Luis V. Sanchez Profile picture
Investor/Founder @ LVS Advisory - NYC-based registered investment advisory firm managing portfolios for clients.
Feb 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A lot of musicians are complaining about the economics of Spotify but lost in the debate is how the company saved the entire music industry.

From $SPOT's 10K: Considering that record labels take the lion's share of streaming royalties, perhaps their angst is mistargeted?

@SleepwellCap explains it well here…
Nov 6, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Scuttlebutt is something few investors do well because it's fraught with confirmation bias.

In addition to the interviewer potentially asking leading questions, it's important to think about what biases the interviewee may have.

Some quick thoughts on what works for me:

1/x If I am interviewing a former employee, I always ask about the terms on which they left their former company.

I always try to interview industry people from multiple companies with different perspectives and different levels of responsibilities.

May 3, 2021 17 tweets 8 min read
I had a fascinating conversation covering the payments industry with an early Square employee for @MosaicRM.

We discuss: Jack Dorsey, $SQ, $PYPL, Stripe, $AFRM, $APT, $V, $MA, & more

Here is a thread containing my highlights: Part of Jack Dorsey's "secret sauce" was to scale himself out of multiple companies which forced him to build the right teams at $SQ and $TWTR early on