PhDing at @scuolanormale (and for a bit at @ICTA_UAB) for and about social movements, care & commons. Part of @R_Degrowth. Msc @LseAnthropology.
Sep 25, 2024 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
1/ 🚨 News broke yesterday (): Anticapitalist, anarchist (and degrowth) activist Enric Duran, aka “Robin Banks,” has been in preventive detention in France since June on dubious charges. The real reason? His activism. Here’s why this is so important 👇 2/ I was lucky enough to work with Enric on a few projects over the years. I even got him to speak at a master’s seminar at LSE 😁 and later wrote my thesis on Faircoin, the attempt he was involved in to create anticapitalist money. But here’s his story from the start 👇
Nov 10, 2022 • 18 tweets • 9 min read
Some reflections and learnings from these days, on the occupation, the negotiations and the joyful community that was formed during the @EndFossilBCN occupation of the @UniBarcelona (UB) 👇
Around 30 activists occupied the courtyard of the historic building of the UB last Wednesday 2/11, camping close to the Rectorate with 3 concrete demands. 7 days later, the UB has published this communiqué, after a strenuous negotiation:
Oct 21, 2020 • 18 tweets • 11 min read
Mentre si discute di pettegolezzi, il futuro del clima, della biodiversità e del cibo - in altre parole, della vita - è stato devastato da un voto in sordina e antidemocratico al Parlamento Europeo, completamente ignorato dai media. #FutureofCap
Un accordo sottobanco tra lobbisti delle multinazionali agricole, il @EPPGroup i popolari (fin qui niente da stupirsi), @RenewEurope (centristi belleparole tipo Macron e @matteorenzi) e gli incredibili @TheProgressives (tra cui @pdnetwork), ha permesso di bypassare discussione...