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Tracking Missouri Education Policy. Contributing to Local Control MO Substack and @armorvine
Oct 22 8 tweets 3 min read
A cautionary tale of SchoolChoice™️.

Sweden. Incrementalism.

The 1992 “Conservatives” led Sweden put in Universal School Choice Vouchers. Then 18 years later, they banned homeschooling and started to prosecute parents.

Homeschoolers started to flee to other countries. Image
A national curriculum was imposed in 2011. Image
Oct 17 21 tweets 7 min read
🧵 1/ We have all now heard about the Corey DeAngelis controversy. But what’s really crazy, is that Republicans & Libertarians are ignoring that the NGO that he worked for, American Federation for Children, AFC, is pushes DEI, SEL, Social Justice, etc. Image 🧵 2/ American Federation for Children, AFC, has a few projects. One called “Black Minds Matter.” Image
Oct 2 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/ The Fetzer occultists documents explaining their channeling of Archangel Micheal.

Fetzer idolizes occultist Alice Bailey.
Image 🧵2/ Channeling Archangel Micheal by Jim Gordon for John Fetzer.

Fetzer documents.
Sep 8 14 tweets 6 min read
🧵 1/ CASEL and their SEL framework has seeped into tech schools and workforce training.

It not just for welding and HVAC training anymore. It’s embedded into the CTE. The “credentialing.”

All a part of Obama’s 2009 P20W Cradle to Career agenda that is still playing out today. Image 🧵2/ Missouri is still using the P20W Council and funded in the #moleg 2023 budget.


What is it?…
May 18 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/ CDC WSCC & SEL are coming to a Missouri School near you.


Through MO DESE’s “collaboration” with MO Healthy Schools, MO Shape, & Shape America.

It always starts with a grant. #moleg 🧵2/ MO Healthy Schools is an NGO that MO DESE has allowed to drive the “wellness” policies in Missouri Schools. Image
Apr 28 16 tweets 6 min read
🧵1/ “School Choice”

United Nations (UNESCO) SDG4.

Using Non-State Actors to move all education to a “single system.”

What is a non-state actor? Image 🧵2/ IGOs, NGOs, MNCs. Image
Apr 24 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ @cody4mo and House Rep Ed Lewis defend spending $525,000 in the #moleg State Budget for “Character Education” that is all based on CASEL’s SEL.

Listen here
Image 🧵2/ CharacterPlus is the vendor #moleg is going to allocate $525,000 of taxpayer funding to.

House Budget Chair @cody4mo and Rep Ed Lewis defended funding this SEL organization on the House floor 4/2/24. Image
Apr 18 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ What is an EAO?

The Govt School Choice Vouchers are ran through MOScholars program.

The school choice lobby wants to expand that MOScholars statewide.

EAOs are handpicked by the treasurer to administer the program. Image 🧵2/ The EAOs duties are listed into state law from 2021 mini ESA covering the larger populated areas of Missouri. Image
Mar 9 4 tweets 3 min read
Pro-Government School Choice groups in Missouri heavily pushed Common Core back in 2013. They are also operated and connected to Teach for America and KIPP Charters.

Government School Choice is the book end to the Common Core initiative. Image Look into your state groups behind Charter Schools and government school choice.

Here is more on CEAM’s Teach for America and KIPP connections.

Then Director of CEAM and Teach for America alumni, Kate Casas, basically wrote a love letter to her mentor, Wendy Kopp with KIPP.
Feb 22 4 tweets 2 min read
MO DESE’s Competency-Based Education pilot (pushed by Republicans) is using the Aurora Institute who is a DEI/CRT mess.

They just captured more schools in Missouri.

2/ Aurora Institute uses Competency-Based Education to “ensure just outcomes for each student, raising marginalized voices, and challenging the imbalance of power and privilege.”
Feb 19 11 tweets 6 min read
🧵 1/

@MOFreedomCaucus ‘s @Koenig4mo gives illegals immigrants 160-175% more $$ than MO Citizens.

Neoliberals use “Empowerment” leg & race Marxism to sell GOVT school choice.

SB 727 incentives illegals to come Missouri & set up charter schools for collective empowerment. 🧵 2/

@MOFreedomCaucus @koenig4mo’s SB 727 gives 160-175% more taxpayer to illegals than Missouri citizens.

How? Read the bill.

$271 million available to illegals at $10,800-11,800 for each illegal.

How much do Missouri citizens in public schools receive? $1,000-$6750. Image
Nov 11, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
#moleg @hrehder’s HB 447 gave sweeping authority to DESE to create new “Family and Health” standards. Here is what they are getting ready to mandate on Missouri public schools. All thanks to Missouri Republicans that voted for this.

1/ Image 2/ SEL Standards that the State Board of Ed just tabled. They have resurfaced here. #moleg Image
Oct 23, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 1/ The MO State Legislature voted to fund Competency-Based Education (CBE).

The $2 million grant is now available. #moleg

Who is MO DESE teaming up with to guide CBE?

Aurora institute. Image 🧵 2/ Republicans pass the bills and hand off the implementation to the most radical left organizations in the country. #moleg Image
Oct 16, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Now that #moleg and DESE are fast tracking mandating SEL and Big Tech assessments, what’s next on the horizon?

Competency-Based Education.

All from O’Laughlin/Arthur’s 2022 Ed Omnibus Bill. SB 681/662.

2/ MO DESE is teaming up with radical left progressive Aurora Institute to build the framework for Missouri classrooms.

#moleg Image