MSF International Profile picture
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation.
Andrea Salzano Profile picture Uranium257☢️🛑🇺🇸 Profile picture Sarah Pratt🏴‍☠️ #HappyWarrior #FreePalestine✊🇵🇸 Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 16 4 tweets 1 min read
Today, 16 July, following strikes, MSF teams responded yet again to mass casualty influx in the MSF clinic and Nasser hospital, south Gaza; and in Al Aqsa hospital, Deir El Balah. This comes just days after Nasser hospital received hundreds of injured and killed. “The scale of loss is staggering, almost every family we encounter has lost a parent, a child, a spouse", says MSF medical team leader Javid Abdelmoneim. "For nine months, we've witnessed near constant death and trauma. No place in Gaza is spared from this bloodshed.”
Jul 14 5 tweets 2 min read
“I have never seen a mass casualty event like today [13 July] Every corner in the hospital was busy. Every space was occupied by the injured or bodies of the dead” says Dr Mohammed Abu Mughaiseeb, MSF deputy medical coordinator, working in Nasser hospital, Khan Younis, south Gaza Image On 13 July, Israeli strikes hit an area in Al-Mawasi, Khan Younis, where thousands of displaced people were sheltering. MSF teams at Nasser hospital, including our staff in the maternity ward, supported the mass casualty response of over a hundred patients.
Jun 25 4 tweets 1 min read
We are outraged and strongly condemn the killing of our colleague, Fadi Al-Wadiya, in an attack this morning in Gaza City.

The attack killed Fadi, along with 5 other people including 3 children, while he was cycling to work, near the MSF clinic where he was providing care. The remnants of the bike of MSF physiotherapist Fadi Al Al-Wadiya, who was killed in an attack on his way to work at the MSF clinic in Gaza City this morning. 25 June 2024 Fadi was a 33-year-old physiotherapist and father of three. He joined MSF in 2018. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones.

Fadi’s loss marks the sixth killing of an MSF staff member in Gaza since 7 October 2023. MSF physiotherapist, Fadi Al-Wadiya, treats a young patient at Bitlahia clinic in the north of Gaza, a health facility previously supported by MSF. 2022
Jun 14 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵An MSF nurse and her nine-year-old daughter have been seriously injured after their apartment building was hit in North Gaza last night, reportedly killing at least seven people, including three children... Image Both have received medical care at Al-Ahli Arab hospital. Despite the severity of their injuries, they are now in a stable condition...
Jun 10 9 tweets 2 min read
🚨Sudan Update: On Saturday, MSF and the Ministry of Health suspended all activities in South Hospital, Al Fasher, North Darfur, after RSF soldiers stormed the facility, opened fire, and looted it, including stealing an MSF ambulance. At the time of the incursion, there were only 10 patients and a reduced medical team as MSF and Ministry of Health teams had started transferring patients and medical services to other facilities earlier this week due to intensified fighting.
Jun 5 5 tweets 1 min read
At least 70 dead people and over 300 wounded, the majority of whom are women and children, have been brought to Al-Aqsa hospital since yesterday following heavy Israeli strikes in the Middle Area of the #Gaza strip. “The odour of blood in the hospital's emergency room this morning was unbearable. There are people lying everywhere, on the floor, outside... bodies were being brought in plastic bags. The situation is overwhelming” - Karin Huster, MSF medical adviser in Gaza.
May 23 4 tweets 1 min read
Al-Awda hospital in Gaza is being forced to close following a terrifying four-day siege, the latest in a series of systematic attacks on healthcare by Israeli forces. Staff and patients were forced to leave one of the only hospitals still functioning in the north of Gaza... 1/4 We have been working in partnership with Al-Awda hospital since 2018. The hospital kept functioning since the start of the war despite horrendous conditions and amid constant attacks on healthcare... 2/4
May 21 4 tweets 1 min read
Raids by Israeli forces in Jenin, #WestBank, Palestine, have left at least 8 people dead, including Dr Osayd Jabarin, a Ministry of Health surgeon from MSF-supported Khalil Suleiman hospital, who was shot on his way to work. The raids are still underway and have also left 20 people injured. Despite reports online, we do not and have never received prior notification about raids, nor their duration.
May 20 4 tweets 1 min read
After a strike on Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza on 18 May, 34 patients were admitted to nearby Al Awda hospital, and amid nearby fighting, the hospital has now run out of drinking water... 1/4 According to our colleagues in Al Awda hospital, and other locations in northern Gaza, the hospital is surrounded by tanks... 2/4
May 8 5 tweets 1 min read
🔴 Gaza:

“The impact of an offensive on Rafah will have disastrous effects for over a million people,” says Aurélie Godard, MSF medical team lead in Gaza.

“Living conditions all over Gaza are already extremely precarious. They will just get worse for people who are being displaced again and will have to live in makeshift tents with extremely limited access to basic necessities such as water... 🧵 “This offensive is also going to further aggravate the damage to the health system, which is barely functioning. Like we saw in the north, some hospitals will no longer be accessible and are at high risk of being hit or destroyed...
Apr 19 4 tweets 1 min read
📢Case dismissed.

After 7 years of fallacious accusations, the Tribunal of Trapani in Italy dismissed all the allegations against MSF and the other search and rescue NGOs falsely accused of aiding and abetting illegal immigration in the Mediterranean.… No time to celebrate. Deaths in the Mediterranean are on the rise as attacks on humanitarian vessels, restrictive policies & deterrent tactics continue. Since 2023, Italian authorities handed out 21 detentions to NGO ships. That's 460 days NGOs couldn't help people in distress at sea.
Apr 2 5 tweets 1 min read
MSF extends our condolences to @WCKitchen (WCK) and the families of the seven aid workers killed in an Israeli strike on 1 April. We are outraged by this deadly attack on humanitarian workers trying to provide food to people in dire need. According to WCK, “the WCK team was travelling in a deconflicted zone in two armoured cars branded with the WCK logo.” Though Israeli forces were notified of the movement, this shows once again that deconfliction mechanisms are unreliable.
Apr 1 6 tweets 2 min read
MSF is horrified that Al-Shifa hospital is in ruins after a 14-day long operation by Israeli forces in and around the facility. Gaza’s largest hospital is now out of service. Given the extent of the destruction, people in the north are left with even fewer healthcare options. Image Access to Al-Shifa hospital was impossible for days, leaving patients without care. On 31 March, according to WHO, 21 patients have died since the hospital came under siege on 18 March and 107 others remain trapped inside, 4 of which are children along with 28 critical patients.
Mar 13 4 tweets 1 min read
On the night of 12/13 March, the Israeli military conducted operations in Jenin, in the West Bank, #Palestine. According to medical personnel at the MSF-supported Khalil Suleiman hospital, at around 3am, people standing in the hospital courtyard were fired on. Six people near the emergency room door were wounded; two of them died as a result of severe head and chest wounds.

Samuel Johann, our project coordinator in Jenin, says: “This is merely the latest act of appalling violence at this hospital.”
Feb 15 4 tweets 1 min read
🔴 Gaza update:

Nasser hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza, was shelled in the early hours of this morning, despite Israeli Forces having told medical staff and patients they could remain in the facility.

Thousands of displaced people were ordered to evacuate it on 13 February...🧵 Following shelling this morning, our staff reported a chaotic situation, with an undetermined number of people killed and injured.

Since the attack, one of our colleagues remains unaccounted for...
Feb 8 4 tweets 1 min read
Living conditions for Palestinians in Rafah, southern Gaza, are desperate.

People are struggling to find clean water, which can cause health risks like diarrhoea, skin diseases, dehydration & hepatitis A.

In response, our teams have started a water distribution programme..🧵 Image Today, our water and sanitation teams are providing an average of 110,000 litres of safe drinking water per day to around 20,000 people.

However, there is still nowhere near enough to go around. Normally, one person needs two to three litres of drinking water per day...
Jan 6 6 tweets 1 min read
After days of artillery fighting in #Gaza's Middle Area and following late morning evacuation order flyers dropped by Israeli forces for neighborhoods around #AlAqsa hospital where MSF works, MSF took the difficult decision to evacuate staff and their families from the area. “It is with heavy conscience that we have to evacuate while patients, hospital staff and many people seeking safety remain in the hospital premises,” says Carolina Lopez, emergency coordinator at Al-Aqsa hospital.
Dec 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🔴 Sudan:

On 19 December, armed men attacked an MSF compound, looting 2 cars & other items from our premises. Due to the security deterioration, we have suspended all medical activities in Wad Madani and evacuated our staff to safer areas of Sudan and neighbouring countries... Following the escalation of violence and RSF take over, about 300,000 people have fled the city according to the UN. Many of those who sought safety in Wad Madani are now undergoing an arduous second displacement as a result of the continuing violence...
Dec 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

Jenin, West Bank: Israeli forces just shot and killed an unarmed teenage boy inside Khalil Suleiman hospital compound. Efforts to save his life from MSF and Ministry of Health doctors were in vain... This morning, Israeli forces stopped ambulances taking discharged patients home outside Khalil Suleiman hospital. Paramedics and ambulance drivers were ordered out of the ambulances, stripped and made to kneel in the street. The patients were left in the ambulances...
Dec 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Ahead of the meeting between European Heads of State, we have a message for each European leader:

We implore you to do whatever is in your power to protect the lives and dignity of Palestinians trapped in Gaza and prevent further abhorrent bloodshed... Over 68 days, relentless Israeli attacks on Gaza have reportedly killed more than 18,000 people, including children, medics and journalists...

In the next 48 hours, you can either continue to issue vain calls for the respect of international law & protection of civilians...
Dec 10, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
#Gaza 10 days since we were forced to stop our support to Martyrs & Beni Shueila clinics after Israeli forces ordered people to evacuate the areas, we are seeing the complete collapse of health care services in the area, along with the rest of the healthcare system in the Strip Nearly half of the consultations we were doing in the clinics were for children under the age of 5. Our wound dressing team was caring for patients who are now left with infected wounds, some of which had worms inside upon arrival.