How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App course, this may be a Russian PSYOPS, as various Russian telegram accounts are trying to emphasize, which is supposed to cause fear in the West and force Ukraine and Western countries to agree to Russian conditions.,🇷🇺still intend to oust the AFU from the Kursk region, which is why they continue to move military units north from other directions. In this way, the 38th and 64th Mechanized Rifle Brigades, which have so far operated in the Polohy area,will be transferred from AG Wostok Russians reinforced the troops fighting in the Koronevo area with the following units: the 56th regiment of the 7th airborne assault division and the 51st and 173rd regiments of the 106th airborne division. All of these units were relocated from the Eastern Front. basic issue is that the plan was not presented by Trump himself, but by "his man". In this way, the presidential candidate left the door open for introducing changes and then accusing Vance of "not understanding something" will not translate the entire text, but only the conclusions drawn from it. Once again, I will emphasize that I do not know to what extent they will turn out to be true, but they provide some explanation for the current activities of the AFU in Donbas: yesterday I wrote that the situation in Novogrodivka is very strange, the AFU is not fighting, but is methodically withdrawing from the city, which has not happened in this direction so far. the night of August 6, the AFU attacked two villages in the Kursk region, namely Svierdlikovo and Oleshna. The first one was captured without military action, in the second there was a small shootout.