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Focused on Infinity Podcast🎙 Content Creator | Musician | Rabblerouser | People / State | Planet / Country | Love / All #maskup
Sep 29, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
You aren't necessarily a gentrifier if you move into a minority community but make friends, shop local, and adhere to neighborhood customs.

But if you give everyone the stink eye and clutch your purse while desperately avoiding contact with anybody brown, please gtfo. I just walked past the most lily yt family in Harlem and they tensed up at my approach as if I had just infiltrated their cul-de-sac. The definition of entitlement is moving someplace new and looking at lobg time residents as if they don't belong.
Aug 30, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
But by all means, let's keep squawking about whether Democrats or Republicans are worse.

If we don't shut the oligarchs down We. Are. Going. To. Die.

Any electoral, technocratic, measured🧐long-term🧐approach🧐, is insufficient to the point of being dangerous. A lot of people who could do tremendous good are stuck in a specific mindset & way of interacting with politics, online and off.

We need to shake that shit up, darlings.
May 13, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
We know how much surveillance there is on the average American. We know how much the government hates having secrets revealed. We know how much the government hates leftist action.

Why, then, don't we blame the system rather than politicians who get into office and then change? Whether you are defending politicians or calling them out, it's a waste of time. There's no one under more control and surveillance than a senator or house representative.
May 9, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
The hypocrisy & complicity of Democrats is a waste of time to discuss right now.

We say their function is to derail & dissolve leftism, which is correct - how is focusing on them to the exclusion of their counterparts actively doing the harm not part of the same trap? If we agree that neither party is on our side and they are both part of the vulture class machine, it makes most sense to focus on the ones really in control, no? If the Dems are there to distract us, aren't we effectively being distracted if their names are in our mouths 24/7?
Mar 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
"We gotta drop the woke shit to be class conscious" 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

nahh that's just oppression with a higher minimum wage and maybe some M4a, my guy You have to start with the concerns of the least powerful first. That's not being woke, that's strategy.

If you start with the people who need the least, you lose them once they get what they want.

We have to understand how power works, especially under capitalism.