Lugard Tare-Otu Profile picture
Lawyer - Chairman & Managing Partner at @TareotuLegal -
Jun 1, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Unpopular Opinion -

I have the most respect for @PeterObi. I respect him as a good public servant & manager of resources. I see that many Nigerians are passionately selling the idea that Mr. Obi is a very great & visionary leader. This is not true - or at best, he is overhyped Track record is the best proof of facts. By a man's track record & previous performance you can appraise his performance for the purpose of determining whether he has performed well. In football, the pundits call it "Stats". What are Peter Obi's Stats? What is his track record?
Jul 14, 2020 26 tweets 6 min read
I think the thing which hurts and pains me the most in this life is disrespect. I am not talking about African male privilege 'respect' nor 'am I your mate?' type of respect. I am talking about the value that you place on a human being. The honour you show/give to a human being That dignity you show to a human being is the sum total of the value you place on that person. He/she doesn't have to be rich or poor, upperclass or lowerclass - there is just this barest minimum respect & value which you must show on a human being irrespective of his/her status
Jul 7, 2020 34 tweets 7 min read
"There are no women at the Bar"

Thread After becoming lawyers, we often hear this phrase "there are no women at the Bar". This phrase has been said countless times by the entire legal apparatus - from the Nigerian Law School to Judges, both male & female - such that it is now like a broken record. We hear it often
Mar 22, 2019 23 tweets 5 min read
I think I really have no talents. I can hardly do anything with my hands. But you see this my mind? God created it specially. I over think, analyse, critique things till they add up. Ideas also drop in a very cerebral and inspirational fashion. New judicial decision alert. Thread Then I have my mouth. My brain, to think and my mouth, to speak/argue. My only tools. My only talents. So there were these set of cases I was assigned to handle at my firm. My firm does a lot of oil spillage and energy litigation, defending oil companies. That is my area too