Aymen Loukil Profile picture
International SEO and Webperf Consultant - Founder @SpeetalsTool - Speaker, entrepreneur & Solution finder
dragondelis 🇺🇦 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 22, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Site speed monitoring, 7 pitfalls to avoid

#webperf #perfmatters TL;DR
- Synthetic tools only
- Trust Lighthouse Score
- Improper metrics
- Mobile (or Desktop) only
- Confound domain and page-level data
- Slow outcomes validation
- Measure all your internal pages
- ...
Jan 22, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
[Thread] New details from @googlewmc on Mobile-first indexing best practices ! They added :
- Focus on having "same content" on Mobile VS Desktop
- Same meta robots
- No interaction based lazyload
- Resources must be crawlable
- Same structured data on both versions
- URLs in Mobile structured data must point out to mobile ones ! [😅]
- Same meta tags [title, description]
- High Quality images
- Persistant images URLs
- Same alt text for mobile/Desktop images
- Use supported video formats
- Don't put the video in the bottom of the page