We locked ourselves in the MAGA echo chamber for 8 yrs. They're brainwashed. We proved it. Find us over on the new site! #USDemocracy
Oct 11, 2024 • 8 tweets • 7 min read
Part II: The rest leading up to today. Expert studies have shown that Trump is responsible for 40% of all U.S. Covid deaths. These people can no longer vote blue because they're 6 feet under, on November 5th we vote for them. RIP #USDemocracy #VoteBlueAsifYourLivesDependonit
Oct 11, 2024 • 27 tweets • 20 min read
Please take some time this weekend and look at what Donald Trump did. Expert studies have shown that he's responsible for the deaths of nearly half a million Americans due to his mishandling and misinformation. Every one of these stories is a family Trump destroyed. #USDemocracy
Sep 10, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
*This has been confirmed by Anonymous
(A Thread of Slides) #USDemocracy
Aug 7, 2024 • 4 tweets • 10 min read
MAGA CULT: The Full Explanation
"Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse." - Sophocles
Message frequency + algorithms = indoctrination
In a 8-year funded social media study with over 120,000 data points aimed at answering how we as a country have become so divided, we now know and have concluded the following MAGA facts. All 100% proven and accurate.
MAGA are officially brainwashed.
This occurred through a combination of algorithms used in retargeting on social media along with cookies, cache, search history, pixels, and metatags.
By eliminating contrarian political viewpoints by muting or blocking they are only receiving one set of information they believe to be concretely factual. 58% of MAGA information is provably false. They block all contrarian viewpoint accounts. This is called an echo chamber. Only what they agree with in, everything they disagree with, out.
They do not understand what an echo chamber is, how it’s formed, or how dangerous it is to be trapped inside of one.
A combination of what Donald Trump says, the GOP supporting it, right-wing rhetoric outlets, opinion networks masquerading as news outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, RSBD, independent journalists with no accreditation, and accounts they trust on social media (most of which they don't realize are bots) culminate to produce one thing collectively, message frequency.
MAGA indoctrination can simply be boiled down to message frequency. How many times they hear something and who they hear it from. In advertising it is 1 of 3 categories (audience, creative, and frequency) for consistent positive advertising campaigns. It doesn’t matter what you tell someone, if you tell them enough times (blatant lies included), they’ll believe it. This is psychology in marketing 101. If you hear/see an ad 72 times, there's a 94% chance you'll buy the product.
It’s the reason Trump tells his audience the same old stories hundreds of times. This is intentional. It’s by design. He's admitted multiple times he understands message frequency. It’s why MAGA will believe anything they’re told by their own side with 0 evidence.
They don’t understand who they follow on social media changes the information they’re fed everywhere…not just online.
TV, billboards, and radio are all affected. More importantly, your online experience isn't just affected, it's procured by the choices and engagement you indulge in while online. Both programming and advertising served. Platforms such as Meta (IG & FB), TikTok, X, etc. all use retargeting.
Bottom line, eyeball time = $ to all of them. Where in TV the tactic is known as “if it bleeds it leads,” online it’s referenced as rage farming or gaslighting. Accounts posting content intentionally antagonize the reader to respond in anger. Mostly bots.
When MAGA people experience enough of this rage, they reach the point of indoctrination. Where no message offering alternative information is allowed into their echo chambers. Eventually, the message frequency reaches such a height that these individuals present cult-like tendencies.
When MAGA says “Do your own research” it’s ironic. Because the research they’re being fed by their search engines begins with items the algorithm already knows they’ll agree with. Remember, eyeballs = $. True or false, it matters not to the algorithm.
Echo chamber insulation.
Once MAGA indoctrination has taken hold, their subconscious is on high alert to block any potential threat to that person’s chamber. They’re insulating their mind and beliefs. They don’t even realize it.
They’re short with people, fidgety, frustrated, won’t allow equal conversation time, cut contrarian viewpoints off mid-sentence, etc. They vehemently believe you’re lying no matter the source. They’ll attempt to discredit proven fact. They can’t directly address a question with a simple answer.
The current #1 form of echo chamber insulation is the projection of “TDS” (Trump Derangement Syndrome). We proved it's a defense mechanism. It's sole purpose is to get you to stop interacting with them because they can't process what you're saying and their brains won't let them focus on your message. They literally cannot listen. They can hear, but not listen. Their subconscious is protecting their belief system.
Spotting an echo chamber and how to avoid.
If you adjust who you follow to 50% right accounts and 50% left, which we did for our study, and go to the page of a MAGA individual, there’s a 97.2% probability you'll find 0 left-leaning accounts. (Aside from left news outlets and some politicians like Hillary, Biden, Pelosi, and AOC that their chambers told them to hate) Not a couple, not a few, none. You can go to their X page, Followers You Know, and it will ONLY be the accounts you follow on the right that you’ll have in common. This is what an echo chamber looks like.
You avoid it by adjusting your following to at least 40% of accounts you disagree with for 3 months. You cannot mute or block. Debate all day or don't interact at all, but keep following them. That is how to remove them from their echo chambers. However, MAGA refuses to do so. All of them.
How this happened: The Oranges (Origins)
In 1987, the FCC (via Reagan) abolished the Fairness Doctrine. It stated that all news sources had to give equal airtime/column inches to opposing viewpoints. It made information fair. When they ended it, FOX NEWS and other similar entities were basically given carte blanche to lie with impunity. Eventually in court they chose to call themselves an opinion network to avoid most legal entanglements.
Appeal to authority fallacy.
We explained to MAGA indoctrinated individuals how the people that know the most about this subject are known as SEO experts. These are the people that manipulate the hidden code (metatags) to organically receive higher listings on search engines. They are the people that understand better than anyone else how message frequency + algorithms = indoctrination. MAGA repeatedly attempted to discredit them using an excuse that expertise is a fallacy. Which is easily discredited.
Proving the brainwashing.
We asked the MAGA individuals to complete one task to prove they weren’t indoctrinated. All they had to do was go to X’s search, type in “SEO expert”, click on the people tab, and tag (hyperlink their account) in their replies to us. It only counts if the SEO account owner responds and will address our study's accuracy. The entire exercise takes under 20 seconds. They couldn’t do it. One could assume that a few to even a couple dozen could just be coincidence and we weren’t reaching a critical mass data point. However, we did not receive one legitimate tag. Not one. In over 120,000 MAGA interactions, 0. It was an absolute. They denied and pivoted every single time. Later on in the study we implemented rage farming tactics using condescending and patronizing tone/language explaining that merely tagging an expert would get us to admit defeat. It didn’t happen once. It was vital that they (MAGA) tagged the expert. We could be discredited for bias. We could choose a pre-vetted account. But when they were forced to choose the expert, we created an imbalance that their subconscious could not process, and their indoctrination literally froze their response capabilities. They cannot discredit someone they choose. That was the hang-up. They would argue for hours, days, weeks, and in many cases, months on end. They could list thousands of excuses. They couldn't tag the expert. Knowing it only takes 20 seconds. Their subconscious felt it was a trap and they refused every time. They were a hesitant mouse in a maze. They couldn’t move. After not allowing them to pivot from why they couldn’t tag an expert there was an over 82% consistent block or mute of our accounts.
How we reached them.
If you know how online algorithms work (and all people in digital media have some insight into this) you can get around them. By creating MAGA clone accounts using keyword phrases in our bios like 1A, 2A, Patriot, MAGA, UltraMAGA, 45, FJB, Trump2024, Christian, God, IFBAP, Conservative, etc. we were able to trick hundreds of thousands of MAGA accounts into following us. It wasn’t hard once we got Russian bots to add us to their follow trains. By getting them to follow us we now had direct access to their echo chambers. We’re more well-versed in their talking points than they are at this point. We used an SEO farm tactic for the study, incorporating 16 accounts. 12 feeders (small followings) and 4 main larger accounts (with hundreds of thousands of followers). In all, 2.1 million followers.
Left vs. Right
We distributed this “disprove you’re brainwashed” post equally to accounts on the left and right to begin the study. It took the left 7 interactions (on average) to tag an expert and get them to respond and confirm. Repeatedly the left could tag without hesitation. We ended the study never having found a single right account that could accomplish this simple task in our 120,000+ communications.
Trusted people, lying.
Politicians they follow spew right-wing echo chamber rhetoric lies so they don’t lose favor with their base, and they have to continue to regurgitate these lies to curry favor with their constituents and party as a whole. This leaves the politician/political entity with 2 options: 1. Continue to lie and stay in power/money 2. Call out the lie and be cast out of power/money with a tag of “RINO.”
Most in the GOP to date (though there are a few here and there) have chosen to continue the lie, thereby increasing the frequency of message and getting more echo chamber victims to believe the lie more firmly. There are levels of weight one’s mind lends to sources. Russian bots that people online believe are their friends that they always agree with have a high level of influence. Where as life-long highly conservative Republicans like Liz Cheney now have near zero credit and anything she says is considered a lie by the right.
MAGA doesn’t understand bots.
What we did was considered anti-bot. MAGA doesn’t realize that about half of the accounts they follow are Russian propagandist bots. It doesn’t mean they have a Russian flag in their bio or only discuss Russia in a positive light. It means they’ll just simply support any anti-left information and keep pushing the limits. Bots are only right. We didn’t find a single left bot-farm. While it’s not extremely surprising since we were on the right side of X (due to manipulating the algorithm), we would have at least seen responses/reposts from MAGA accounts we followed rejecting left bots. I.E. – A bot will post a message “When all the talking stops, it’s time to move on to other ways of changing minds.” Their messaging alludes to incitement of violence. Normally people on the right would draw a hard line in the sand of morality on that messaging. But when 8 other bots (they believe are their friends) below the post support it, like it, or retweet it then the actual real MAGA individual’s resolve erodes, rapidly. Now they’ll shift their moral compass further. This is how J6 happened. This is how civil war will happen.
MAGA cannot listen.
When you're debating MAGA, we took note of some overwhelmingly frequent tendencies. They'll say things like "why can't you answer my question?" Demanding you answer first. My personal favorite of the weak minded, "you won't because you can't."
We could and through our first 5,000 so interactions would respond to their inquiries first, but they would never answer ours. We discovered they can’t listen. Their minds won’t allow them to even entertain your response. They’ll simply discredit it. “Hey soy boy, get out of your mom’s basement.” They have no idea that their subconscious is blocking information that could tether them (at least a thread) to reality. It’s feeding constant lies and propaganda. You cannot reach them. They literally can’t listen. 30% of America believes Biden only won in 2020 due to voter fraud or election interference. There is 0 evidence (of consequence, there's always a small amount). Yet you’ll never talk them out of it. THIS IS WHY.
When it’s a cult.
Commonly held misconceptions are that indoctrination (brainwashing) is like a switch and you're either brainwashed or you're not. It's more like a knob that goes from 1 to 10. The first level of indoctrination is agreeing with the people being fed to you by the algorithm (those you follow) on your social media platform. Commenting, retweeting, liking, disagreeing, engaging. Then comes the positivity of message. Once they've heard the same messaging their beliefs become more concrete. They’ll debate with people/accounts. It will result in the MAGA individual blocking or muting (this happens on the left as well to a degree). Now they’ll find there are fewer and fewer people/accounts disagreeing with them. Eventually, they get fed up or disgusted and inevitably purge themselves of all left voices/accounts. Now they are in an echo chamber hearing constant lies that to them become absolute truths.
Ever debated a MAGA account? They can’t concede anything. Once they can’t listen, they’re in their chamber long enough, and they’re positive of their message…they are officially in a cult. Nothing can reach them.
At some point they’ll reach a mental breaking point. That’s when the violence begins.
Russian bots as of 4/22 started changing their messaging. They’re much more aggressively pushing these indoctrinated cult members to physical violence. They’re pushing the envelope beyond what we’ve witnessed. It’s happening rapidly.
Get this message out.
We need you to spread this information far and wide to increase engagement. If you have any questions, DM us. Everything we have stated is factual and proven.
At the conclusion of the MAGA movement (whenever that is), we’ll post the findings, psychological studies, and analytics supporting our conclusion.
This can be summarized pretty simply.
Netflix's The Social Dilemma predicted this. The creators of the algorithm (the recipe of formulas for retargeting) warned us and we're living through their worst case scenario. A CEO that knows this is happening and is leaning into it.