Mark Hackett Profile picture
Explorer of faith & American church culture. No longer checking this account. Find me on Threads:
Jun 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
White evangelicalism always needs an enemy, otherwise the entire belief system starts to collapse.

Understanding what "the enemy" actually is doesn't really matter. Hence the white evangelical belief that liberalism, communism, and democratic socialism are all the same thing. Nuance doesn't really matter here. Ignorance is embraced. Ignorance is bliss.

Using a bogeyman to instill fear that keeps more moderate adherents in line and from questioning the real problems in white evangelicalism is the only purpose here.
May 19, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Earlier this year, I read the fabulous (and hard) book “Jesus & John Wayne” by @kkdumez.

I’ve been trying to write this piece on and off ever since, finally beginning with this a few weeks ago:

“It’s all true. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.”… #wct This book resonated a lot with me. I’ve been inside various expressions of evangelicalism for most of my life.

There have always been things in evangelicalism I’ve seen that I found confusing or hypocritical. I could never really nail down what was at the heart of it though.