Mark Charles Bashaw Profile picture
6 subscribers
Oct 29, 2024 12 tweets 7 min read
1. CAPTAIN ALEXANDER McCarthy, Defense Centers Public Health, CO CDR, knowingly broke the law(s)(many), violated Army Regulations, and breached his Oath of Office.…Image 2. COLONEL Yevgeny Eugene Vindman and his entire SJA team that had their hand in persecuting and prosecuting in USA v 1LT MARK C. BASHAW knowingly broke the law, violated Army Regulations, derelict in their duties as Judge Advocates, and breached their Oaths of Office.…Image
May 29, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Seems like we're at this stage of "disclosure."

Yes, the "diagnostics" were the main weapon that not only made hospitals, media, corporations, and doctors et. al. billions, but psychologically manipulated the people into begging for a "solution."

I served with SGT Alexandru Julean, he was an Army Laboratory Technician (68K) running these fake PCR tests. He attempted to warn his Chain of Command, only to be given an Article 15 UCMJ punishment and discharged from Service.

#PCR #SCAMDEMIC #NEVERforget #PLANDEMIC…Image ….a killer solution. KNOWINGLY!
Apr 7, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
The Saga of USAF Senior Airman Lance Castle, after refusing the CV-19 bio-weapon.

Here’s a video of him being extracted from his cell.

This man was dubbed an “insider threat,” given 60 days pre-trial confinement (missed the birth of 1st born), and sent to a court martial to stand trial on 5 UCMJ Charges.

#LanceCastle #USAF “NG” NOT GUILTY

Made up bullshit! This Commander and Group Commander should see the inside of a jail cell! Tyrants!

There needs to be an immediate congressional investigated on the entire Mission Support Group Command at Cannon AFB, New Mexico in regards to the unlawful actions taken towards SrA Castle! @CannonAFB_Image
Feb 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Here’s Army General James Rainy, Commanding General, Army Futures Command (@armyfutures)

“At leader level, we make some big gigantic costly mistakes, people get hurt.”

Yes, kinda like the weaponized medical devices that have injured many and unlawfully discharged those who tried to WARN that “leader level.” @JimRainey10 Image
May 26, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
COL Vindman’s prosecution team cross-exam and my responses (highlighted) in transcript.

28Apr22, I was convicted in a Court Martial after submitting protected communication (Article 138) to Command about CV19 products.

The same FDA who waived GMP, is now warning the public. ImageImage My duties are to help protect my brothers and sisters in uniform against non-battle related injuries.

To this day, I am still being retaliated against for doing my job.

…and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

CEASE & DESIST! ImageImage
May 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Law of Nature and natures God. Image Laws of Nature and natures God.

…but where can those be found?


Reliance of the Laws of Nature and natures God is the bedrock underneath the “shinning city on the hill.”

DIG! Take back Dominion!

Gen 1: 26-28

“A Republic, if YOU can keep it.”

May 19, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Know more to say NO MORE!

The Constitution for U.S.A is a specified standard to keep the government from becoming arbitrary.

Constitution was derived f/
1. 1100 Chart of Liberties
2. 1215 Magna Carta
3. 1628 Petition of Rights
4. 1641 Grand Remonstrance
5. English BoR Our Constitutions were not inventions, but inheritances, designed to help secure and protect Liberty.

Liberty = Freedom + Morality (Laws of Natures and Natures God)

“Do no harm”

“Love thy neighbor”

“Among these….”
May 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
As a man, one who was appointed trustee of The Office of FIRST LIEUTENANT MARK C. BASHAW, it would be insane and slavery to assume that I signed away my natural God-given rights, while I swore an oath to defend those rights against enemies foreign & domestic, so help me God. ImageImage…

Our rights are our individual possessions, they ARE NOT ideas.

We each have possession/property to our rights and rights to our property.

Through virtue and knowledge, liberty is secured

Liberty = freedom + morality
May 6, 2023 19 tweets 9 min read
I took this swab out of a QuckView C19 test kit and put it under a microscope.

The DOD forced 3 different brands of these kits on Service Members: QuickView, BinaxNow, and Inteliswab.

I got Court Martialed and convicted after trying to warn about these experimental products. ImageImageImageImage For reference, here is a standard Q-tip. ImageImage
Jan 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
@Jim_Jordan @RepThomasMassie
Right now, the DOD has hundreds of thousand of Whistleblowers who submitted Protected Communications to their Chain of Command, only to get destroyed!

FULL INVESTIGATION IMMEDIATELY! Per the U.S.C/Regulations, ANYONE who submitted protected communications to their Chain of Command, whether it was in their Religious Accommodation Requests, Article 138 UCMJs, e-mails, et al, are Whistleblowers.
…and their is an over abundance of retaliation evidence!