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Teacher "Be ruthless with systems and be kind to people." Michael Brooks, 1983-2020
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Jul 17 25 tweets 9 min read
KP.3, w/the unusual Q493E mutation, now dominant globally. To me, it's the first major spike change—involving real structural/epistatic change as opposed to treadmilling, stepwise antibody-evasion mutations merely keeping pace w/population immunity—since JN.1 emerged. 1/23 Most spike mutations affect ACE2 binding similarly in BA.2, XBB.1.5, & JN.1—e.g., Y453F confers a large incr in ACE2 affinity in all—so the XBB.1.5 deep mutational scanning info from @bdadonaite & @jbloom_lab is still invaluable. But Q493E is different. 2/
Jul 3 4 tweets 2 min read
AI is a disaster for journalism. Here are a two examples of AI hallucinations on the FLiRT variants of JN.1, which are named after spike mutations F456L & R346T.

This one from @NewstalkFM says FLiRT stands for "F-Type Recombinant Lineage," a term invented from whole cloth. 1/3 When I Googled that name, a clear AI hallucination dutifully copied & pasted by "journalists," I accidentally stumbled on another.

This one, from the Manchester Evening News via Yahoo News, says FLiRT stands for "Fresh Lineage of Rapid Transmission." 2/3 Image
Jun 29 5 tweets 2 min read
@suprion_verlag @dfocosi @yunlong_cao @RajlabN @BenjMurrell @SystemsVirology @SimonLoriereLab @EricTopol @TRyanGregory @tylernstarr @JPWeiland @siamosolocani @CorneliusRoemer The basic pattern has been that we occasionally see huge evolutionary jumps with no intermediate sequences (BA.1, BA.2, BA.5, BJ.1/XBB, BA.2.3.20, BA.2.86, & many others), which in reality evolved stepwise within a single, chronically infected individual. @suprion_verlag @dfocosi @yunlong_cao @RajlabN @BenjMurrell @SystemsVirology @SimonLoriereLab @EricTopol @TRyanGregory @tylernstarr @JPWeiland @siamosolocani @CorneliusRoemer Then, after such a variant begins circulating, it begins to pick up mutations, primarily in the spike protein, which evade antibodies that are widespread in the population. The specific mutations vary somewhat with each new variant, but there's a lot of common ground as well...
Jun 18 16 tweets 6 min read
. @BenjMurrell is doing the best variant growth modeling in the world, & his latest results confirm most of what we've thought: KP.3 is the fastest large variant, & its sublineage KP.3.1.1—w/the highly advantageous, glycan-creating S:∆S31—is easily the fastest in the world. 1/15 It can be a difficult to decipher the meaning of these graphs if you don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of the latest variants—which I think only @siamosolocani possesses—so I tried to add some context to Ben's graph, which I'll explain below. 2/15 Image
May 8 8 tweets 3 min read
KP.3 (w/the rare Q493E) has been my pick since I first noticed it emerging from numerous travel seqs from India. F456L & R346T are the typical stepwise immune-evasion mutations that, as @shay_fleishon noted, very likely impose a fitness cost. Q493E may be different. 1/ Q493E involves the rarest of all nucleotide mutations, C->G, and occurs at a key residue that we've seen very little action from of late. 493 mutations, however, are common in the Cryptics, usually Q493K I believe. (@SolidEvidence can correct me if I'm wrong on that). 2/8 Image
May 1 23 tweets 7 min read
We have a new record for mutations in a non-molnupiravir sequence. It's a BA.2.12.1 with >100 private mutations. There are 4 seqs from early April, all from the same patient. I'll discuss four interesting features it has in this 🧵. 1/23 Image #1) Reversions
Reversions are extremely rare. They almost never appear in circulating lineages. There are, however, a large number of reversions that are convergent in chronic-infection sequences. This one has more than usual. 2/23 Image
Apr 19 124 tweets 43 min read
What connects two regions on opposite ends of NSP12, a narrow slice of an obscure NSP3 region (DPUP/SUD-C), & a 3-AA sliver of nucleocapsid (N)? I have no idea, but I’m convinced there’s a link that could help reveal the inner workings of SARS-CoV-2. 1/120
I previously wrote a thread about the strange connection between ORF1a:4395-4398 and ORF1b:820-824 (NSP12_3-6 & NSP12_829-833). There is no known connection between these regions, & they are not close to each other in the NSP12 protein structure. 2/120
Apr 13 7 tweets 3 min read
Always nice to run across a possible function of a rare mutation that's shown up in multiple chronic-infection SARS-CoV-2 seqs. Thanks to an excellent paper by @TheMenacheryLab & @J_Paul_Taylor, I think I now know why N:L13P (a reversion) shows up. 1/6 They proved that the N:1-25 region, esp. the ITFG AA motif from N:15-18, is the essential element in N's ability to suppress the formation of stress granules (SGs) in cells, which capture & disable long viral RNAs & help organizing innate antiviral immune responses. 2/6
Apr 4 5 tweets 2 min read
BA.2.86, a clear chronic infection-derived variant, has obtained near-total global dominance in the form of JN.1. This may have squeezed out any room for new CI-derived variants to take hold & spread, but they're still out there. A recent one had ~38 private spike mutations. 1/5 BN.1.3 is a BA.2.75 descendant that emerged in Aug 2022, but much older variants still exist.

Alpha, for example, has disappeared from circulation, but it's not extinct—it's still evolving within an unknown # of hosts. On rare occasions, we catch a glimpse of this. 2/5 Image
Apr 2 7 tweets 2 min read
The spike mutation S50L is found in JN.1.
Before JN.1, it was extremely rare, though it was overrepresented in chronic-infection sequences. I think there's some evidence indicating that S50L might be an adaptation to the GI tract. 1/5 Virtually all SARS-CoV-2 sequences on GISAID come from conventional nasopharyngeal swabs. The small number labeled as coming from rectal/anal swabs, stool, or feces come almost entirely from China/Hong Kong, & are almost exclusively from February to April 2020. 2/5
Mar 20 25 tweets 8 min read
An interesting BA.5.1 sequence turned up yesterday with ~32 spike mutations. As in all such cases, there's a lot of fascinating stuff happening, but I find three aspects of this one especially intriguing:
1) 4 spike reversions
2) ORF1a:K1795I
3) 2-nuc P9L, G446S 1/24 Image Spike Reversions
We're beginning to see old Omicron mutations cycling out, transforming from buzzsaw to anchor. Reversions K478T, A484E, & V486F are now among the most common mutations in BA.1/2/4/5 chronics. The D339G reversion here, however, is extraordinarily rare. 2/25
Mar 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Interferon & T-cell escape is likely selected for in chronic infections. If high ACE2 affinity in SARS-CoV-2 evades IFN/T-cells, one might expect chronic variants to emerge w/high ACE2 affinity. And indeed, we've seen exactly that w/BA.2.86 & BA.2.87.1 1/5
h/t @Nucleocapsoid "High receptor-binding affinity virus particles exhibited increased resistance towards IFN-I-mediated inhibition of viral entry & replication... eventually leading to impaired T cell immunity and prolonged virus load."
2/5 Image
Mar 13 10 tweets 3 min read
I love it. We now understand that even if a unique, divergent lineage doesn't spread far, it represents a golden opportunity to learn things about this virus we wouldn't otherwise be able to. And such lineages have often foreshadowed the mutations of future variants. 1/10 In some ways, BA.2.87.1 is reminiscent of BJ.1, an obscure BA.2 chronic-infection lineage that emerged in India but hardly grew at all. It vanished quickly, but >75% of its genome lived on in XBB (a BJ.1/BA.2.75 recombinant) & went on to dominate globally. 2/10 image: @PeacockFlu Image
Mar 2 23 tweets 8 min read
Great new preprint on BA.2.87.1. Neutralizing antibody results & reduced lung cell infectivity compared to JN.1 is encouraging. Higher cell-cell fusion less so but not surprising given the ability of NTD deletions to facilitate fusion. There's also one puzzling finding. 1/23 In case you forget what BA.2.87.1 is, here's a previous thread on it. BA.2.87.1 has not spread at all since then, so it is not a major concern at the moment.

2 mistakes I made: R346T is not in BA.2.87.1, & I should've included ∆69-70. 2/23
Feb 27 7 tweets 2 min read
This Cryptic in Lausanne, Switzerland, disappeared for 2 years, & now returns in nearly unrecognizable form, w/a spike RBD resembling no known virus. It's clearly changed receptors. It seems we've barely scratched the surface of the potential changes SARS-CoV-2 can undergo. 1/4 My extremely amateur attempt to align these Cryptics with some SARS-CoV-2-like Clade 1a sarbecoviruses and SARS-CoV-1-like Clade 1b sarbecos. 2/4 Image
Feb 26 8 tweets 3 min read
Fortunately, use of the ineffective, mutagenic Covid drug molnupiravir (MOV) has declined. Unfortunately, several countries are still using it, including the US, Japan, South Korea, & Israel. A cluster of three JN.1 sequences with ~60 new mutations just turned up in Israel. 1/8 Image The number of mutations alone marks these as MOV creations, but the mutation types also confirm that diagnosis. All 60 mutations are transitions, with 32% of those G->A, the most distinctive MOV mutation.
The three sequences differ slightly, possibly due to coverage issues. 2/8 Image
Feb 16 16 tweets 5 min read
This could have the record for private spike mutations, surpassing even BA.1 & BA.2.86. ~35 spike AA mutations—& likely many others hiding behind dropout at S:447-471. Singlet in a country w/good surveillance, so unlikely to transmit. I'm super busy, so a few short remarks. 1/15 Image First, of the nucleotide mutations in amino acid (AA) coding regions, 61/71, or 85.9%, are non-synonymous, i.e. they cause a change in the AA. This is extraordinarily high and indicates strong positive selection—i.e. selection for advantageous mutations. 2/15 Image
Feb 11 22 tweets 7 min read
Time for more Tales from the Cryptics.

This one's a doozy. Has to be the wildest RBD yet.

It's hard to convey just how crazy this one is, but in this 🧵 I'll share my initial thoughts one some of these RBD mutations. (RBD = receptor-binding domain of the spike protein)
Image I've analyzed 1000's of chronic-infection sequences, yet this Cryptic has 9 mutations I've never seen in any of those: G413R, T415E, Y421F, N440T, V445N, G446K, Y449T, K462Q, and G482T—*in the RBD alone.* Two others I've only seen once. 2/22 Image
Feb 1 27 tweets 8 min read
Longer 🧵 on BA.2.87. So far, it has not grown quickly or spread far geographically, so its future is murky. It could be a flash-in-the-pan that soon disappears or it could mutate to become more fit & challenge JN.1. My summary of its private mutations is below. 1/22 Image This is *not* to be confused w/the equally amazing BA.2 singlet discovered by @BorisUitham. While these 2 astoundingly divergent BA.2s are completely different, they do share one remarkable similarity: total loss of the same spike NTD disulfide bond. 2/22
Feb 1 8 tweets 2 min read
Phenomenal 🧵 by @Tuliodna describing a wild new BA.2 lineage circulating at low levels in South Africa.
Incredible find by one of the best & most valuable teams in the world. We're all in their debt. Thank you, @Dikeled61970012, @nicd_sa, @DarrenM98230782, @houzhou, & team. Will this new BA.2 sputter and disappear without making much impact? We've seen many chronic-infection BA.2 saltation variants do exactly that: BA.2.83, DD.1, BP.1, BA.2.10.4, + multiple undesignated ones (exceptionally divergent BA.2s in Chile & Ukraine come to mind). 2/
Jan 28 15 tweets 4 min read
We see a lot of BA.2* these days: ~100% of cases have been due to BA.2-derived variants in the past year. But what ever happened to BA.1?
It’s still around, just not transmitting… much. The BA.1 below, w/32 additional spike mutations, was transmitted at least once. 1/15 Image Another recent variant also had 32 spike mutations relative to its ancestor: BA.2.86 (which later became JN.1). This is not the first extremely divergent, chronic infection-derived BA.1* sequence we’ve seen. But it may be the first we’ve seen transmitted. 2/15 Image