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Twitter account for Longstone Community Council
Dec 31, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Things LCC are looking forward to in 2024: In no particular order:
Burnside Bridge and path fully re-opened. #1 Working with @LongstoneLPS, Redhall School, @Edinburgh_CC and the community on safer routes to school for pupils. #2
Feb 16, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵Lots of discussion about new bridges lately, one of which could be the 'Slateford Snake' to allow an alternative crossing to the aqueduct on the union canal. The 'Slateford Snake' will undoubtably be very expensive & difficult to deliver. It's doubtful how much it would improve access for folk with mobility issues without addressing the horrific gradients on most of the access ramps to the canal nearby. /1
May 24, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
We strongly support a new pedestrian/cycle bridge crossing, as does the local community, ward councillors, @WOLCT, @SpokesLothian across the Water of Leith connecting us to our neighbours in Hutchison/Chesser. Many good reasons for doing so @rsmcksg @CllrDanHeap @DenisDixonSNP 🧵 https://t.co/sUNKH9Gz1f
Image The T7 active travel route is marked up in the Local Development Plan. Completing this missing link facilitates active travel corridor from Gorgie Rd all the way to the Union Canal via Redhall Park. It helps alleviate some pressure on the tow path & the aqueduct pinch point/2
Apr 12, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
1/ We think so too although there is also an old subway under the canal locally. Not quite as grand but quite unique & used to be the only way to get from Kingsknowe to Longstone. Still a route on google maps. @scottishcanals #unioncanal 2/ Here's a vid of it being pumped out recently by CEC Parks team trying to find a drain cover at the origin of an old culvert carrying water from a old spring through Redhall Park. Note the weird piped outlet in the canal subway wall spewing water out as well. @scottishcanals