Madeleine Sumption Profile picture
Director of @MigObs. Research on immigration - visa policy, economic impacts, migrants in the labor market, etc. Media enquiries pls contact Rob McNeil
Oct 5, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
Lots of chat in press about possible plans to review/liberalise work visa policy to address labour shortages – and lots of confusion about what the options are and what they’d actually achieve. Here’s a quick thread on the policy options are and their pros and cons. 1/ Background: workers in skilled jobs paying £25,600+ can already get work visas if workers & employers can handle bureaucracy & costs.
Jobs on shortage list are eligible w lower salary (from £20,480 or £10.10/hr).
Seasonal workers in ag & poultry can get 6-month visa (10.10/hr)
Apr 16, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
NEW: important new report out from @ONS today with first glimpse of the new era of migration stats and it’s pretty interesting.
THREAD… The main report gives revised figures for 9 years to March 2020 using admin data instead of surveys. Total net migration averages 15% higher (43,000/year) in the new data – so not a massive difference given that confidence intervals were around +/- 30-40k anyway
Aug 21, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
Important report today for @ONS provides revised figures for EU and non-EU net migration since 2009. Here's my take on what the key points are.… @MigObs

/THREAD/ It has been clear for some time that something wasn't quite right in the net migration stats. Non-EU net migration looked higher than expected and EU net migration looked lower, when you compare it to other data sources, such as the Annual Population Survey (APS) - see chart