artist // find me on Bluesky: ✨
Nov 8, 2023 • 37 tweets • 10 min read
I am delighted to report that I have successfully defended the libel claim brought against me in the High Court by Nina Power and Daniel ‘DC’ Miller, which I have been fighting for over four years.
My full statement on today's Judgment can be read here:…
Ms Power and Mr Miller had sued me in respect of 16 tweets, which I posted in 2018-19, as well as the ‘content warning’ of a webpage archive of some of Mr Miller’s own Twitter publications in which I described the nature of those posts.
Sep 26, 2022 • 8 tweets • 7 min read
cw: Nazism
Julian Mathews (pictured) has been unmasked as the operator of prolific far-right account 'Beyond Woke and Problematic'—a one-man propaganda machine notorious for pumping out Sonnenrad-laden memes championing Evola & neo-fascist figures Aleksandr Dugin & Nick Land 🧵
According to his public LinkedIn profile, Julian Mathews lists his job as Senior Medical Editor at New York's @juicepharma
Dec 29, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
cw: Denver mass shooting, neo-Nazism
Lyndon McLeod, aka 'Roman McClay', the Denver mass shooter who just murdered 5 people, appears to have been heavily inspired by neo-Nazi figure 'Bronze Age Pervert' (BAP), a Romanian-American extremist whose real name is Costin Vlad Alamariu
cw: neo-Nazism
The shooter obsessively posted passages from Bronze Age Pervert's neo-Nazi manifesto 'Bronze Age Mindset' inciting acts of white supremacist violence & genocide—including this shocking call to "purify the earth and rid it of the infestation of the human-cockroach"
Oct 25, 2021 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
We need to talk about a troubling red-brown 'gender critical' alliance that seems to be brewing between @guardian writer @SusannaRustin and self-descried "reactionary feminist" and neo-Nazi 'Bronze Age Pervert'-promoter Mary Harrington.
Before sharing Harrington's @unherd article above this morning, Rustin was invited over the weekend to read another piece of hers on a website called Palladium.
(Rustin was doing a spot of decorating, so it's unclear if she did in fact read the piece, or what she made of it…)
Sep 8, 2020 • 24 tweets • 10 min read
Bronze Age Pervert: A THREAD
Neo-fascist figure Bronze Age Pervert poses real danger, gaining major traction & influence not only in far-right but more mainstream right & so-called "dirtbag left" circles
I've read his manifesto—so you don't have to—to unmask its neo-Nazi nature
BAP's 2018 'Bronze Age Mindset' can accurately be described as a fascist/neo-Nazi manifesto
It promotes a rejection of modern civilisation, an elevated fantasy of a hyper-masculine Bronze Age Aryan-warrior ideal & the dehumanisation of groups of people as "refuse" to be cleansed
Feb 11, 2019 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
Last week, my panel in Berlin was cancelled by the gallery due to far-right intimidation. I'm grateful for the incredibly kind words of support shown by friends and peers in the days since. 🙏💖
However, there's another, darker art-world response that needs to be highlighted…
Almost immediately following the announcement, several alt-right troll accounts that have been harassing me for months sprang into action, insinuating that Robert Grunenberg Gallery was lying about the intimidation and their reasons for cancelling: