Mable Jiang Profile picture
Beauty is truth; truth beauty. Growing @fslweb3 @gasheroofficial @mooarofficial @stepnofficial | HODLong 后浪 podcast | ex-@multicoincap
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May 22, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
0/ Today we are announcing @Stepnofficial's integration of In-app Purchase in @Apple's AppStore.

It's a big step for us to become the FIRST in history, but it's also only a small step for the Web3 space.

Still long way to go...

It's a Movement!

1/ Apple, with its huge market size, has always taken its users seriously. So do we.

This integration marked the absolute support and trust by Apple for us and the relentless effort of our whole team over the past year.

We will carry on with such trust.

It's a Movement.
Oct 27, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
0/ With @mooarofficial launching soon, here's a thread about growing a Web3-native Superapp, and how that impacts our thoughts on the Find Satoshi Lab (FSL) ecosystem, whose initial traction was bootstrapped by @Stepnofficial. 1/ Back in 2020 I developed a theory that we are likely to find Web3 "Superapps" in Asia, because that was where most of the Web2 Superapps grew out of. I argued that superapps are more aligned with user behaviors in Asia: you get everything solved in one frontend.
Jun 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Some ramblings: I had a conversation with @rebeccadai0 earlier last week about Web3 social - what we lack today is not a messaging app or a community tool, but rather a repetitive activity that a bunch of people keep going back to the same place to do it everyday. Imho it's relatively hard to grow brand-new social behaviors out of a new chat app that's simply dedicated to some "NFT communities". Ownership of the same NFT collection sounds sexy, but it needs deeper bonding than just "sharing the values" to form long lasting relationships.
Jun 2, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
0/ 这是一个关于STEPN近况的反思和一些未来的一些计划和行动的帖子(这是一个双语帖子):

This is a thread about our contemplation of STEPN's current situation and some planned actions (this is a bilingual thread): 1/ 首先,非常非常抱歉最近对大家情感的伤害。因为种种原因,我们这一阵每天都只能睡3、4小时,但这不该成为我们犯错的理由。其实团队如果专注于产品与更新的交付,而不是在疲劳的情况下过度仓促地沟通,可能所有人感受都会更好。我们现在深刻认识到了这一点。
May 20, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
0/ @Jerry10240 & @yawn_rong participated in many AMAs and Twitter Spaces; yet we never summarized our thoughts about @Stepnofficial's present and future in one thread.

This thread is to explain what we believe STEPN is, how we got to where we are, and what we hope STEPN to be: 1/ What is STEPN: an easy bridge between Web2 and Web3. We strive to become one of the easiest onboarding mechanisms for the non-crypto folks to get onto the Web3 rail, starting with a Web3 login
May 7, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
0/ Hey guys, here is a personal update:

Yesterday was my last day at Multicoin. I’m leaving the firm to join @Stepnofficial as the Chief Revenue Officer. It is a big turning point of my career, and it took me a lot of deep thinking in the decision-making process. 1/ I would like to first and foremost thank all my colleagues at Multicoin Capital, with whom I spent the best three years of my career thus far and together built up this amazing asset management business.
Jan 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
0/ @kankanivishal always diligently reminds me of doing my job of translation so here is it - a thread about how I think about "subsidizing" users in Web2 v.s. Web3: 1/ I have come to realized that many believes that the airdrops / rewards are similar to the subsidies in the Web2 apps. To some extent they are - they incentivize new human behaviors.
Dec 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
@MapleLeafCap 今天说的话让他成为了我心目中yyds no.1:

“我的新看法就是以前MMORPG和APP都是像外汇管制 ,现在P2E外汇管制全面放开了,在货币政策独立,资本自由流动之下,汇率不可能稳定。唯一稳定方式是创造持续的对于本国货币的需求, aka 产业升级促使本国货币为刚需品购买的唯一本位。” “换言之就是得有外部现金流进来不断买买买游戏内流通货币,这个除了玩家我觉得需要考虑商家本身的消费。一国货币为啥能成为硬通货且升值而不影响国内经济,一条很重要的理由是,产业升级;升级了之后未来全世界需要构建产业链必须买该国的产品,而且只能用该货币付费。相当于全球寻租,以该货币为锚。”
Oct 22, 2021 22 tweets 4 min read
0/ It was great to grow hand in hand with @EdenNetwork over the past few months. Very thrilled to see the roll-out of this roadmap

In this thread I'd like to offer a version of the roadmap w/ my own interpretation and provide my constructive feedback as a humble community member 1/ Over the 75 days since Eden launched (same day as 1559), Eden has been through a mad ton.

Rome is never built in one day - building an MEV infrastructure requires constant iteration; and we've seen the effort made by the team to continuously strive to do so
Oct 18, 2021 23 tweets 7 min read
0/ This is a thread about how my thinking about the Web3 labor market evolved 👇: 1/ In 2020 when I saw @nowdaoit, I thought "oh cool maybe in the future people can browse through all these different DAOs and pick&choose what they like to engage with. They'll get their contribution paid in the form of tokens, just like how the devs pick projects on @gitcoin"
Jul 25, 2021 13 tweets 11 min read
0/ A full-house at @multicoincap’s friends event in Hangzhou - thank you all! The cohosts @helium @graphprotocol @streamingfastio @solana @ProjectSerum @ProjectGalaxyHQ @perpprotocol @dForcenet @MonteCarloDEX @saffronfinance_ @QilinProtocol @MathWallet & REALY are amazing! 1/ A huge thank-you’s to @ProjectGalaxyHQ for creating the NFT ticket for the event! Whoever showed up during the event was eligible for claiming this NFT to celebrate the moment :)

Drink Moutai (“Multi”) and be happy!…
Jul 18, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
0/ This morning a friend asked me some detailed questions about the governance process of Sushi and made thought more about what we need in the decentralized governance infrastructure: 1/ "The Sushi discounted sales proposal was a formal proposal or a community discussion?"
"More of the latter since it's not on the Snapshot yet"
"Will the voting result have actual power?"
"To move anything in the treasury you'll need the voting approval + multisig approval"
Mar 22, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
0/ In the past I wrote a few thoughts about the NFT space. Over time my thoughts evolved. Compared to 6 months ago, I had developed some new understanding about NFT as a new form of value storage and transmission.

Here's a thread 👇: 1/ Instead of being defined as a general category, NFT should be discussed in relation to a specific medium.
Mar 22, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
0/ Over the past few months, NFT has been a hotly discussed topic. As more and more NFT in different forms start to emerge, I invited Vincent Niu, founder of @dapp_review (acquired by @binance) to hop on the 51% podcast to talk about NFTs.

…… 1/ We originally got to know each other in 2018 because of @GodsUnchained, and have been exchanged opinions about NFTs since then. Vincent has so much to offer in this episode that if you want to learn about the past, present, and future of NFT, you should not be missing out!
Feb 19, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
It’s amazing that over the four calls I had this morning, in three of them we chatted about BSC. There are a lot of heat around this topic rn and I’ll share my honest $0.02 (maybe not things that everyone would necessarily agree to): 1. Rn we are going through a phase where ETH is just so expensive to use, L2s are not ready yet, and the UI of some promising L1 alternatives are not great, high hurdle for users...
Jan 22, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
0/ As we kick off 2021, I’d like to unpack the story of @SushiSwap and @UniswapProtocol and build on the theme of how cultural differences can explain why both ultimately succeeded, despite being direct competitors with virtually identical products. 1/ Recognizing that both could thrive with their own strategies, I draw a comparison between @SushiSwap and @binance, and @UniswapProtocol and @coinbase from various angles, including the form of the product, the frequency of iteration, and the interaction with the public.
Dec 15, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
0/ I listened up to the latest episode of the Uncommon Core by @zhusu and @hasufl where they discussed the top 20 tokens on @coingecko…

Thought it was fun. I had a lot of thoughts as I listened to it 1/ The discussion about privacy tokens $XMR, and related $ZEC, was interesting. There's def doubt re: if adding a layer 2 to an existing L1 with good governance would work (i.e. privacy is feature not a product). IMHO this may be valid but maybe we could think a bit differently
Dec 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
0/ I recently published this episode in Mandarin but seemed like @FTX_Official really got some community members who wanted to learn about our chat. So I thought it'd be interesting to try one of those paid online audio transcribing AI service out

Podcast script link next tweet 1/…

The original audio was in Mandarin and was converted into text via the service at Iflyrec and translated with the help of Google Translation.
Dec 10, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
0/ As recently @TheBlock__ covered FTX on how it achieved a $3.5bn valuation in 1.5 years, we invited Constance Kang, the COO of @FTX_Official, to discuss how they managed to grow with a rapid pace in such a competitive market in this episode.
…… 1/ FTX has achieved a ton this year, and they only started their business 1.5 years ago. They started the year of 2020 by closing the equity financing round strongly, and began to expand aggressively in different regions around the world, despite it was a team of only ~50 people
Dec 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
0/ As the mainnet of @perpprotocol is going live in two weeks, we invited Yenwen Feng @tempofeng, the founder of Perpetual Protocol to be on the 5th episode of 51%. This episode is in Mandarin. Available on Apple Podcast, Ximalaya, and @AudiusProject.

…… 1/ In this episode, we first talked about Yenwen's history as a serial entrepreneur. We discussed why he wanted to work on decentralized perpetual swap product, and how he got inspiration of the product design. We specifically dived deep into the vAMM design of perpetual protocol
Nov 24, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
0/ Today (Nov 24, 2020) is the day that the Yearn Community Proposal for moving the treasury KP3R-ETH to Alpha Homora went effective. It is a good day to have this conversation with @tascha_panpan at @AlphaFinanceLab as the 4th episode of 51%.… 1/ In this episode, we talked about Alpha Finance Lab's vision and why the team started the project. We discussed quite extensively on Alpha Homora, the first product within the product suite of Alpha, especially on how they plan to grow from where they are now.