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MJJ Repository: Archiving the facts and history of Michael Jackson. Uncovering the truth through court records and extensive analysis.
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Mar 9 4 tweets 2 min read
Imagine being a self-described journalist in 2025 (@mulkerrins) writing paragraphs about James' "mental tour" through the "sex" he says he had daily at iconic locations around NL.

Without acknowledging the aforementioned train station never existed in his abuse timeline—at all. Image In another paragraph the author even acknowledges, per James, "the abuse tailed off as Safechuck reached his teens."

This is consistent with his 4 versions of lawsuits where he has their "relationship" tapering off by 1990. Three years before the station began construction. Image
Sep 10, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Today in 04, MJ's defense filed a motion calling out Melville's factual errors in refusing to reduce MJ's egregious $3M bail.

The county max for comparable charges was $435K.

Sneddon: "MJ is no ordinary defendant & the bail schedule does not apply to him."

"Celebrity justice." Image In the ruling, Melville baselessly suggested MJ had plans to travel to Brazil after sending the Arvizo family there (via hot air balloon?)

Except MJ had no involvement in any of those conversations, nor did he plan to go there.

Melville quoted non-existent remarks in decision.
Aug 27, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Summary of the motions last week:

GRANTED: Motion to quash subpoenas seeking body photos etc. This was the most important defense motion.

DENIED: Motion to enforce professional conduct by plaintiffs.

POSTPONED UNTIL OCT. 22 2024: Trial readiness & complex case considerations. RE: Subpoenas

Judge Whitaker noted the prior unsuccessful requests made by Wade/James in 2014-18.

"To the extent Plaintiffs wished to seek relief from that order, they have not done so...subpoenas directly violate that order."

The one exception being the new request to SBCSO. Image
Aug 21, 2024 13 tweets 7 min read
The Wade/James court hearing tomorrow centers on three agenda items:

1. Trial readiness and tentative scheduling

2. Motion to enforce professional conduct by Wade's attorney(s)

3. Motion to quash four subpoenas to LAPD/SBSO/LADA/SBDA

The context behind each is as follows: Image RE: Trial Readiness

The defense proposed a trial date of August 17, 2026 to allow 18 months for discovery, depositions, other calendar commitments and pre-trial motions. The plaintiffs did not object.

If honored, both sides will have until fall 2025 to finish major prep work. Image
Jun 19, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
From the original 11-page handwritten memo of Jordan's allegations, sold to the media in '93.

"Jordan stated he & Evan met with MJ & attorneys, and confronted him with ALLEGATIONS in AN EFFORT TO MAKE A SETTLEMENT and AVOID A COURT HEARING."

They never wanted court of any kind. Image This is the same meeting detailed in Ray/Evan's book, where they outright admit to demanding $20M and how, had MJ just paid Evan it, he could've remained unscathed.

Instead, MJ staunchly refused any such demand including Evan's subsequent $1M pleading he sought later that month. Image
May 26, 2024 16 tweets 9 min read
In Wade's suit he depicts himself as a superstar on an unmatched trajectory to fame & fortune if not for the realization of "abuse" in his 30s.

"It is not a question of whether Robson would have [continued to be] successful."

But he was already in major career decline by then. Image By 2009, Wade openly admitted that he and his wife were depleting all of their time and money attempting to write failed short films and screenplays. Including the one filmed at NL.

"I spend most of my time saying no to jobs, probably to my own demise."

May 10, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read
Keller's opening in motion:

"Plaintiffs’ new counsel, John Carpenter, has a problem: no matter which way one cuts it, his clients are inveterate liars... Carpenter has taken to a new tack, to poison the jury pool by making numerous false and misleading statements to the press."
Image In illustrating Carpenter's media rounds, she quotes his Daily Mail interview that the biopic "is normalizing very dangerous behavior—sure it will be used by padophiles."

Which is particularly ostensive, considering LN promoted extremely pro-pedophilia normalization throughout.
Apr 5, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Keller puts into writing what should had been obvious to everyone since 1993:

"The photos...were the result of a court-ordered search based on a false statement in what became a discredited criminal investigation."

The body search ruined state's case—evidenced by the following: Image 36 days elapsed from the body search on Dec. 20, 1993 until the time of the civil settlement on Jan. 25, 1994.

At no point in those 36 days did either DA (Garcetti/Sneddon) present the pics/affidavits/Jordan's recorded interview/officer testimony to the court as cause to arrest.
Apr 4, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Once again TMZ distorts reality in it's guilt promo over the defense's motion to quash what is now the 3rd attempt since 2013 for the men to get MJ's body pics.

Back in 2013 LAPD itself had already declined the subpoena requests indicating they are exempt from public disclosure. Image Yes, the defense also filed a motion to quash these subpoenas as part of their own in-depth justifications as to why the request should be court-denied. Just as they did back in 2017-2018.

A hearing has been reserved for June 6 at 8:30 to discuss this motion with the judge.
Mar 22, 2024 16 tweets 8 min read
Several noteworthy observations from Mesereau's "Complex Civil Case Questionnaire" filed this week.

The filing is to argue that these consolidated cases (Wade/James) have "all the hallmarks of a complex case," which is what Judge Whitaker suggested in the Feb. 28 status hearing. Image Tom estimates 65-75 witnesses for the consolidated civil trial.

By comparison, the 2005 criminal trial saw 144 witnesses from Feb. 28 to June. 3.

The estimate relates to the abuse timespans, complex causes alleged, 30-35+ year gap in making the claims, LN participation & more. Image
Mar 1, 2024 19 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: Robson/Safechuck Case Status as of February 2024.

As part of the case management hearing this week, the plaintiffs (Wade/James) and defendants (MJJ Productions/MJJ Ventures) submitted written narratives outlining the current state of their cases and anticipated plans. The defense outlined the lengthy history of these matters, dating back to 2013 when Wade filed his estate claim (followed by James in 2014).

Since the men's claims were barred against the estate, they came up with a new theory to go after the companies for compensation instead. Image
Jan 22, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Since the grotesque Dimond-sourced "Think Twice" podcast from a year ago has resurfaced as a featured free item on Apple, here is a repost of my 3-part thread outlining the deceit.

To date, neither host nor their "fact checkers" have addressed any of it.

When a podcast insists it is not there to convince people of MJ's guilt or innocence, then spends hours regurgitating paid tabloid stories that Dimond further embellishes—without once acknowledging how these claims were demonstrably false under oath—it is purely gaslighting.
Jul 28, 2023 11 tweets 8 min read
THREAD: This should be the mindset of every logical human on the planet:

It's my opinion that men who have repeatedly, undisputedly lied about material facts of their claims both inside & outside of court should not be dignified with a 12TH chance at a "not about money" 🤑 case. Image Wade claiming in his sworn declaration 10+ YEARS AGO that he had no knowledge of the estate until 2013—purely to circumvent the statutes—whereas 7 undisputed facts proved he had knowledge of it no later than 2011, was not an action done in good faith by a truth-focused person.

Jun 13, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
June 13, 2005.

"I ask all of you to wait to hear the truth before you label or condemn me—I'll be acquitted and vindicated when the truth is told." -MJ

More than 60 days of testimony. 3+ month trial. 33 hours of jury deliberations. A total vindication.

#MichaelJacksonInnocent Image COUNT 1 - VERDICT:

We the Jury in the above-entitled case, find the Defendant [Michael Jackson] NOT GUILTY of Conspiracy as charged in Count One of the Indictment.

DATED: 13 June, 2005

SIGNED: Foreperson #80 Image
May 26, 2023 32 tweets 13 min read
THREAD: After a disastrous gloss-over of material facts and blatant falsification of others in the Chandler scandal—including the use of Dimond and Francia as defacto sources—did the pay-for podcast fair any better when detailing the Arvizo case?

(Spoiler: Not in the slightest.) It opens by excerpting the overplayed soundbite from LWMJ with Gavin, cutting it just as all the media did in 2003-2005 before MJ and Gavin both confirm MJ slept on the floor.

Also omitting how another adult slept in the room, and the complete context.

May 16, 2023 22 tweets 11 min read
THREAD: By ep. 2 of the last podcast cash-in, it becomes evident that every producer and purported fact-checker involved should be forever stripped of any journalistic credence they previously claimed to possess.

Blind promotion of knowingly false propaganda by Dimond & Francia. For context—Dimond was physically at court during Blanca's train wreck testimony. As usual, she exited during CROSS to give Nancy Grace updates.

For this podcast, the hosts & Dimond and Smith collectively omit any mention of Blanca's testimony, sticking only to Hard Copy claims. ImageImage
May 13, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: Breaking down the deception present in the kickoff topic alone, within the latest opportunistic podcast.

Cohosted by Leon Neyfakh & Jay Smooth, many support staff & two self-described fact checkers—none of whom seem willing to engage in debate versus blocking and muting. It takes all of 5 minutes into the 519 minute podcast—the latest cross media cash-in to exploit MJ's name in promotion of premium services—to recognize their blatant slant and all the fallacies of neutrality.

Launching it with an omissive portrayal of MJ's 1994 NAACP appearance.
Mar 12, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
In the @NYtimes special, @LizDDay includes bits from Blanca's depo.

But conveniently cuts it right before the moment Blanca says it was never Pellicano harassing, threatening or following her.

Blanca in fact names @NYtimes as the ones pursuing her. Why not include this bit Liz? Later @LizDay adds vagueness to the briefcase story, making viewers believe Gary went to "one of MJ's properties" for briefcase without making it clear this was the property that had already been raided.

She omits Hearne explaining it was visible to LEO and seen in photos at GJ.
Aug 4, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read

Lily Chandler (JC's younger sister) & Tabitha Marks (JC's ex) have requested the same extension as estate to file their response (Oct. 3).

Yes. These two non-parties are—FOR THE 6TH YEAR—still forced to argue Finaldi's repeatedly rejected motions for depo. Despite Finaldi implying he'd not compel anyone to be deposed, his continued actions prove otherwise.

Lily explained in 2016 she had no recollection of interacting w/ MJ and had never witnessed any sexual abuse.

Tabitha didn't know JC until '08 and has no relevance to timeline.
Jul 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

The court will be consolidating both cases for oral arguments (as they did in 2019) and has proposed consolidating both cases for a single final opinion as well.

Estate now has until October 3 to reply to Wade's brief, but may request more time. The consolidation of cases for a single ruling is controversial and was opposed by estate the last time.

This is because each case is very unique even though Finaldi pretends they are identical (and with same causes of action).

Wade's was summary judgment, James' was demurrer.
Jun 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
ARCHIVES: Janet Arvizo's "Please Don't Judge Me!" Trial Reenactment

When Janet took the stand, her responses became uncomfortable pleadings to the jury (to the extent that even Zonen had to object).

Here's Janet acting out the absurd tale of MJ repeatedly licking Gavin's hair. Amid the media stories about this narrative (which circulated widely from the Grand Jury leaks) Stacy Brown & Bob Jones attempted to work it into their sensational book about Jordan, too.

But under oath Bob Jones denied ever seeing such an incident at all under any circumstance. Image