Lynburn Nurture Profile picture
We are a nurture classroom based at Lynburn Primary School. Child centered, connection led, trauma responsive and attachment aware practice.
Sep 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I ran a primary 1 parent workshop as part of the intensive support strategies we have put into place in the early years. We explored issues families families face, parents wrote them on post it notes. We then discussed if the issue was a symptom, trigger/cause, or influence... Image Together, we learnt that BEHAVIOUR was the overall symptom and the only way young children know how to communicate their stress. Image
Sep 4, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
A thread 🧵 on our Primary 1 project. It is evident in the early years the detrimental effect of lockdown on the development of children. @suzannezeedyk highlights this is wired into a child's biology (notably speech, social & emotional = behaviour). Here's what we're doing.. Image Small groups of children have 4 sessions a week. Bruce Perry uses a developmental framework to understand the brain. Gross/fine motor skills & attention are within the lower parts of the brain. This room is aimed at supporting the brain develop through rhythmic movement: REGULATE

Oct 7, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
We have created an entire classroom based upon the Neurosequential Model of Dr Bruce Perry. The Lighthouse classroom is designed to steer pupils towards emotional and physical safety through Regulate, Relate, Reason. A thread 🧵 @BDPerry Our survival brain doesn't communicate through words, it communicates through our senses. Sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, proprioception, vestibular and interception feedback can soothe or trigger us. We can use a child's sensory seeking behaviour to help them REGULATE