Lorenzo Velotti Profile picture
Phd student at @scuolanormale. EcoloJustice Activist. Care, Social Movements & Degrowth. Msc @LseAnthropology _ @DegrowthTalks | @CHumanEcology | @Edizioniasino
Nov 10, 2022 18 tweets 9 min read
Some reflections and learnings from these days, on the occupation, the negotiations and the joyful community that was formed during the @EndFossilBCN occupation of the @UniBarcelona (UB) 👇 Image Around 30 activists occupied the courtyard of the historic building of the UB last Wednesday 2/11, camping close to the Rectorate with 3 concrete demands. 7 days later, the UB has published this communiqué, after a strenuous negotiation:
Oct 21, 2020 18 tweets 11 min read
Mentre si discute di pettegolezzi, il futuro del clima, della biodiversità e del cibo - in altre parole, della vita - è stato devastato da un voto in sordina e antidemocratico al Parlamento Europeo, completamente ignorato dai media. #FutureofCap Un accordo sottobanco tra lobbisti delle multinazionali agricole, il @EPPGroup i popolari (fin qui niente da stupirsi), @RenewEurope (centristi belleparole tipo Macron e @matteorenzi) e gli incredibili @TheProgressives (tra cui @pdnetwork), ha permesso di bypassare discussione...