MJ Hundertmarkđź«€MD, PhD Profile picture
Clinical Scientist @dzhi_wuerzburg + @UniofOxford with special interest in HF&energy metabolism. Chair @dgimev Junge Internisten; Read more than Tweet
Apr 18, 2023 • 10 tweets • 10 min read
Out ahead of print in @CircAHA and displaying the first 2.5 years of my DPhil @RDMOxford @UniofOxford : EMPA-VISION RCT, investigating the hypothesis that #sglt2i mediate their benefits in #heartfailure via augmentation of cardiac energy metabolism

doi.org/10.1161/CIRCUL… As SGLT2i induce glucosuria and thus, increase lipolysis and formation of ketone bodies like b-OHB, it was assumed that this effect might mediate their benefits in HF. But is this true? Well, we’ve tested it