Native Tv Writer. Oglala Lakota x Pine Ridge Rez. Sacred Clown. 12 seasons of TV. Recent: Duster 🚗, Ringshout 🗡️, Horizon Zero Dawn 🦖, The Witches 🐁
Feb 3, 2024 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The median US rent is $1967. Which means the median US hourly pay which would be considered livable (1/3 of rent) should be $35.40
The current US median hourly pay is… $17.02
Society will never be “okay” until this is fixed. It’ll always feel like a bad economy because of this
FIX HOUSING PRICES. One sector cannot keep screwing over the entire country like this.
May 8, 2023 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Since many want to know. Here are some of the steps of the development process:
--Pitch: You thought of your own Tv show idea, and you've developed a pitch for it
--Production Company attaches: You've pitched to a POD and they liked it, they decide to "take it out" with you
--You and the Production Company pitch to a Studio, that studio "buys" the pitch. This is where people get confused. Because much of the time, it's an if/come deal.
If/Come deal: Studios make an agreement saying they'll pay you, if you sell the pitch to a network/streamer
Jun 13, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
A third school found the remains of Native children buried under their school.
Think about that. Hundreds of bodies of children are being found. That’d be massive news if it wasn’t Native kids. Where is the outrage? Where is the support? Why doesn’t anyone care?
As we watch Trumpers storm the capital with guns. Just a reminder, this is what America did to Native protesting for clean water.
--Where are the missile launchers they deployed at Standing Rock? Where are the water canons? Tear Gas? Rubber bullets?
Nov 14, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
88% of the missing children in South Dakota are Native. That’s systemic. That’s racism.
October 11th, 2020 we scraped the data from South Dakota's Missing Children website and found that 88% were Native. And no one is talking about it.
Aug 29, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Erasure is complete when they say your name and you're no longer remembered.
This is a criticism of the media and the everyone who claims to be anti-racist but still erases Natives.
Jun 20, 2020 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
This is going to be a whole thread...
You cannot be anti-racist and still Anti-Native. Period.
And Erasure is not only Anti-Native, it's the last stage of genocide.
Natives have the lowest life expectancy, Native men from my tribe have a life expectancy of 48! #WeAreStillHere
Native communities are dying from coronavirus at the HIGHEST rates. In rural areas! That's systemic.
The Trump admin withheld relief- No one cared. No news put pressure on it. Natives had to sue to get some of it. We're dying because of this delay, 1000s of lives... gone
Apr 15, 2020 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
The ABC Disney Writing Program's application wants a 250 word self-pitch. I did the ABC Disney Writing Program in 2014 and the self-pitch is the single most useful thing I learned. I use it all the time. I've taught classes with Disney on self-pitching. Here are some tips: 1/9
A Self-Pitch is the STORY OF YOU
#1 What is your unique voice?
Know what's not unique? A good work ethic, a degree, passion for writing. Everyone applying writes. This tells us nothing. We want YOUR beautifully one of a kind life. The highs, the lows, the crazy. Give us You. 2/9
Dec 5, 2019 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Years ago I found out esk*mo was a slur. I had no idea. I thought it was a name. Inuit, Inupiat, Yupik, Aleut are their names. So I stopped saying it. I didn't tell them "that's not a slur", I didn't claim that e****o wasn't as bad as a slur as others. I just stopped saying it.
Also, if anyone who is Alaskan Indigenous wants to speak about this... we should listen to them over me.
This is why we need representation because the media/education used this as a name, so many people (including myself) grew up misinformed.