Laura van den Berg Profile picture
Writer of stories & novels, incl. THE THIRD HOTEL. Lecturer @English_Harvard. Next collection, I HOLD A WOLF BY THE EARS, out w/ @fsgbooks in July. she/her
Feb 2, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
For the student writers who feel like they’re getting pummeled with rejections while watching peers who seem to be landing one acceptance after another— Keep in mind that those peers are likely getting plenty of rejections too. They might be also be applying/submitting to more places and with greater consistency.
Mar 28, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Not exclusively true, but I do think the most interesting work often has the most challenging time in workshop. The work we've seen so many times before—that flaw, the over-familiarity, also makes it easier to discuss. & in turn the work we haven’t seen before requires readers to stretch & challenge their usual frameworks, vocabularies, ways of seeing.