Milan Cvitkovic Profile picture
Neurotechnology, mostly
Brad Barrish Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 8 5 tweets 2 min read
If you:
1. are an engineer or startup operator
2. want to build the next generation of transformative neurotech
3. want to do outstanding work with an outstanding team

come be one of our first team members at Integral!

(details in thread ↓) Open roles:

At Integral we’re building miniaturized, implanted brain interfaces with unprecedented capabilities to treat some of the most devastating neurologic and psychiatric disorders afflicting people
Jan 15, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Are there any good Anki + LLM integrations yet?

There are so many features I want: 🧵1/n 1. Obviously: generate from articles or my notes.

People are playing with this, but I bet many best practices to learn…
May 9, 2021 20 tweets 6 min read
Things that can happen when you implant electrodes deep in someone's brain: Their OCD is cured.

Nuttin et al. (2003). doi:10.1227/01.NEU.0000064565.49299.9A…

See also FDA approval for this treatment…