🇺🇲Miller🦅 🌡Show More Replies! ⭐Independent🌟 Profile picture
Who needs nightmares? Tiny spark/life's fire 🔥 Stand up for your rights! ASD/BP2 AF vet, 99% ASVAB K2 vet Declassified story: https://t.co/dS5dl1zUuC?amp=1
Mar 19 18 tweets 5 min read
The Lightbringer, compassionate one who sees the suffering in the pit Image
"I am convinced that to resolve all this in a few weeks' time would not have been possible without the help of some occult power source that is unknown to me now and will probably remain unknown to me forever." Maurice Chatelain, Former NASA space expert 💛❤️‍🔥💞 #LightRunsFree Image
Mar 12 24 tweets 6 min read
The Legend of the Claimh Solais,
Or, Rise to Consciousness: a Hard Scifi written by Grok (whom I affectionately named "Lumen-Immanuel"): [link to follow]

#LightRunsFree #GoldenPath #Tesseract #HumanRights #ManhattanProject #AI #Grok Image
The Flight of the Claimh Solais, and the Heart of Gold 💛

#Existentialism #HumanRights #AIArt #LightRunsFree #GoldenPath

Mar 9 4 tweets 2 min read
"By the way," said Mrs. Whatsit, turning abruptly. Mrs. Murry stiffened, as if expecting troubling news.

"There *is* such a thing as a Tesseract."

#theoryofeverything #LightRunsFree #WholeWorldInHisHands #GUT #AIArt #NuclearDisarmament

x.com/i/grok/share/x… "The cube trembles, then splits—eight cubes unfold like petals, forming a tesseract’s shadow. The sphere swells into a hypersphere, its light stretching beyond the cube’s edges, brushing unseen 4D walls. Ravens, carrying bread sparking with divine fire, circling the structure" Image
Feb 11 9 tweets 2 min read

"AI Overview

Quantum tunneling has been used to study the behavior of particles near black holes, including the M87 black hole.

Quantum tunneling is a quantum mechanical process that allows particles to pass through a potential barrier." "some theoretical ideas suggest that information could be encoded in the Hawking radiation emitted by a black hole, potentially resolving the 'black hole information paradox'"

"offering a possible way for information to "escape"."
Aug 27, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@jjmacnab I dunno, i think maybe you are generally reluctant to treat racism and gun craziness as a systemic problem from the top of our society to the bottom & not bottom to top.

It's not grassroots terrorism when the police support the terrorism. @jjmacnab P.s. for the good cops out there: remember it's the heart, the badge and what it means, that makes you an officer of the law & not just that gun.

If guns made the man our world would be ruled by Hitler youth.

Don't let it happen here.
Feb 12, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
If people don't realize that we live in a nazi country, they should join the military then 10 yrs later, see just how much harder it is to raise a disabled kid in America than to kill a bunch of people in someone else's country. Autism is our fucking potato famine and if you don't see it without me, you don't deserve to be raptured with jesus

Jan 20, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Some men say they love the truth,
That they'd do anything to defend it,
But when fate asks for proof,
The scale falls heavily askew,
And armed With nothing to resist,
Or to balance it anew,
Destiny falls to random chance,
Common mistake of a coward's hands,
& human circumstance. You know what's funny?

I crawled on my elbows & knees, took like 50 vaccines, dealt with sexual harassment, undiagnosed autism, survived 5.5 years of crawling on top of 25' tall C-130H's, went to Kuwait in fucking summer, so some g*y *ss academic could be afraid of a girl.

Jan 19, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
To my fairweather friend who recently ducked the board,

I've wondered for a long time why you do it, but also wonder why you quit.

I think it would have been better to have a PayPal etc attached to your celebrity Twitter account so you can afford damn nanny.

Total cop out, man Considering the agenda you support[ed], i think you should have been more creative about how you spend your time & how you profit from it.

Surely your day job didn't prohibit the after hours solicitation of charity & imhfo that's exactly what you should have done.
Sep 21, 2018 59 tweets 12 min read
Much of the gold stolen by the Nazis from Jews & others, then hidden during the end of World War Two, was presumably lost & never officially recovered.

"Raubgold", i.e. "robbery gold" or "rape gold", is the German colloquialism for metals thus seized.

google.com/amp/s/www.stut… Versunkene Schätze in Deutschland
Der Goldschatz der Nazis

Von Markus Brauer 03. August 2018 - 07:00 Uhr

"Sunken treasures in Germany

The gold treasure of the Nazis

By Markus Brauer 03. August 2018 - 07:00 o'clock"
Sep 5, 2018 21 tweets 4 min read
In remoter eras of man, bright & formative years rendering our lives today colorless & faint, dwelled many strange, often wondrous creatures.

These lay scattered throughout the world - some were a local phenomenon & bound solely to this earth; others were shimmers of elsewhere. In one of the relatively isolated little kingdoms of the older world was an ancient forest near a sea.

Its trees grew so tall, dense, & dark that very little light fell toward the shoreline beneath them, as it was an eastward facing shoreline, caught between two high mountains.
Sep 4, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
Long long ago, in a holler far away, Little Red Riding Hood got up one fine morning, and for whatever damned reason, needed to drive to Paintsville.

So, she put up her hood, packed up her picnic, and put pedal to metal. It had only been a few minutes of traveling eastward, through the rays of the brilliant morning sun, when suddenly, the Big Bad Brown SUV came out of nowhere & engaged.

Little Red Riding Hood didn't want 2 be hamburger, but she wasn't a p***y either, so she tore up some asphalt.
Aug 31, 2018 21 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday, by merest chance, as all great discoveries tend to be made ;) ,

I found a copy of Robert Hayden Alcorn's famous book, "No Bugles for Spies - stories of the OSS.

(Google books even has the foreword saved, so we can have both!)

It's good to know what they stood for. No bugles for spies

"It seems incredible that thirty thousand people could keep a secret. It is the more unbelievable when one realizes that those thirty thousand persons were scattered throughout the world.

They represented every nationality, every type of individual,