Medicare for All NOW! Profile picture
Fighting for your health, not corporate profits. No more deductibles, out-of-network costs, surprise bills or GoFundMe. Led by @wendellpotter. Join us 👇🏼
Mar 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
As the coronavirus exposes how ill-equipped the US healthcare system is to handle a major public health emergency, how is the health care industry responding? By quietly launching new propaganda campaigns against any and all proposed reforms around the country. (1/5) In December, the industry’s anti-Medicare for All front group, @P4AHCF, created a new dark money arm to defeat state-level reforms. @lhfang reported last week on Colorado’s Health Care Future, their campaign against a public option plan in CO. (2/5)…
Feb 25, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Mayor Pete’s new talking point against Medicare for All poses an unfortunate problem for him. Pete likes to claim that M4A will raise taxes on the middle class — but his own health plan will cost middle-class families *way* more than M4A. Oops. (1/5) Pete likes to recite the line that Bernie’s M4A plan “raises taxes on every American making over $29,000.” But for most Americans, the premiums in Pete’s plan are *double* the size of that tax. And Pete’s plan includes a deductible - which he hasn’t even specified. Uh-oh. (2/5)
Jan 2, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Something monumental in American politics happened today. The candidate talking about Medicare For All with the most frequency & passion (@BernieSanders) just collected support from the largest coalition of voters in history. This officially shatters a misguided media myth. (1/8) The Beltway media keeps missing Medicare For All’s immense popularity, even claiming that it’s harmful to support. They were always wrong - but now there’s demonstrable proof. It will be interesting to see if they continue to say it, in the face of this news. (2/8)