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hi there! call me Mango! 🧑😊πŸ₯­ 29 | they/them | RN | INFJ | virgo | wrote NurseCon AU now doing MerAU and werebear AU's for Hankcon | NSFW content πŸ”žπŸ”žπŸ”ž
Nov 6, 2021 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Warm up writing thread! Just gonna blurb some of the Vibes i got from the dream i had last night.

Hankcon human AU! dont expect this to be a full thing. details are fuzzy- maybe something like- Connor inviting Hank home with his family for Thanksgiving or something?

NSFW πŸ”žπŸ₯΅πŸ˜ It's the night before Thanksgiving, and Hank is in a room he has to admit is perhaps.. a bit young for him. Crochet-knit animals line a couple of shelves along the walls, painted a cheery pastel pink and yellow. There's lace curtains down the windows, where it's dark out, the
Sep 26, 2021 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Gonna thread some gay vibes because fuck the homophobes

Hankcon cowboy au, just going for Vibes don't expect this to be a finished thing, I still need to update vamp au πŸ˜‚ --

Hank Anderson rocks easily with the swaying of his horse, not a care in the world as he looks out over the hot desert ground. Clumps of scrub brush cover the land, and his dutiful horse steps carefully around growing cactus. He tries to keep her on the trail, nothing more
Sep 19, 2021 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Had a mental breakdown at work today after working 12 hours so here have some soft Hankcon thoughts that helped get me through it

No guarantee I'll ever finish or continue this I just want something to put feelings in to

Were Bear Hank epilogue with Witch Connor extra scene --

It's early fall. The leaves are crisp, molten orange and sunny yellow. Dashes of brown and red color the leaves, and there's a crunch underfoot as Connor opens the door to his cottage, and peers out.

He can see slight indents to the ground, places where someone heavy walked.
Feb 23, 2021 β€’ 58 tweets β€’ 11 min read
I can't believe we're doing this..🀦

Hankcon Biker AU

cw alcohol


Connor knows how this works. There's a certain order of how things are done.

So he starts where anyone does: the beginning.

He hangs around the bar, chatting & shooting the breeze with anyone who'll carry a conversation with him, but he's careful to talk to the ones with the bright neon blue patch at their arms, with the sigil on their backs.

The bar where the Jericho crew hangs out in between rides is called Simon's Place- a small, low-ceiling bar, lit with red neon.
Feb 22, 2021 β€’ 60 tweets β€’ 11 min read
Kaye cursed me with this brain idea for Hankcon and Im not gonna do the whole thing just kind of like... the Big Reveal where everything falls apart and comes to light because thats the Fun part so here we go

based/inspired by Kaye's brain baby here! --cw for threat of death, gag, blindfold, mention of guns--

Connor knows things have gone bad for him, because when he wakes up, his hands are bound behind his back; there's a blindfold over his eyes, and a gag strapped tight against his mouth.

Rough hands grab him, force him
Feb 15, 2021 β€’ 44 tweets β€’ 8 min read
Hank and Connor Titanic AU

cw for major main character deaths with our two leads, descriptions of drowning. will find a light at the end of the tunnel but the cws are there for a reason! there is hope at the end tho, I promise, if you stick with me!

gonna keep it short, folks Hank is a wealthy businessman, prominent among the upper class of European and American society. His wife died in childbirth years ago, and his son lives in America where he goes to school. Hank is on the Titanic as a means to rub elbows with the rich and return home to manage
Jan 4, 2021 β€’ 24 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Small town veterinarian Hank who works at a clinic, has to hire a new receptionist because the old one quit and Gavin is not exactly a person that reflects compassion and caring when hissing at people at 8am before he's had his coffee.

Enter Connor.

Young and serious about his future, dedicated and committed. Working towards going to veterinarian school himself. A bright and charming demeanor, maybe not perky and sunshiney, but he has a certain controlled air about him that resonates well with clients bringing in their four-legged patients.
Dec 29, 2020 β€’ 66 tweets β€’ 12 min read
Don't want to be at work rn but here have some Hankcon Hades/Persephone AU because between Hadestown and the game Hades, we just might as well

FYI there's gonna be some creative liberties not accurate to the original myth, no kidnapping gonna be involved here. Let me have thisπŸ˜‚ (**)

The pomegranate seed crunched between Connor's teeth as he popped one into his mouth. Taken fresh from the tree, there was still a tang from the fruit after he had pried the flesh of the fruit open with his very hands.

A chill, and an accompanying tug pulled at Connor when
Dec 23, 2020 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 3 min read
God better talk about this now while my head is in the mood and I have this present in my mind-- need to make sure I remember it, but--

Its been a year since I started it, so can I talk about Werebear AU again? Namely what happens to Niles after he's freed from his own curse, just as Hank was, now content to live in and out of Hank and Connor's life. He can't bring himself to stay more than a couple days before he becomes overwhelmed and needs to get some time away from them.

Like don't get him wrong. He loves his brother, and he loves Hank.
Dec 19, 2020 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 2 min read
This idea has been wiggling around in my head for a while and I don't write much geraskier content but akfkfkfkk want soft and these two are the Cutest so-!!
Geralt finds the horse tangled up in a patch of wild nettles and rope off the road between one contract and the next. The horse looks horribly out of sorts, marked up with scrapes after running away from who knows what. There's a wild look to its eyes, ears pinned back, shifting restlessly as Geralt approaches on the road.

The horse looks out of place, here, on the middle of the road with
Nov 12, 2020 β€’ 25 tweets β€’ 5 min read
@_kiriani @detwoit well then please allow me-- πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

Connor flits his eyes back over to Professor Anderson, who's giving him an odd look, starting to grow increasingly concerned.

"You all right, Con?"

The student blinks, and shakes his head, looks back to his wheel, as if *that's* the real issue @_kiriani @detwoit he's struggling with. "Oh- yeah I'm fine," he murmurs.

He feels more than he sees Professor Anderson's note of concern. "That clay giving you some trouble?"

Connor only gives him a quick glance from one side. "Oh- yeah. A little bit."

The professor makes his way over.
Nov 12, 2020 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@detwoit @_kiriani Ajfkdkkdfkfk omg PLEASE--

Connor the class aid getting flustered whenever he watches Hank throw clay on the wheel to demonstrate in front of students, face turning red, all fluffed up when Hank compliments Connor's own work @detwoit @_kiriani Oops I live here now

Sometimes when Connor is stressed he comes to the art room late at night to just.. Create. Bowls, plates, vases. Lets his mind drift away even when it's almost 12 at night, his anxiety and stress melting away from the malleable, grained clay in his palms-
Nov 11, 2020 β€’ 28 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Hankcon modern vampire AU same universe as the mini thread I wrote last year, no I don't care it's not October, anymore, spooky season lives on in our hearts πŸ’• 🧑

Generalized warning for consensual blood drinking vampirism and absolutely no plans for where this might go, enjoy! (**)

Hank has been donating blood for *years*, now. It started as something he did for extra credit in college, but the habit stuck with him ever since, and he liked the idea of being able to help from something where he hardly had to give any effort. Just plop down in a chair
Sep 27, 2020 β€’ 45 tweets β€’ 9 min read
Where this thread originated- gonna just pick it up from here and give it it's own place.

After the failed android rebellion, Hank finds Connor-51's body in the evidence room, where he takes him home, and tries to fix him up. Details of the start here:


Hank doesn't waste a single moment going to work. He scours the internet forums for any kind of hint or clue as to what he has to do, and he holds onto the smallest spark of hope to keep him going. He keeps it small, and doesn't allow it to grow larger than it needs
Sep 26, 2020 β€’ 17 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Really want to write a thread based on my first run of DBH, which was FUCKED. I deviated like a good bean with Markus, but Connor died escaping Jericho, condemning me to a locked-in machine route I had no way out of (thanks for nothing, dabid, too bad I cant deviate on the roof) Im so salty about that for the rest of my days let me deviate w/ Hank dammit

B/c then I got all this cold, bitter and angry dialogue from Hank after we were BEST FRIENDS and not what I wanted at ALL and it sucked and it hurt

(the only other time I died was in the evidence room)
Jul 20, 2020 β€’ 26 tweets β€’ 5 min read
WHOOP based off a dream i had last night πŸ‘€

some kind of post-apocalyptic scenario- Hank retired from police work and lives on a ranch in the middle of nowhere with just Sumo and some animals. whatever caused the end of the world never really reached his small part of the world. He lives his life doing whatever just staying on the ranch. The big old farmhouse he lives in is fully stocked with food and supplies- the guy Hank bought the place from was a survival nut, and his family never bothered clearing much out after the old man died.
Jun 21, 2020 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 2 min read
I'm not gonna start this rn or anything but I've had it in my head so I'll just spit out some of my ideas and I know it's been done on TJ before by the lovely Bee but ajfjfjksn hades and persephone but make it Hankcon AU 😩 πŸ§‘πŸ§‘πŸ˜­πŸ™ Connor as Persephone god/dess of spring, the child of Demeter (Amanda), who's the Goddess of I think the harvest? Hank as Hades, who was tricked into the role as God of Death and the Underworld by his godly siblings as a means to get his son back after his untimely demise-
May 12, 2020 β€’ 17 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Gonna thread some Hankcon blurb right here because I'm at work and frazzled because I'm worried about my cat and I need something productive and distracting to focus on during the less busy part of my shift

Not planning on making this blurb a thread it is just a Blurb Maybe in the future Ill add on to it if people want More but that's a Future Mango concern

I can't tell if Im having anxiety or if it's the adhd because I haven't had coffee in a while but okay just sit back and enjoy the ride

Angel/demon Hankcon au snippets or something enjoy
Dec 5, 2019 β€’ 29 tweets β€’ 6 min read
it's sugar baby connor/sugar daddy hank hours i guess so here we go

When Hank started sugaring, it hadn't initially been sexual. It was just something he did because he had the funds as a CEO, he was bored, and he liked having someone cute and pretty to hang off his arm when he attended important social and political events. Someone he could show off, adorn with things just as pretty, with crystals and precious gemstones, but also someone who could insight envy from his opponents and competitors.

Hank had two sugar babies before he met Connor that
Nov 12, 2019 β€’ 27 tweets β€’ 5 min read
I know it's November but I don't care I have vampire ideas for Hankcon rn so-

Brought to you by: that primal feel when you suck out ice cream through a small hole in an ice cream cone

Cw for normal blood and vampirey stuff, vampConnor human Hank, willing blood donor Hank has donated blood for vampire and non-vampire purposes for years, now. Apparently he's an excellent donor, real great veins that are easy to access and a rich balance of nutrients.

He does it less frequently, though, ever since Connor.

The vampire is small and young and
Nov 9, 2019 β€’ 43 tweets β€’ 8 min read
Alright kids! Part 5 of Aquarium MerAU!!!!😭🧑 we're through the worst of it for now. gonna say same cw for thoughts/mention of suicide and self-depreciating thoughts but the worst is over. if there's something i think needs a cw though i'll put one in

thank you all for reading! /The water takes him./

But it isn't for very long.

For an indiscernible amount of time, all Hank can see is that blue. It burns his eyes, burns his lungs, and he welcomes it. Welcomes what will be a goodbye to this horrible fucking world, to a world that takes away sons who