Ludite Sam Profile picture
Systems are beautiful.
May 18, 2024 16 tweets 7 min read
"The nature of the game is that it has no inherent nature" would be one hell of a take if not for the fact that it's the same tired take Rule Zero extremists have been making for decades. Despite his appeal to Gygax, Gygax vehemently disagrees in 'Role-Playing Mastery' (1987). The spirit of the game isn't something the players decide upon, but rather a preexisting philosophy, a guiding star for the designer, and an invisible hand that shapes all of play. Image
Oct 28, 2018 16 tweets 4 min read
Okay, been thinking about the "MMOs in a museum" thing for awhile now. I present this song as an alternative museum exhibit for EVE Online.

(tagging @raphkoster ) This is a song composed and performed by an EVE player, and requires a little bit of game context to understand.

Firstly, Providence is null-security region in EVE Online. That means that it has above-grade valuable resources, but has no player protections. PvP is very go.