the next Tim Tebow

Instead of feeling bad for myself, I spent a year learning how to overcome my condition

In doing so, stumbled across a side hustle that turned into a $28k/mo business… this is my story Image In this story, I’ll walk you through how I:

> Used the internet to solve my problems
> documented my process online
> Had people reach out how I did it
> Made coaching program
> made $$$
> Doubled down on content
> Made multi 6 figures (more than some health professionals)
Feb 15, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read

Let’s be real… everyone’s priority is to MAKE MORE MONEY.

the ones who have internet income will have their digital passport to live a good life

the ones who don’t… it’s NOT looking good (thread 👇🏼) You already KNOW that you need to use the internet to build

but many need a swift kick in the ass. sitting on potential & opportunity when the world is transitioning = STUPID

to quote @callicrates_, “if you’re not leveraging the internet, you’re pretty much an idiot” ImageImage
Feb 14, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
THIS VALENTINES DAY - you need more LOVE ❤️ 💕

NOT in the sappy gf dating way… (you do you in that regard)

but by weaponizing your own emotions to create the life you want (thread) your subconscious is always aligning itself with what you deeply truly believe

How those beliefs make you FEEL (emotion) create your energy (e-motion -> energy in motion)

your energy aligns your external reality with what matches that
Feb 13, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
More competition on this app = harder to establish yourself as an authority & buyers more skeptical of sellers

There’s a TON of money to be made, but I think we’re going to see it flowing to the top 2-3% of accounts

Here’s the full take: Let’s be honest - most service-based offers on this app are a commodity

Whether it’s coaching, lead gen, copywriting, short-form video - doesn’t matter - you're operating in a SEA of competition & it’s getting harder and harder to establish yourself above the pack
Jan 17, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Let’s be honest…

Every cat in the biz game is there to make CASH

& around these parts it’s seemingly always looked at as marketing and sales will get you more of it..

But the best in the world look at this as DEAD WRONG, and here’s why (THREAD) Firstly, if you like these threads, go up and hit the Like/RT for me real quick, it helps me see what you guys find valuable so I can keep sharing useful ideas
Dec 29, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
2023 is the year of OPPORTUNITY

And the one thing that’ll determine whether you grab it by the BALLS or let it slip…


So here's the ultimate guide to MAXXING out your lifeforce & seizing the gold at your fingertips:

(raw liver mentioned zero times) For every GOAL you want to achieve, there’s a certain amount of WORK required to get there.

That work can take you 30 days, 90 days, 6 months or a year - depending on how much you get done on a daily basis & how long you can sustain that momentum.
Dec 13, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
# of followers doesn’t mean shit.

If your goal is to make money & build a brand that stands the test of time, you need to optimize for quality & loyalty of followers.

So, here’s how to build a CULT-LIKE social media following:

THREAD It should be obvious why this is important.

We all know the accounts on here with a TON of followers but no real relationship with their audience.

They attract the soy munchers who feed off platitudes & empty words.

Zero loyalty, zero camaraderie & zero *quality*.
Nov 22, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
The ONLY Health and Fitness thread you will ever need… (more valuable than most fitness dorks will charge you multi thousand dollar coaching for)

This is the outline of my entire system, that I’ve legitimately trained >2000 people with, either in person or online

HEALTH BOMB💣 Image (mostly) Everything in your health/fitness is malleable

You actively write your genetic code each day by the choices you make, the environments you are in, and the mindset you hold

become an entirely different person PHYSICALLY, BIOCHEMICALLY by altering the inputs of your life
Nov 10, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
The key to finding your unfair advantages in life & exploiting them for personal gain in 60 seconds:

THREAD When I was 10 years old, I remember searching YT for Metallica covers on guitar so I could learn them and go shredd for my dad and his buddy who lived across the street (Kudrak was the goat).

I stopped playing completely through middle and high school because it wasn’t “cool”...
Oct 31, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
If you’re trying to attract more followers & make more $$, I recommend you try this exercise.

It takes 2-4 hours.

And will transform your content from “good” to “holy fuck please take my money”:

THREAD Write out your story.

Everything from your childhood to now.

Including all major events and formative moments that made you who you are.

This may seem like a daunting task but it’s key to building a personal brand that people genuinely connect with…
Oct 11, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
Wanna lose fat quickly?

Then STOP overcutting calories.

Instead, pull the 3 levers in this thread to become a white hot metabolic furnace and finally hit the shreddy range of 10-12% body fat.

(6-pack abs, high T, unbridled stallion energy)

Let’s get into it:

THREAD Image It’s a MYTH that in order to lose fat, you need to eat less food.

Dieters cutting 300-500 calories a day may experience fat loss at first, but 90% will eventually plateau.


Because caloric restriction over an extended period of time puts your body into “starvation mode”..
Aug 19, 2022 41 tweets 7 min read
All men COMPETE, but not all men CONQUER.

Names like Julius Caesar, Ghengis Khan and Alexander The Great live on today not because they played the game, but because they played the game and WON.

And so, for any man seeking a similar fate, I present:

THE CONQUEROR’S PLAYBOOK Image As men, we have to fight for everything we get in life.

And while we may no longer charge into war on horseback brandishing swords made of steel, those of us in the arena still go to battle every day.

With ourselves, our competition and the modern world.
May 12, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I’ve had a decent amount of people ask about how I got started and how I got to where I am (living the life I used to dream about and realizing it’s nowhere near my potential) how I got started, etc

thought I’d document it for myself & give insight on how long it took it’s important to preface what my childhood was like before jumping into business, I would do (mostly) all the right stuff, good grades w 0 effort, have fun, get my first jobs, dedicated high school to sports, get college almost fully paid for with football and engineering