MK Genest 🌊 Profile picture
Viva la #Resistance Politics, Art, Music, Sarcasm, Geek, Dork, But mostly Politics. IG:
Jan 28, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
What movie (or even just movie scene) did you see as a child that scarred your freaking mind? You know there's at least one. I have a bunch. 1 was Something Wicked The Way Comes and another was The Gate. Oh yeah and Killer Klowns From Outer Space gave me nightmares for weeks. Lol There was this scene from an unknown movie I saw twice (turned the tv on at the same exact part both times. Freaky) it was this girl in te basement thing and she sees a baby in a carriage and picks it up and it like turned to bones...then she woke up and went to the bathroom...